Archive for October 2, 2014

What is Minister Michael Makuei Lueth up to?

Posted: October 2, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

By Lam Akol

Minister Michael Makuei Lueth, the Spokesman of the Government of South Sudan, shocked his listeners on the BBC Focus on Africa Programme on Tuesday the 30th of September 2014, by his aggressive statements about the mediation of the current IGAD led Peace Talks taking place in Ethiopia.

He said the following:

  1. The Chairman of the mediation, Ambassador Seyoum Mesfin, is biased;
  2. Ethiopia is not neutral ground;
  3. The Troika countries (USA, UK and Norway) are directing the talks through the Ethiopian mediator;
  4. The Troika countries plus the European Union are responsible for the current conflict because they wanted to see regime change in Juba;
  5. The IGAD heads of state and government did not ask the Troika from the beginning what price they were to pay in return for the money Troika was paying for the mediation;
  6. For the above, the peace talks must be relocated from Ethiopia to Nairobi;
  7. That his information is first hand as he is privy to inner knowledge of what is going on.

While he left all of us gasping, we have the right to ask: is this another of Makuei’s characteristic loose tongue or is it Government’s official policy?

Peace is a serious matter indeed, and therefore we will reserve our comment until we hear from the Government whether indeed this is its policy.

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Part-1)

Posted: October 2, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Machar Dhieu

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit we dearly need Your Answer to our prayers concerning crisis in our country (Part One)

BY Daniel Machar Dhieu

Heavenly Father, You are the real creator of this nation South Sudan, we praise You for Your goodness to our nation, giving us blessings far beyond what we deserve. Yet we know all is not right with South Sudan. We deeply need a moral and spiritual renewal to help us meet the many problems we face.

Help us to turn to You in repentance and faith. Set our feet on the path of Your righteousness and peace. We pray today for our nation’s leaders. Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it. You have said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” May this be a new era for South Sudan, as we humble ourselves and acknowledge You alone as our Savior and Lord.

Therefore, we are praying for the following items as mention below

We Pray for Peace in this nation God, you are the source of life and peace. Praised be your name forever. We know it is you who may turn our minds to thoughts of peace. Hear our prayer in this time of crisis. May Your power change our hearts to think for peace.

Give us: Understanding that would put an end to this baseless war or violence; Mercy that quenches hatred, and Forgiveness that overcomes vengeance. Empower all people to live in your law of love

We pray for good Civil Authority in our country

Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, look with mercy on those who rule over us. Grant to our President and his administration the grace to know and do your will. Let them serve all their subjects in truth and righteousness.

Inspire our Mps or lawmakers’ with the courage to make laws for the good of all people rather than the few. Give our Judges your Spirit of wisdom and understanding that they may discern the truth and impartially administer the law.

And let all the people pitch in to make our way of government continue to work.

We pray for good Governance in our country South Sudan

Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the democracy in our country and for the freedom to worship You.  Help the elected government and all in positions of power and authority to govern wisely and for the common good of all.

We Pray for Our President to lead us with Your directives

Lord Jesus, in Your Holy Name, we lifted up our president to You. We know that our leader’s heart is in Your Hand, so we ask You to guide the head of our nation in the way You would have him lead us. Lord, we pray that You would surround our president with wise men and women of moral integrity to advise him and who will direct him to right channel and also to displace developmental agenda and the good of this great nation above their own and whose motives are for what is right to South Sudan.

We pray that You would give our leader discernment, understanding, and knowledge so that our country may know stability internally and external policy. we give You thanks for our president according to Your Word, and thank You for working in and through his leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives and honesty in this nation.

We pray for our National Legislators in the parliament

 Heavenly Father, we thank You for the plan You gave to our forefathers by which to govern our nation and for the division of powers so that our destiny does not rest in the hands of one person.

In praying for those in authority, we therefore lift up our Mps and council of ministers to You father. We pray that by Your Holy Power, our legislative bodies would make laws that are just.

Father, we ask You to give them wisdom to make decisions that would strengthen and prosper our nation. We desire that they would make right decisions concerning the politics, the social welfare, and the economics of our country. We pray that they will be motivated by Your Hand and not their own personal concerns.

We pray for Decisions in this Time of Crisis in our country

 Lord, we humbly pray that You direct the leaders of this great nation now in this time of crisis. Grant them wisdom and understanding, and help them to respond quickly and effectively to this situation. Direct them that they may do what is right in your sight. We pray that to make them follow Your Divine Will to lead our nation on the paths of peace and safety.

