Archive for October 20, 2014

Simon Muoch Jundi of Upper Nile State Assembly Defects to the Rebels

Posted: October 20, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Press Release

To: – H. E: Office of H.E. C in C, Office of H.E. Governor of UNS, Chairperson of Information

Cc. All media Houses, SPLM IO Office in Addis Ababa

Subject: – Resignation as Hon. Clerk of UNSLA and Declaration of defection to Resistance Movement Faction

First I would like to thank almighty God for guiding me during the most horrible and terrible time when our convoy was ambushed by the government troop in Adong Payam, Baliet County on 24/12/2013 and I was missed for 21 days in the middle of death.

It is with great sorrow to pay my condolences to the family of fallen heroes who are at the same my colleagues including the Hon. Members of the Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly and other senior government officials who perished in the bush of Baliet County by the time of attack.

I am taking the courage to pass my condolences of innocents victims Juba mass killings by genocidal regime in Juba and to show my solidarity to vulnerable citizen who still exposed to hardship and degrading inhumane conditions at UNMISS Protection facilities , displacement centers and to over millions who fled the country and currently live in refugees settlements in neighbouring states.

My sincere thanks goes to H.E. Maj Gen Gathoth Gatkouth, Military Governor for organizing rescue and search mission on timely manner, when our convoy was ambushed by the government forces in Baliet County.

Fellow citizens, media Houses, Ladies and gentlemen

I am taking this great opportunity to formally resign as Hon. Clerk of Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly and declare my defection to Sudan People Liberation Movement in Opposition under leadership of H.E. Dr Riek Machar Teny as 15/10/2014 in Addis Ababa.

I believe the regime in Juba has lost legitimacy before citizens of South Sudan for intentionally killing innocent civilians simply because of their natural tribal affiliation not political affiliation.

The regime in Juba has committed and continuing committing gross human rights violations, atrocities against the citizens it claimed to be ruling and the country is today led by self imposed criminals who inflicted great harm and hardship to the nation and the innocent people.

The Juba regime is today resorted to widespread of all form of malpractices such as corruption , nepotism , tribalism, rule of guns , lawlessness dictatorship and totalitarian strategy to remain in power

The elite in Juba believe on ethnic killing of innocents citizens who have no political affiliation and the good example is the killing of Dinka Khorfulus 2010, Killing of Shilluk citizens 2010-2011, Killing of Murle Tribe 2010-2013, mass killing of Nuer civilians in Juba and ongoing mass execution of unarmed civilians in the government control territory including UN and INGO Staff.

The regime is now using the most notorious mercenary and terrorist networks such JEM, SLM , SPLM-Nuba Mountains , SPLM-Blue Nile , M23, Uganda militias & allow UPDF to use unconventional weapon cluster bombs and other chemical weapons    to kill it is own citizens.

The regime is   forming and arming tribal based militias without political agenda apart from tribal agenda such as Maban Defense Forces, Collo Militias , Bul SSLA Militia , Mathiang Anyor , Dut Ku Bany , Gelweng and Murle militias as strategy to destroy the country and disintegrated into tribal areas such as Congo, Somalia and Afghanistan for the this elite to remain in power.

There is no legitimate functional government institutions in 90% of the Greater Upper Nile Region and majority of the greater upper Nile can be consider as no man land . This clearly shows that regime has lost legitimacy to rule this country.

The elites in juba resorted to inciting tribal targeting and destruction of the social fabric among the people of Upper Nile region who had been livings for many years in order to remain in powers.

The fail regime in Juba is using divide and rule poor policy and has created unnecessary animosity between Collo and Nuer tribes who had been living for many years as brothers and sisters by dragging Gen Johnson Olony forces to this war in January 2014.

The regime has completely destroyed the social fabric and relationships between Baliet and Ulang counties by forcing the Baliet armed youth to attack senior government officials from Ulang and Nasir counties on their way home when fighting erupted in Malakal on 24/12/2013.

My personal grudge this fail regime is that, my colleagues were killed in cold blood on the 24/12/2013 by the government troop under instruction of known perpetrators. As the survivor of this horrible attack by the regime, I decided to stand as living witness for the decease and will assist in bring the perpetrators to book of justice.

