Go to Bilpam Headquarters on Monday to interview Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka in Person.

Posted: December 7, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Press Release

Gen. Thomas Cirilo Did Not Disappear

For Immediate Release

I would like to alert the public that the news report of Sudan Tribune alleging that Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka disappeared in Juba is a total lie. Gen. Thomas Cirilo went for a mission outside the country last Wednesday and returned to Juba today on December, the 7th.

I would like to inform the people of South Sudan to disregard the false report of Sudan Tribune. It is very unfortunate that certain journalists turned Sudan Tribune into a website of inciting violence in South Sudan. The management of Sudan Tribune needs to hire journalists who don’t have links to the rebels of Riek Machar so that the website maintains its credibility.

The journalists who want to ascertain the truth should go to Bilpam Headquarters on Monday to interview Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka in person. Doing so would quickly dispute the false allegations of Sudan Tribune designed to create panic and chaos in Juba.

Mr. Gordon Buay
Juba, South Sudan

  1. Peter Mading says:

    A good media channel like this one is credible, believable and leading people to the truth…we are after the truth…Government should closed down Sudan tribune of spreading news that causes panic…


  2. Ager gum says:

    Sudan tribune is causing psychological trauma to our people all over the world, every time false & misleading news.
    If they are keen about our people they should deliver them good services.
    Sudan tribune is collecting informations which they use against our nation .iam asking our youth to stop buying their news paper or comment on their sites keep your comment for yourselves.


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