Unite all agencies in an organized and harmonious fashion to bring quick and effective resolve to the demands of this crisis. Empower us as united citizens of republic of South Sudan to do our own part, financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to support all who have been affected by this tragedy crisis.

O Lord, we pray that You encourage and strengthen our nation. Surround us with Your Love and Mercy! Bring peace and comfort to all those who are suffering as a result of this crisis.

Cowboyism: A Political Style

Posted: October 2, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers, PaanLuel Wël

Cowboyism: A Political Style

A Response to Job Kiir Garang’s “Cowboy: A Political Joke

By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

President Kiir with President Obama of the USA at the White House, Washington DC

President Kiir with President Obama of the USA at the White House, Washington DC

Gatkuoth: ‘I want my money now!’ Deng: ‘I will kill myself so that I won’t pay you.’ Deng pulled a gun and shot himself dead. Gatkuoth: ‘Hahaha…if you think you will get away with the money, you are damn wrong. I will follow you until you pay me all my money.’ Gatkuoth took the gun and shot himself dead as well. Lado, who was amusingly watching the scene from a short distance, laughed and said: ‘these guys are very funny. I must watch this drama till the end of it.’ He also took the gun and killed himself too! Who is the most stupid person out of the three? Who, among the three, represents President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar, and the South Sudanese people?

October 2, 2014 (SSB) — Surely, politics, all over the world, is a dirty, dangerous game. That, in and of itself, however, does not necessarily justify its definition especially if such opinion shapers as writers could afford to stick to and abide by objective writings. That is, if they could trade off the slippery, vulnerable slope of subjectivity for the fortified, much safer and more secured ground of purely objective, analytical writings.

Unfortunately, not many opinion shapers have successfully scaled that slope insofar as political discourse in South Sudan is concerned. Take Comrade Job Kiir Garang (aka Kiir-Agou), for instance. In his “RIEK Tosha” declaration of July 28th, 2014, Kiir-Agou argues that Dr. Riek Machar is “The Ultimate Messiah for South Sudan.” That declaration has been reiterated in his recent article, “Cowboy: A Political Joke”, of September 27th, 2014, in which he recites that President Kiir “is the very definition of what is wrong with South Sudan.”

His fiery political support for Dr. Riek Machar is, ostensibly, based on two premises: the alleged under-appreciated qualities and potentials of Dr. Riek Machar and the wanting state of the Republic of South Sudan under the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayaardit. On the first point, Kiir-Agou reassures his critics (presumably his fellow Dinkas who might be shocked by his eccentric political stance) that “my apparent full support for Dr. Riek” is because he is “the only man who can pull us out of the abyss of dark ages into a more prosperous and brighter future for our beloved country.”

On the second point, Kiir-Agou argues, “Dr. Riek Machar is the Ultimate Messiah for South Sudan” because the country we so heartily fought for against a faith-driven regime is ever falling behind. The hopes and aspirations we had are ebbing out. The future looks bleak and there seems to be nothing but absolute hopelessness at the end of the tunnel. Reason? A bunch of thugs and political hustlers have decided to run the country as a personal property and the sad part, and probably the reason behind the sudden eruption by our nation into civil conflict, is the fact that a small fraction of the country (in fact a sub-tribe of Gogrial) is running the show in every department within the government…Kiir’s brothers and sisters have become the vultures of the wild that feed off the land and the people for their selfish gains. The Dinka tribe has become a bad taste in the mouth these days. A mentioning of the word itself seems to make smaller tribes cringe detestation. Every Dinka is guilty by association.”

President Salva Kiir Mayaardit and his former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny

President Salva Kiir Mayaardit and his former Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny

More specifically, Kiir-Agou believes that any future government under Dr. Riek Machar would be inclusive of all South Sudanese people: “Despite his movement being predominantly Nuer in manpower, it surely does look very inclusive. It is what few or indeed many would describe as the microcosm of South Sudanese future. His cabinet is representative of many if not everyone in South Sudan. You have the Equatorians, the Dinka, the Nuer, the Shilluk and many more are expected to be part and parcel of his vision for South Sudan and I am sure the youth will have a say in his government. That would be a country worth building and caring for.”