The killers of Hon. Members of the parliament and other senior Upper Nile State government officials should be brought to justice whether they are alive or dead. We will bring their coffins to the court to make justice to innocent lives.

Fellow citizens, media Houses, Ladies and gentlemen

Based on the afore-mentioned facts, and my love to this country and it is people, I decided to formally resign from my position as Hon. Clerk of Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly and become part of the South Sudanese people resistance movement.

I will do all it cost to be part of this historical liberation of the our citizens from the rotten system of corruption, tribalism, nepotism, lawlessness and bad governance and work to bring back hope, rebuild the destroyed social fabrics and health the wounds inflicted by the regime on the people of South Sudan in general and Greater Upper Nile region in particular.

As of today, I will contribute my effort and energy toward the movement goal and    work hand in hand with my comrades from the resistance movement under the leadership of H.E. Dr Riek Machar in order to save this country from total collapse and disintegration into tribal areas like Congo and Somalia by the fail elites in Juba.

I will join hand with all peace lovers from SPLM in opposition and friends of south Sudan to work for peace, regime change at all means and to promote unity in diversity for the people of south Sudan irrespective of their tribes or political affiliations .

I will use my experiences and contacts to work for confident building measures among the South Sudanese tribes mainly the most affected community in greater upper Nile region to join the movement and remove the rotten cancer in Juba.

I am urging the Collo community leadership and SPLM DC leadership as the only legitimate opposition political party in the country to work for confident building measures among the people of Greater Upper Nile and not to allow Collo youth to be use by totalitarian regime for their personal interest.

I understand that this government lost legitimacy and it will be betrayal to thousand South Sudanese who lost their lives, the thousand who are living as internally displaced persons (IDPS) at UNMISS protection bases and millions who are forced to refugee settlements in the neighboring countries under hardship and inhumane living conditions due to this illegal government.

I therefore render my formal resignation as Hon. Clerk of Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly and announce my defection to the freedom fighters under the SPLM-in-opposition to take part in the rescue mission to avoid total collapse of the country under these thugs.

Hon. Simon Muoch Jundi Both


Upper Nile State Legislative Assembly – Malakal

Upper Nile Region in South Sudan: A Crimea in South Ukraine—Part 2

Posted: October 20, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Kur Wël Kur

By Kur Wel Kur

Rumours of SPLM/A-IO allegiance with the North Sudan and its desire to crop The Great Upper Nile Region to the North Sudan, circulate on news sites, social sites and blog sites. Some Nuers’ sons wrote about it, sons such as Ruach Wal Yet, and Tut Pal Ding, a chairperson of SPLM chapter at Victoria in Australia mentioned it___the necessity of Greater Upper Nile Region to become a separate state from South Sudan___ in his article (why the current conflict is a catalyst for positive change in South Sudan)! He quoted Eric Reaves.

Strings of evidences from Nuers supporting Riek through thick and thin and labelling Salva Kiir or Jieng’s community as the killers, produce volumes in prints. But the evidences weigh less because the sound minds would mark them (evidences labelling Salva as a sole cause of the war) as self-appraisals, self-credulities; and would point fingers to the right direction, Riek! Why Riek? Riek needs leadership with hooks and crooks; when he left the SPLM/A in 90s for Khartoum, the thirst for leadership disguised by democracy and human rights calls, fuelled his rebellion.

However, his short cuts and shortsighted ideologies did him no good. Why Riek now (2013/4)? His impatience cost him lives and votes (support) because before the war, most South Sudanese, having forgiven him for the 1991 betrayal, admired him and aspired in him for the leadership of the country. So political debates of the 21st century occupied the educated youth. This debates favoured Riek. And yet, he never checked his blind-sides so he towered the infamous press conference of December 06/2013. My brothers (Nuers), after this war, you would become better analysts; you would know where the power to rule lies, definitely not through  ” a rattle of guns” as my brother, Tethloach claimed in his article but rallying of voters to send the exhausted visionaries home!

The idea of Upper Nile Region to become a separate state will not give Riek what he wants but another grave mistake. A pure politics of ruthlessness and desperation because it fulfils the wishful thinking of the North, which goes: ‘Southerners cannot rule themselves narrative’. Riek will not rule in the North Sudan regardless his “would be” oil, be fuelling the North Sudan! His glimpse to rule remains in South Sudan.  This idea will remain an invalid tactic because the US monitors the shadows of Iran in North Sudan.

