Riek Machar and Taban Deng Ghai Fighting over the Position of “Prime Minister”

Posted: December 7, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Junub Sudan

Gurtong.org: Prime Minister’s Position Being Contested In Pangak

By “Nation Mirrow”

Taban Deng Gai, the rebels’ lead negotiator is eying the position of the Prime Minister to be created by Peace Agreement between the government of South Sudan the SPLM/A IO, led by Riek Machar Teny. A Source in Gambella told The Nation Mirror that Taban told Riek Machar that the Position of Prime Minister should be occupied by a person other than him (Riek Machar). “Taban has come up with new proposal to rebels’ generals in Pagak, which seems to detach Riek Machar from the position of Prime Minister. He is telling the generals that if a peace deal is to be accepted, Riek Machar should not be the Prime Minister”, he said.Adding, “It is fair for Riek Machar to just wait for general elections”, source revealed.

Taban Deng Gai reportedly argued that the government of South Sudan refused to let go of the position of Vice President of the Republic, which is mostly likely to be occupied by James Wani Igga who, according to source, was the deputy to Riek Machar in the Party when he was the Deputy Chairperson of SPLM, and a Vice President of the Republic.”He justifies his argument by saying since the Position of the Prime Minister is lower than the position of the Vice President it is not graceful for Riek to be under James Wani Igga who was his junior in the Party”, anonymous source revealed. Taban Deng has maintained contact with the rebels’ generals from the very onset of the raw over peace deal signed by Riek and President Kiir.

A source close to generals said that Taban is agitating to raise a motion in the meeting to resolve that Riek should not be the Prime Minister. “Taban is agitating Rebels’ commanders to raise a motion urging Riek not to take part in the Government of National Unity when the meeting commences”, he said. Adding, “Taban knows that he is popular among the rebel commanders and that gives him automatic ascension to premier post”, he said. Taban has been using Nuer being the most affected by the current violence conflict in South Sudan as a card to dislodge Alfred Lado Gore who, according to Taban Deng does not command support from Equatoria region. It has come to surface lately that both Taban Deng and Alfred Lado Gore are courting the position of Prime Minister created by peace accord yet to be concluded in Addis Ababa. 

Taban Deng Gai proposed the issue of Riek not taking part in the Government of National Unity, but Riek and Lado Gore reportedly opposed the idea. 

A member of the rebels’ leadership accuses Taban Deng of being behind the raw over peace deal arguing that Taban wants to be the Prime Minister. “Taban Deng knows that when Riek is convinced not to take part he would be the preferable to Rebel Generals”, he observed.

The political wing of the rebel movement is seemingly getting divided with Taban and most rebels’ generals on one side and Riek, Dhieu Mathok, and Alfred Lado Gore and some commanders on the other side.

Alfred Lado Gore warned Taban to stop imagining being the Prime Minister if Riek Machar chooses to abstain from the Government of National Unity. A source close to rebels said Gore warned Taban Deng against playing divisive game against the movement. “Taban should not play such dangerous game. If at all Riek Machar is not taking part in this Government of National Unity his Deputy should assume the position designated for Chairman”, Gore reportedly warned. Conversely Taban has mobilized the commanders to argue in favor of him. Stressing that the war is fought by Nuer and not Gore who does not have soldiers following him.

A reliable source revealed to The Nation Mirror that the plane carrying Taban Deng Gai and Amb. Ezekiel Gatkuoth landed yesterday at 4:30pm Gambella Airport. Taban is said to have headed towards Pagak yesterday where rebels commanders were waiting for him. Riek, Lado Gore, and Dhieu Mathok will be part of Riek entourage, which will arrive in Gambella tomorrow. 

  1. I feel extremely exasperated, devastated, discouraged and disturbed over what I termed as a “selfish” struggle for personal gain. Fortunately, the citizens of the Republic of south Sudan by now must have realized that what the rebels are agitating for is not absolutely what they called “bad” governance but its the war of titles. What a shame! These are small minds that are misleading South Sudanese citizens.

    personally, any sound minded person whether in government or in rebels’ camp ought to focus on searching for amicable solutions to permanently bring peace and reconciliation in South Sudan. May the Lord Almighty enlightened them of how important the nation is than any of them. May he (lord) too installs the spirit of fear of the God in them in order to avoid making Muppet decisions. I would wish to leave this quote to them from the late professor of mathematics in Kenyan history the late Professor Hon. George Saitoti. Upon his defection from the then ruling party KANU in the year 2002, he made this statement ” there comes a time when the nation is much more important than an individual”. Therefore those fighting over who should be more powerful than the other are not only putting the curt before the horse but also belittling themselves in the public domain.


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