As to why a sizeable section of the South Sudanese society might be vehemently opposed to a Riek’s presidency, Kiir-Agou hypothesizes that Dr. Riek Machar “has been a victim of political rigidity by his Dinka counterparts either during the political struggle or in the aftermath. His desire to drive the country in a more unified direction has always been perceived by those above him as a secret agenda to overthrow them. He has always been portrayed as someone greedy for power. He is always victimized as a tribalist.”

Kiir-Agou concludes his “Riek Tosha” declaration with the following tantalizing supplication: “if you believe in democracy and peaceful co-existence, the wise thing to do right now is join forces in turning the pages of an old-fashioned, non-progressive, greed-driven, divisive politics and replace it with (although never tested) alternative form of the government that seems on paper the opposite of what we have been accustomed to over the last 9 years.” In Kiir-Agou, Dr. Riek Machar has surely found himself a competent political recruiter and mobilizer.

In his latest article, “Cowboy: A Political Joke”, Kiir-Agou launches another tirade of blistering criticisms against the government of President Kiir: “Some politicians in my country are just absolute jokes. Apart from being non-ideologues, they have no vision. They have no sense of direction as to where the country should be driven. They are a metaphorical “Kayaker without a paddle” in the middle of a rough tided river. The saddest part is, they seem to thrive among these rough conditions at the expense of the lives of the innocent majority. Corruption: is the word. [The] country’s resources are the waters through which they wallow. Their bellies are fully extended and they always need a little more. No one embellishes these, qualities [more] than the leader of our country: Salva Kiir Mayar-dit. He is the very definition of what is wrong with South Sudan.”

In a reiteration of his “Riek Tosha” declaration, Kiir-Agou concludes his recent article thus: “I hope Dr. Riek Machar, the current leader in opposition, comes top for I believe that with him in office, South Sudan would be a better place. He has the glue that can unite that country. I have been attacked for saying this before but I say it again, he has the better chance of providing the peace we need the most.”

Kiir, Pagan and Riek in their heydays

Kiir, Pagan and Riek in their heydays

First and foremost, Comrade Kiir-Agou’s argument can be summarized in one sentence: In the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir is the problem and Riek Machar is the solution to that problem. Supposing that is a true reflection of his core argument, then what one needs to find out is whether or not Dr. Riek Machar is any better in terms of leadership qualities and potentials than President Salva Kiir Mayaardit. This author believes that although the SPLM under President Kiir has indisputably failed the people of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar is not, cannot and will never be the right replacement for Salva Kiir.

Proving that Dr. Riek Machar is not the Promised Messiah can be done in two ways. First, one should establish whether or not Dr. Riek Machar had been an integral member of Salva Kiir’s government for the period that heralded the president as “the very definition of what is wrong with South Sudan.” Secondly, insofar as the past is the best guide for the future, one should, therefore, look into Dr. Riek Machar’s political past to ascertain his qualification for the title of “The Ultimate Messiah for South Sudan” as opposed to “The Prophet of Doom.” Thirdly, one should look into and make sense of President Kiir’s style of leadership in relation to his predecessor, Dr. John Garang, and strive to determine if there are parallels in their approach to certain long-term goals, be they military or political ones in as far as the legacy of the liberation struggle and the destiny of South Sudan are concerned.

From the onset, the person that Kiir-Agou considers to be synonymous with the problems of South Sudan is not the Salva Kiir of the past but the one from 2005 to the present. This is attested to by the following revelation from Kiir-Agou: “give credit where it is due. Having fought in the SPLA liberation war alongside the like[s] of them, I must say that [Salva Kiir] was one of the best in the business. No one would come second to Dr. John Garang if they were a bunch of numbnuts. He was, during the struggle, our proverbial Moses of the Bible. He was supposed to take us all the way to the promise land and he sure did try. Sadly for most of us, he never learned from the master. Instead of following the scripts left behind, he chose to do it his own way: the failed ways as we have come to know them.”

In other words, Kiir-Agou is contending that Salva Kiir was an exemplary leader until he took over from the late Dr. John Garang in 2005. When Salva Kiir took over the leadership of the SPLM/A, he appointed Riek Machar as his right-hand man, entrusted with running the affairs of his administration. In a rare show of consensual leadership and trust, President Salva Kiir delegated most of his powers to Dr. Riek Machar, including chairing the weekly cabinet meetings and coordinating the government’s activities with foreign nations and international organizations. It was not until 2013 that those delegated presidential powers were abruptly withdrawn after Riek Machar had allegedly abused them.