Iran versus Israel in the two Sudans!

Remember, I wrote in part one of this article that all sort of fears drive the world. In the northern region of Africa, no country has a lasting friendship with Israel because Iran preaches to them ideologies that diminish Israel image in their eyes. This Islamised fear/ hate, propelled the filthy rich Muslims to help Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Palestine and Lebanon in respective, to engage Israel in terror (insurgency).  The same fear sharpened the eagle and hawk-like surveillance for Israel to carry out stealth bombing of the terrorism supporters. North Sudan supports Iran’s ideologues and Iran does the same to North Sudan. In fact, both supported Osama Bin Laden so in 90s; Bin Laden resided in Khartoum. Iran, through Islamic revolution, backed craziest ideologies such as Islamisation of the whole Sudan.

Economically and Culturally, since 1991 to 2008, North Sudan and Iran increased their relations through military and trades co-operation; in addition, Sudanese imitates Iranians’ cultures; North Sudan, a mini Iran in Africa. Iran supplied 2,000 Iranians Revolutionary guards to North Sudan in order to train Sudanese soldiers; besides, Iran financed 20 Chinese ground-attack aircraft that amounts to 300 million in US dollars and further 17 million as a financial aid to the government of North Sudan. In 2011, the western intelligence intercepted Iran’s Qud’s forces stealing Russian made missiles including SA-24 from Libya and smuggled them to Sudan.  Russians sold these missiles to Libya in 2004. Iran’s revolutionary guards manage a store of these missiles at Northern Darfur in Sudan.

On the other hand, Israel became the first country to recognise our independence on 10/ 7/2011; onwards, our relationship began. A revisit of the 1960 relation when the Israel supported Anyanya one. Though having relation or visiting Israel was a terrible offense in Sudan, South Sudanese maintained this relationship until we attained our independence. South Sudanese must invest in this North Sudan’s fear of Israel and tighten relations with Israel.  If Israel wants a quarter of South Sudan’s waters, then let Egyptians and North Sudanese cry but we sign it a deal! If Israel needs a portion of land in South Sudan for agriculture, we sign a portion of land even including a land within the “14 miles” off to them (Israelites).

In conclusion, politics of frustration will not solve our problems in South Sudan; Riek must reject desperate politics from his officials and supporters such as Dau Aturjong. They must not go around preaching disintegration of our beloved country. A message to my brothers, the like of Tethloach must understand that “rattling of guns” wouldn’t solve anything or bring peace to our country. We must forgive and give ourselves time to heal our physical and mental wounds.  Neighbouring countries especially North Sudan must understand our positions, our economic stand; they must not negate our best economic policies so our economic relations with other not need their approval.   Israel must be our best friend; South Sudan must make sure.

References (readings):

  1. jstor .org/40 391275315
  2. http://en.m.Wikipedia. org/wiki/ Iran/sudan_ relations
  3. http://en.m.Wikipedia. org/wiki/ Israel/South Sudan_ relations
  4. troops in europe, middle east _and_ Asia.html
  5. http// -Navy- shift – 60 – per – cent- fleet- Pacific- China-builds -military. Html
  6. http//       extend- darwin- marine- base
  7.’-planes – attack- Sudan- -arms -factory
  8. http://
  9. http:// tests _anti -missile_ system _ for _passenger _planes_999.html
  10. AC63E0A9F8B4

CCM Press Statement

Amer Mayen Dhieu, Australia

You are the most delicate and alarmist National security I have ever witnessed around the globe. Your goals and objectives of defending our national security are vicious to citizens and your vision and mission are fuzzy. You perspicuously show no sign of knowledge about who our national true enemies are nor do you follow the anticipated scope of practice outline in your legal document.

I am still struggling to understand why your annual performance review show no sign of improvement instead, only indicating number of journalists and government critics you have silenced and murdered in cold blood. All your performed duties revolve around shooting of citizens and destruction of their properties.

Were you not edified in regards to professional duties of national security officers before inauguration to your positions at the beginning? You have contemptibly civilised your obligations instead of nationalising them. You are bribes by big personalities to go after their enemies even when those include tracking down run away brides that were strategically arranged to forcefully marry some of your bosses.