The fact that Dr. Riek Machar has been the second most powerful person in the country for the last nine years, one with delegated presidential powers, means that he is also synonymous with everything that is wrong with South Sudan. The promised dividends of independence have not materialized. There are no economic infrastructures in place, democracy is a sham and political instability is the norm. Corruption, nepotism, tribalism, and maladministration are pervasive and systemic in the country.

Dr. Riek Machar (who was the de facto president) had all the powers and the ample time to initiate, formulate and implement the necessary policies for socio-economic development and political stability in conjunction with the relevant ministries, but he failed. He never protested any government policy (with the exception of certain clauses in the transitional constitution) until the President fired him in 2013. Because Riek Machar had been an integral member of President Kiir’s government that brought South Sudan down to its knees, he is, therefore, a big part of the problem, not the Promised Messiah. In fact, if one were to concur with Comrade Kiir-Agou’s assessment that Salva Kiir had been a great leader until he took over from Dr. John Garang in 20005, then one may be forgiven to muse that it was the choice of Riek Machar as the Vice President that corrupted and bungled President Kiir’s administration.

Given the critical role played by Dr. Riek Machar during the last nine years under the leadership of President Salva Kiir, it is, therefore, a foregone conclusion that both Salva Kiir and his longtime deputy Riek Machar—together with their cronies—are “the very definition of what is wrong with South Sudan.” Those with President Kiir in Juba, with Riek Machar in the bush or with the G-12 in exile are all thieves, guilt-ridden with the same crime of looting public resources for their own personal enrichment. They are the infamous 75 lords of impunity.

President Kiir and ex-VP Riek Machar

President Kiir and ex-VP Riek Machar

Having established that Dr. Riek Machar has been as much a problem in the failed policies of the government of South Sudan as President Kiir, it is time to determine whether or not he could possibly be the panacea to the current problem bedeviling South Sudan. His political past should speak for him.

Dr. Riek Machar, like some patriotic South Sudanese, left the comfort of the West in 1984 to join his comrades in the bush. He fought heroically and was greatly rewarded with elevation to the highest position of the movement: a permanent member of the SPLM/A’s Politico-Military High Command. In 1991, he rebelled against the leadership of Dr. John Garang, William Nyuon, and Salva Kiir Mayaardit and formed, together with Dr. Lam Akol, the SPLM-Nasir faction, ostensibly to fight for the independence of South Sudan, halt human rights abuses and enshrine the rule of law and democracy within the movement.

Instead, those noble goals came crashing down against the backdrop of the Nasir faction’s instigation of the Bor Massacre, the Nuer civil war, the dismissal, detention, and killing of leaders opposed to Riek Machar’s leadership style. Lam Akol was humiliatingly dismissed from a faction that he had engineered; John Luk and Gatwec Dual were incarcerated in Waat; and Peter Manyiel and William Nyuon, among others, were killed in cold blood. Telar Ring Deng, Dengtiel Ayuen Kuur, and Adwok Nyaba had to resign in disgust.

Riek Machar, having alienated all his erstwhile political and military allies, had to abandon his own movement and cowardly fled to Khartoum where he was welcomed by the NCP with the 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement that President Bashir described as “a return to the fold of the homeland of those who have carried the gun against the state.” It was not until 2002 that Riek Machar rejoined the very movement under Dr. John Garang, Salva Kiir, and James Wani Igga that he had been working so hard to destroy. Riek Machar, the man who could not managed his own movement—who justified his distractive and destructive coup on democratic slogans only to end up dictatorially dismissing, jailing and killing his political and military opponents; who had to shamefully surrender to the enemy and fight against his own comrades-in-arm; who had to return to the movement that he had worked so hard to demolish—is the very man Kiir-Agou dares to describe as the ultimate Messiah for South Sudan.

Well, the past political history of Dr. Riek Machar does not support Kiir-Agou’s assertion that he is the ultimate Messiah for South Sudan. There are valid grounds to contemplate that more or less make him, in the words of President Kiir, a prophet of doom. Riek Machar is not the Promised Messiah; he is part and parcel of the conundrum South Sudan is confronting today. If Kiir-Agou has the “African solution to African problem” maxim in mind, then he is stretching the point to its logical absurdity.