Instead of picking on external and internal national threats, you confine yourself to spying for (the) next candidates on the ground who are interested in contesting the post of the president in the next coming election, thus intimidating and obstructing them indirectly using your secret criminal agents and walk freely as if you are not involved in all these illegal executions.

Occasionally, you are made aware of intimidation and coercing of journalists, political analysts and opinion writers day by day. They report menacing of their lives and families on daily basis. You remain sitting motionlessly tossing glasses of beer at Juba Grand Hotel, and still claiming undutiful titles of national security officers. Deliberately you fail our national security system. You absurdly take journalists, political analysts and government critics as your national threat when there are clearly million of threats facing our national security

Illiterately, you are still holding on to the old age realist’s version of security. None of your top officials, not even military intelligence officers (MI) know how security in the contemporary world have shifted its meaning and focus.

Meanwhile, countries in global arena are focusing on environmental security, international security, natural and man-made disasters, diseases and biological weapons; you are far-behind processing your machinery guns.

Speaking of environmental security, villagers are drowning with their livestock in flooded shelters full to the brim with waterborne diseases, a simple discourse you should have made them aware before hands. How much does it cost your ministry to hire meteorologists that can monitor weather and predict flash flood, heavy rainfall, drought, famine, hot temperatures and climate change?

You reckon the impact of all these environmental insecurities is not threat to national security? How about when all cattle, wildlife, and crops died from drought, where will South Sudan government obtain its agricultural income? If all humans population in the affected areas drown in flash flood, where will you get a population that will inherited and develop the country for next upcoming generation?

Talking of human security, you think mass movement of economic immigrants and foreigners is not a threat to South Sudan’s economy, culture, religion and social practice? Are you still chasing girls with short skirts and trousers without knowing where their source of influence comes from? Without clear screening of foreigners’ criminal and health records, these economic immigrants can put our general population on health risks.

Many of these foreigners do not have professional experiences that South Sudan can benefit from. Rather, they come with intention of establishing bad businesses that are insulting to our culture such as prostitution. While others come with incurable diseases like HIV/AIDs. Some, like the so-called Tanzanian doctors, have even establish demonic centres where people go and cast spell on their perceives enemies.

How can our national security service see such things not as a threat to our national security? If you national security officers still think journalists, political analysts and opinion writers are our worse national enemies then think of man-made security. Some of you might live with the tenet that HIV/AIDs was a plague send to Africa by God. Some think Ebola is just a contagious illness that only infects people living across West Africa region. With all of these indirect harmful practices in international space, our national security service is still having her eyelid tightly closed up with fallacious hope that United Nation will continue providing human security to their poor citizens.

In conclusion, you have messed up a lot of things in the country, leaving your heavy work behind undone. You rob South Sudan police forces of their duties. Instead of focusing on your duty to protect our national sovereignty in all aspects of security, you are busy intimidating and harassing the common citizens. If you don’t know what national security stand for, if you don’t know what are the duties of national security, please seek help from your closest allies to provide training for our national security officers.

That way, we shall truly have a national security service to protect our national sovereignty, not just to partake in the politicized terrorization of common citizens.

By Paul Duwar Bak, Kampala

Warrap state universities and colleges students Association in Uganda elect the new chairperson of their Association. the chairperson of the electoral commission Garang Deng Majak declared Emmanuel Majok Akuecbeny as the winner of the election defeating his rival Akook Yai Akook with 148 votes while Akook got 121 votes.

Aluel Ring Thuch was also declared the secretary for finance beating Mary Achol Majak with 135 votes while Achol got 132 votes and Angok Ring Mathiang was declared the secretary General, he came unopposed. However, the chairperson of the electoral commission described the elections as ultimately free and fair.

On the other side the electoral commission secretary Paul Duwar Bak thanked the entire students for cooperating with the commission regulations during elections process , Paul described the elections as credible, free and fair elections which met the international standards of conducting elections.The observers and the agents of all the contestants express their satisfaction with results and described the elections as  free and fair ever regardless of who won and who lose.

the outgoing chairperson Kuol Jok Manyok gave thanks to contestants for accepting the out come of the elections and he therefore,vowed to supports the  new elected chairperson  with his cabinets. He  described the Association as the center of preaching unity and peaceful co-existence as well as to recognized the dreams of our grand parents,parents and more specially the dream of our leaders to have an educated generations.