If Riek Machar is part of the problem facing South Sudan because he has been with President Kiir who for the past nine years has ruined the country, and if his actual political and military past runs counter to his desire to project himself as “The Ultimate Messiah of South Sudan”, then it is time to look into Salva Kiir’s style of leadership, dubbed as “Cowboy: A Political Joke” by Comrade Kiir-Agou.

Rather than concluding it as a joke, there is a reason to believe that cowboyism is instead a valid political style. Take Dr. John Garang, for example. His principal goal, the driving force of his leadership, was the liberation of his people. Countless lives and resources were sacrificed in the pursuit of that particularized goal. Garang had to part ways with his closest comrades—Kerubino, Nyuon, Arok, Majier, Oduho etc.—because, somehow, he reckoned that those comrades had, along the way, become stumbling blocks in the pursuit of the ultimate goal: liberation. Finally, with the signing and promulgation of the CPA in 2005, Garang, with Salva Kiir and James Wani by his side, succeeded in achieving his ultimate goal.

The monster in charge "I nearly kill that dude so that I can rule forever" The monster on the run "that dude nearly kill me and must step down so that I can rule" The big brother monster "you must talk or else sanctions" and Poor people of South Sudan! via Garang Bol FB

The monster in charge “I nearly kill that dude so that I can rule forever” The monster on the run “that dude nearly kill me and must step down so that I can rule” The big brother monster “you must talk or else sanctions” and Poor people of South Sudan! via Garang Bol FB

When Garang passed away in 2005, Salva Kiir took over with one ultimate goal in mind—independence of South Sudan as a befitting tribute to the martyrs and veterans of the war of liberation. Southern militias had to be, literally, bought and financially kept within the fold. That is, Khartoum had to be “crowded out” of the political and military market of militia-ism. Southern militias in the army of Southern Sudan used to earn more than twice the wages of their counterparts in the army of Khartoum. This reality was vividly captured in the words of the former national security chief, Salah Abdalla Gosh, when he bitterly “complained that southern militia had become so overpriced that Khartoum was squeezed out of the market.”

This was to thwart Khartoum from using southern militias to instigate protracted conflicts in Southern Sudan to derail the CPA-mandated Southern referendum. There were no substantial rent-seeking rebellions in Southern Sudan as a result of Kiir’s policy. With the declaration of South Sudan’s independence on 9 July 2011, Salva Kiir succeeded in accomplishing his ultimate goal: independence. Of course, that very policy, like Garang’s ultimate goal, had its dangers. Under Garang, unnecessary lives were lost and people were summarily jailed and tortured. Under Salva Kiir, corruption, nepotism and tribalism were condoned and impunity was born and nursed into adulthood. But these adverse results were a small price to pay for a clear, particularized policy, geared toward the bigger goal that was categorically realized. Call it cowboyism if you will. Nonetheless, as such, it is a political style, not a joke.

Markedly, Kiir-Agou’s blatant charge that “the president has been ignorant all along” and this ignorance has somehow been responsible for the political messes and military fiascos in the country does not paint the true picture of the political situation in South Sudan. Blunders were indubitably committed and Salva Kiir, without coercion from anyone, was the first to publicly acknowledge the embezzlement of over 4 billion dollars by former and current serving members of his government. President Kiir had his priorities: independence of South Sudan, much as Garang had his—liberation through a combination of military and political means. But such a lofty goal always has it shortcomings, in terms of opportunity costs and collateral damages. There is no gain without pain.

Nevertheless, Kiir-Agou might retort that if President Kiir had allowed corruption, nepotism, tribalism and mismanagement in the belief that fighting such vices would have permitted Khartoum to poach and use the culprits to wreak havoc on South Sudan and consequently derail the planned Southern referendum, then what prevented the President from disciplining his foot soldiers after July 9th? Well, while this author cannot pretend to be speaking for the President, it is plausible that a number of factors might have precluded the President from taking the necessary measures to curtail and eradicate rampant corruption and maladministration that had hindered socioeconomic development and engender political instability.