The Association was established in 2010 as a platform to unite and address students grievances concerning the academic matters of warrap state students who are studying in various institutions of learning in Uganda.


Posted: October 20, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Tearz Ayuen

By Tearz Ayuen, Nairobi

It seems that we South Sudanese can at times be peculiarly patriotic. When one’s uncle or auntie or in-law is appointed minister by President Kiir, he and his community turn into patriots so fast. They run around with the national flag. They defend the government even when it’s wrong. Like dogs, they sniff the air in an attempt to locate where dissenting voices are coming from.

They even learn how to sing that hymnal national anthem. And during state functions, they crock like frogs as they sing along.

Musicians compose platitudinal songs about the President, songs with which traditional dancers dance to. Other ‘patriots’ pray for the cowboy; not only on Sundays, at church, but also during social communal events.

“Nhiali’ny Aberem ku Ithak ku Jocop, yi awundun col Kiir Mayardit tiit ne jaa ka dhuoom.” (God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, please always protect your servant Kiir Mayardit from satanic forces)

And imagine such a prayer is said in a wedding!

They literally punch, in the nose, those who criticize Kiir and his arrogant, thieving, lying juniors. They expect everyone to swallow everything that comes from Kiir, including urine and spittle. They want everyone to talk sweet of him. Anyone who talks negative of the heavily bearded man is considered unpatriotic and deserves to be fed to the national security human dogs.

In March this year, I went to this new joint opposite Oasis, along the Nile. I sat on a stool at the counter, next to a table of drinking fellows. It was on a blazing Sunday afternoon. The young men were keeping it all grown-up over cold beer – talking about women, girls and so on. At some point, their conversation shifted to politics, particularly on the current crisis. And this old dude – probably in his late 40s or early 50s, parachuted from nowhere and asked what the youth mentioned the president’s name for. This drew my attention.

“You can’t talk about Kiir like that, ya shabab. This is his country. He runs it. He ‘worek’d’ hard to be where he is right now,” the man lectured them. I noticed that he had strong Arabic accent, the kind that looks for letter R in a word. His grammar was good, though. The visibly scared youth remained tight-lipped.

“Say one more time that Kiir has a hand in this crisis and I’ll call SPLA ‘Comondo’ on you right now. Just drink your beer ‘beraha’ and in case you run out of cash, let me know; I could buy you some.” I also saw he had gold-plated teeth, lower and upper canines. He got up, pulled his pants up to the level of navel (Congolese style) and meandered his way to the gents.

Such is a man who, when his auntie or in-law or himself, is kicked out through a presidential decree, quickly turns into a foul-mouthed rebel and begin to run black PR against the president.

Even those who were sucking the nation’s cow dry, in the name of making business before falling out with the administration, have now turned against Kiir. They’re now all over the social media where they launch anti-Kiir textual missiles.

So, what is patriotism measured by in South Sudan? First of all, what’s patriotism? American Philosophy Professor Stephen Nathanson defines patriotism as a ‘special concern for the well-being of the country’ or ‘special affection for one’s own country’.

So, when is one supposed to love South Sudan? Is patriotism measured by the amount of crumbs one picks from under the high tables? Is it by the number of uncles and aunts one has in the cabinet? Or is it by the position one holds in the government?

Famous English writer Julian Barnes in his novel Flaubert’s Parrot, for which he won Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize in 1985, writes: “The greatest patriotism is to tell your country when it is behaving dishonorably, foolishly, viciously.”

Do we first help President Kiir’s government spifflicate the country through ineptitude, corruption, nepotism, totemism, and then when dismissed, we begin to tell him that he ‘is behaving dishonorably, foolishly, viciously’?
What patriotism is that?

And this goes to the self-made cherubs, the alleged potential saviors of the falling, failing nation – Pagan Amum, Majak de Agoot, John Luk, Dr. Riek, Rebecca Nyandeng and other self-deceiving SPLM-this-and-that seniors.

They now speak of Kiir having built no roads, no schools, no health facilities; they say the cowboy is mismanaging public funds. That he’s further plunging the young nation into political and economic abyss.