The main factor may have been that the pervasiveness of economic debauchery reached every corner of the government so that it is was no longer possible to find a clean government official. Selective disciplinary actions were bound to beget the cry of “our people are being targeted” from certain quarters of the nation. A comprehensive cleanup of the government ran the risk of unleashing a deadly civil war, a point validated by the events of December 15th. Therefore, Salva Kiir was between a rock and a hard place—damned if he took action, damned if he didn’t. He had to tread carefully lest he prematurely plunge the nation into the abyss. December 15th might not have happened had President Kiir not fired Dr. Riek Machar, together with most members of the SPLM political bureau.

Did President Kiir and Riek Machar sign the deal under duress?

Did President Kiir and Riek Machar sign the deal under duress?

Moreover, Kiir-Agou’s attempt to hold President Kiir solely responsible for the December 15th violence lacks any factual basis. Kiir-Agou writes, “Kiir has declared war against the Nuer with the intention of wiping them out not knowing that this will have very nasty backlash whether now or in the near future.” This is simply a subjective statement since it is not independently verifiable. It is as much rebels propaganda as the narrative of a failed coup attempt from the government. What happened on December 15th, if available evidence is a guide, was apparently a tragic case of accidental mutiny occasioned by a poisoned political wrangling leading to December 15th. While the government did desperately try to use the crisis to kill two birds with one stone, it is disputable to presuppose that the conflict was premeditatedly planned and executed by President Kiir.

Any attempt to locate the genesis of the crisis in the alleged preemptive move by the government to rid the ruling party of President Kiir’s political challengers is called into question by the utterly disorganized manner in which the government militarily and politically responded to the crisis in December 2013 and onward into January and February of 2014. Likewise, any attempt to present the politico-military crisis as a result of a failed coup attempt by Dr. Riek Machar against the government of the republic of South Sudan under President Kiir is called into disrepute by the lack of any concrete evidence to back up the failed coup narrative.

Were it not for the spontaneous and independent, tribally-motivated rebellions of Gen. Peter Gadet in Bor, Jonglei State, and Gen. James Koang Chuol in Bentiu, Unity State, the current rebellion under Riek Machar might have never taken root in the country, at least not on the political fervor and military scale it reached. Therefore, Kiir-Agou’s allegation that President Kiir “has declared war against the Nuer with the intention of wiping them out…” has little basis in the political realities of South Sudan.

But of course, Kiir Agou does make some valid arguments. He is at his best when he writes: “The old guards are holding on to power that they cannot even handle with any sensible approach. No provision of public services to the people that need them the most…most journalists are hiding in fear that they might be convicts of the regime if they express their ideas i.e. no freedom of the press. Kids of the less fortunate are becoming the mattresses upon which the powerful and the self-made greedy millionaires sleep on. They are the used and reusable tools by the wealth-thirsty few in association with the president…I have a deep conviction that if the Dinka and the Nuer could live in harmony without political fear mongering and distractions, South Sudan would be a peaceful country.”

President Salva Kiir Mayaardit

President Salva Kiir Mayaardit, with his signature cowboy hat given to him by President Bush

In conclusion, therefore, the view that President Kiir is the chief problem in South Sudan and Dr. Riek Machar is the ultimate solution is fundamentally flawed because Riek Machar has been the right hand man of President Kiir for the last nine years. Although the President is undoubtedly the one captaining the ship, it is preposterous to hold him solely responsible for all the messes South Sudan is embroiled in.

Indeed, as the right-hand-man of President Kiir who was duly delegated to propose, formulate, pass and implement the policies of the government for the last nine years, Dr. Riek Machar is as culpable as the President himself for “the demons of corruption, tribalism, nepotism and sexual immorality” ubiquitous in South Sudan. Such a controversial figure can’t be the ultimate Messiah for South Sudan if objectivity is to be the guiding post for opinion shapers.

PaanLuel Wël, the managing editor of PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB), graduated with a double major in Economics and Philosophy from The George Washington University, Washington D.C, USA. He is the author of Who Killed Dr. John Garang, the editor of the essential speeches and writings of the late SPLM/A leader, Dr. John Garang, published as The Genius of Dr. John Garang, vol. 1-3, as well as a co-editor (with Simon Yel Yel) of President Salva Kiir’s speeches before and after independence: Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan. You can reach him through his email:; Facebook page: PaanLuel Wël; or Twitter account: PaanLuelWel2011.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

South Sudan’s Kiir concerned by U.N. civilian protection focus

Posted: October 2, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

By Michelle Nichols

UNITED NATIONS Sat Sep 27, 2014

(Reuters) – South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir raised concerns on Saturday about U.N. peacekeepers focusing on protecting civilians amid renewed violence – as instructed by the U.N. Security Council – instead of state-building in the world’s newest nation.

Fighting erupted in South Sudan in December after months of tension sparked by Kiir’s decision to fire rival and former Vice President Riek Machar. Deep ethnic divisions have also fueled the violence, pitting Kiir’s Dinka people against Machar’s Nuer.

“My government would like to raise its concern regarding the recent mandate of UNMISS (the U.N. mission) which has serious implications in service delivery to my people,” Kiir told the 193-member United Nations General Assembly.

He complained that the U.N. mission was no longer helping the authorities of South Sudan, which declared independence from Sudan in 2011, with capacity building, peace-building, security sector reforms, recovery and development.

The U.N. Security Council authorized peacekeepers in May to give priority to the protection of civilians in decisions about the use of available capacity and resources within the mission. The council doubled the number of peacekeepers in late December to 12,500 troops when fighting broke out.

Kiir asked the 15-member Security Council to reconsider the changes it made to the U.N. peacekeeping mission when it renews the mission at the end of November.

But U.N. peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous said “now is not the time to think about building state institutions,” which he said often had ties to human rights violations.

“It has been abundantly clear since this crisis started that we could not continue with the original mandate of state building. We have to concentrate on alleviating the main consequences of the drama, that is to protect the civilians,” he told reporters on Saturday after Kiir’s speech.

“We have to monitor human rights abuses and act upon them because there has been massive violations by all sides, including the government,” Ladsous said.

At least 10,000 people have been killed and more than 1.1 million displaced, with tens of thousands of civilians seeking shelter and protection at United Nations peacekeeping bases. The United Nations and aid agencies have accused both sides of ethnic-based massacres and grave human rights violations.

“UNMISS needs to protect civilians in their neighborhoods and not in camps in a huge country like ours, which is bigger than the size of France,” said Kiir, adding that his government had launched an investigation of rights abuses.

Kiir blamed Machar for the violence, which he described as a failed coup because Machar was “too impatient in his thirst for power,” and stated that the conflict was “purely a political struggle for power – not an ethnic conflict as reported.”

With his country on the brink of famine, Kiir failed to attend a high-level meeting on the humanitarian crisis on Thursday – organized by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon – at which pledges of help were made.

Kiir said on Saturday that South Sudan “deeply appreciated and welcomed” the aid meeting.

The United States, frustrated with slow progress in South Sudan’s peace process, said on Thursday it was ready to expand sanctions against political and military figures unless warring parties end the violence quickly.

The U.N. Security Council has long been threatening sanctions against the warring parties, but has yet to act.

(Additional reporting by Louis Charbonneau; Editing by Dan Grebler)

Please click on the links below for the latest updates from the Small Arms Survey’s Human Security Baseline Assessment (HSBA) for Sudan and South Sudan:

The Conflict in Unity State (2 October 2014)
Describing developments from May through late September 2014, including the SPLA’s recapture of Bentiu and its ongoing efforts to prevent it from further assault from the SPLA-IO. While the SPLA also holds Pariang and Abiemnom counties, the rest of the Nuer south remains in the hands of the SPLA-IO. Rubkhona, Guit, and Mayom counties are contested. In Mayom, rebel commanders and former SSLA fighters struggle for control of their home county.

Conflict Map – Unity State (2 October 2014)
Showing locations of major clashes since May 2014 and areas of control as of October 2014.

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The concern citizen

Universal primary Education: challenges and possible forms of addressing it (1-1)

By: Morris Mabior Awikjokdit

Education has variety of definitions as I mentioned earlier one of its definitions in my recent Article; let me give you another definition in relation to the content of today topic. Education, defined as a permanent change in behavior as a result of learning process, consist of all efforts (conscious or incidental) made by a society to accomplish objective which are considered to be desirable to the country instead of relying on foreign education.

This is in terms of the individual as well as the societal needs. In all human societies, particularly the modern ones, Education therefore remains one of the most powerful instruments for both the development of man and transformation of the human society. However, the efficacy of quality Education as an instrument of transformation depends entirely on how the government manages the project meant for the upliftment of the Education system. In this Article, I will outline few challenges facing the establishment of Universal basic Education project is to be examined while it also proffers solutions to meet the challenges.