Well, when did Salva Kiir turn unintelligent, inept, weak and tyrannical? Obviously after he left them out in the political cold, isn’t it?

Yes President Kiir’s leadership is wanting. He deserves the most severe rebuke there is, but not from any SPLM renegade. Kiir should be criticized and mauled politically by South Sudanese without ‘blemish’ – those who never partook in the looting of the countries riches.

Anyway, we must be the most stupid people on earth. How do we worship the same people who co-engineered the downfall of the baby country? Why are we this cheap?

Tearz © 2014

By Philip Thon Aleu, Bor, Jonglei State

Bentiu, UNMISS Camp

Bentiu, UNMISS Camp

First of all, allow me to define what hurdle means in this context.

Hurdle has other meanings but in this piece I am referring to the problem that one has to deal with before one makes progress.

Having told you what I meant by hurdle, I will now go straight to my argument. I am currently in Bor, the capital of Jonglei state and there is no local community radio, newspaper or TV (If TV would ever make one in this generation…just saying). The absence of any local media mean that for the past one week and some days, I have been relying on radio and other news channels from Juba and facebook posts from my ‘friends’ for updates. I saw Twice East county association on Facebook holding a meeting in Australia. Bor county ‘something’ electing a new leader in Nairobi, Kenya and Warrap state youth ‘something’ electing a youth leader in Kampala, Uganda.

I thought my memory has betrayed me. But after checking my clock and other gadgets, I confirmed that this is 2014. ‘So why are these tribal unions and clan gatherings still making sense?’ I asked myself. Ultimately, I realized I and my other colleagues never won the war but only the battle. And so I decided to challenge these tribal, useless and irrelevant associations or unions or whatever they are called, in this piece.

In 2010, I was given a chance of a leader for Students’ Union at Dr. John Garang de Mabior Memorial University of Science and Technology (DR. JG MUST) in Bor, Jonglei state as a Speaker. Our students’ political party, the Students’ Democratic Union (SDU), campaigned on democracy and non-tribal Southern Sudanese (that was before independence from Sudan) associations at the campus and rewriting of students’ union constitution.

We won by a margin of two votes. As a speaker, my core task was to rewrite the constitution and our leader, Mabior Philip Mach, gave me unwavering support. The students’ representatives accepted my leadership and we came up with a historical constitution. “No state, regional or tribal associations will operate at DR. JG MUST. Only professional unions, entertainment clubs or any other body with at least three-quarters from all regions of Southern Sudan will legally operate in the campus.”

That constitution was passed by the general students’ assembly after a fierce debate and all the Equatoria, Upper Nile or Bar El Ghazal regions associations plus counties gatherings ceased by August 2010. After the students’ meeting where the constitution got a majority blessing, I was approached by a member of Bor county committee and he asked me why I supported the dismissal of counties association when Bor was one. I told him that is what I believe is good for Southern Sudan. He made a sharp turn and headed to an opposite direction and I think I lost him as a close friend!

In March 2011, students at University of Juba fought amongst themselves on tribal lines. One American journalist was covering that story. And he cleverly linked it to how volatile, and tribally divided, South Sudan is ahead of July 2011 independence declaration. I had then left DR. JG MUST and I was a student in Uganda at Ndejje University but remained intact with DR. JG MUST.

When I read that American reporter’s story, I sent him an email to explain that there is one University in Southern Sudan where tribal or regional gatherings are illegal and hence tribal feuds are out of date. He requested for my company and by May 2011, we met students at DR. JG MUST in Bor. One of my opponents for non-tribal association in 2010 was the students’ leader by then. He proudly explained to the American reporter that DR. JG MUST is free of non-professional unions. I thought I and my SDU members have won but today, I have just realized that there is a long road ahead.

I don’t support these tribal, regional or state associations because they are useless, aimless and lack objectives. For your information (FYI), these associations support stealing of national resources in the name of tribe(s), states or regions for the benefit of few elites and at the expenses of the majority South Sudanese.

These associations are where tribalism breeds and if you want to eliminate malaria, you better first destroy the breeding grounds of mosquitoes.

We need paved (tarmac) roads, schools, and health centers but not those associations if you want your education to have value yaa students and the South Sudanese in Diaspora!

© Philip Thon Aleu, Bor