All over the world, primary Education has been regarded as the most important step as well as the most patronized by people. This perhaps may be due to the fact that, it is the foundation of the whole educational pursuit, which is expected to provide literacy and enlightenment to the citizen. The importance to establish universal education in South Sudan is therefore, to be seen in the sense that all beneficiaries of the other levels of education by necessity have to pass through this stage.

What this means is that primary education of South Sudan be defined as the education given in an institution for children below age of (7-17) years plus constitutes the bedrock upon, which the entire education system is to be built. Indeed, the success and failure of the entire education system of South Sudan lies in our own hands and will be determined by it and it is at the heart of the concept of basic universal education as defined as universalization of access to education.

Recognizing the importance of our own primary education system of the Republic of South Sudan, all governments in Juba and in states (past and present) should place premium on it by making primary education the centre piece of their educational policies instead of starting it from the top of the tree, they should first establish the base and lay a strong foundation. This will also minimize our children going to East Africa in search for quality universal primary education. It is more expanses for us South Sudanese in terms of transportation, accommodation, feeding and paying of school fees. This wrong concept imposed on South Sudan education system has also distorted our economic position as a nation.

Since, the colonial period therefore, both colonial and currently independent governments in South Sudan and states failed to institute one form of educational reform instead of relying on both Sudan and East Africa syllabuses. Where South Sudan is unified curriculum? If South Sudan has unified curriculum? How many years for primary, Secondary and university? Children are confused with new system to be adopted by South Sudan. This has resulted to closure of Kuajok secondary school in Warrap state because students were told that, they go up to fourth year secondary and sit for national exams of secondary education.

This indicates that there is no different between the past and present in the Educational development of the Republic of South Sudan. That is the country’s historical antecedents have impact on how educational policies are formulated and implemented starting from the colonial era up to the present time.

The Anglo- Egyptian condominium rule based education on Islamization and Arabization through the influence of Khartoum based government. British came in through Comboni missionaries and Arabic was still imposed and taught in “Klawas”, which consists of primary, secondary, sixth from as well as higher education. However, the Islamic education had been spread in all Southern regions as the official language for the whole of Sudan before the Juba conference of 1947.

In this conference Southern Sudanese resolved and opted to join East African community and unified the educational system. The colonial administration, before independence of Sudan in 1956 both administered the then Southern education through the use of education ordinance, their education privacy, and their education policies based on sharia law and intended pure marginalization.

The objective of this opinion piece of Article, therefore, is to theoretically, identify the challenges facing the establishment of universalization of education at the primary level in South Sudan and to suggest the way forward. Dr. Riek Gai Yosh, Minister of education science and technology should look into lying of strong foundation instead of starting foundation at the top. He has done with secondary and he has done with public universities and you need to look behind yourself sir. Quality education is not quality secondary school or Quality University but education is quality primary school.

In order to achieve this objective, there is an urgent need to renovates Tonj Institute of Education in Tonj town, Malakal and Maridi, so that standard of teachers had to be upgraded because the present teaching is the recruitment made during the before and after signing the post comprehensive peace agreement (CPA). They are lacking skills of teaching like teaching methods, making scheme of works and breakdown of lesson plans into teachable units and terms. The evolution of universal education in South Sudan, its challenges and provided suggestions for the way forward.


South Sudan in the history of liberation struggle failed defines her own guiding principles and policies of its educational system and any way it has some made break through. To review the policy of New Sudan educational system and make critical comparison is beyond reasonable doubt. The national ministry of education did not take off at the same time in states of the Republic South Sudan and that has contributed to the failure of what type of education to be adopted. The implications of this are that its full assessment may be too early, considering the time it actually took off at the state levels. However, as young as the scheme is some of the challenges it is facing, both national and state levels are obvious.

The national parliament failure over, ability to allocate enough funds for a programme remains the greatest challenge that a programme can be achieved. This is also the case with the funding of primary education in South Sudan. It is evident that the national government has not spent up to 25% of its total budget on education in the last years of both interim and present Transitional periods of interrupted democracy by senseless war of Riek Machar and his groups.

The author is a freelance opinion writer and a professional experience teacher based in Warrap state- Kuajok currently in Juba for an official visit. For more information and comments, you can reach by email: or contact Awikjokdit son on the following: 0954243501, 0912646306