The Haters of Jieng Council of Elders will have hard time like Abyei of Deng Majok

Posted: December 7, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles

By David Aoloch Bion

Jieng Council of Elders is the primordial being. It is infinite past. It is infinite future .It is infinity then and now. It was not formed for political objectives. It was not formed for the current crisis in South Sudan, it exists before the war.  It is not a political party,  it is not affiliated to the SPLM in one way or another,  it is purely Jieng . It is a cultural organization like any other cultural organization around the world. It is an outsider observer of South Sudan politic  like any civil society but  It has ultimate right to comment in any issue like any organization .

Jieng council of Elders is hated  by many people , one of these haters is Mabior Garang de Mabior , Mabior writes every day in the social media condemning Jieng Council  of Elders . He says Jieng Council of Elders ignited the war in the name of defending Kiir or Jieng Presidency. This is not true. This is a lie.

When Dr Riek rebelled against Dr John Garang  in 1991 , Was there any Jieng Council of Elders ? No , there was no Jieng Council of Elders .

When President Kiir was elected by SPLM in 2005 to succeeded Dr.  John Garang . Was there any Jieng Council of Elders in New Site?  No, there  was no Jieng Council , therefore  Mr.  Kiir became the President without Jieng Council of Elders and he  will rule South Sudan without  the council in question.

The haters of Jieng Council of Elders will have hard time in future like Abyei of Deng Majok . During British colonial time in Sudan ,  Jieng Council of Chiefs  called a conference in Tonj . The conference was to write the constitution that Jieng will rule itself. All chiefs of Jieng in Bar el gazal  were invited. Chief Deng Kuol Arop a k a Deng Majok of Abyei came and refused to sign the Wathalel Constitution.

One of the chiefs  asked why he refused to sign the Wathalel Conststution , Deng Majok  replied ‘’ I don’t like Chief Chier Rian and Chief Gier Thiek , I hate behaviours of Rek and Twic ‘’

‘’How will you rule your chiefdom?’’  asked again the chief

‘’ I have my constitution with Babo Nimir , the Arab Missirya chief’’ Deng Majok replied

By then in the ceremony, all chiefdoms were represented with stick (let) . They asked ‘’ Are you not part of us? Are you  not signing the constitution, so we remove your stick among our constituency ( wuar ) ? ‘’  Deng Majok said yes ‘’ remove my stick ‘’ . His stick (let) was pulled out and given to him.

Before he left with his stick to his Arab friend Babo Nimir , Chief Giir Thiik told him , ‘’Deng , what you did will let children go to meet us in our grave with wound on their skins ‘’ . And Deng left .  This is when Abyei was removed  from the map of South Sudan and included in the map of South Kordufan  . This is the origin  of  how Abyei became North Sudan and left out when South Sudan seceded in 2011.

Deng Majok hated Giir and Chier so he took Abyei to North Sudan that was his personal interest at the time . And time came in 2005 when the personal interest of Deng Majok was no longer there and whole Abyei  people wanted  to be part of South Sudan but they were left because of Deng interest map . Now people of Abyei have hard time because of Deng’s interest. Deng Majok did not want to be dominated by Rek chiefs then ..

Mabior Garang  hates  Salva Kiir therefore he hates Jieng Council of Elders . However , time will come  when the war ends . Time will come when Salva Kiir  will end too . And time will come for other issues like the time of Chier Rian and Giir Thiek whom Deng Majok hated ended and time came for other issues  like  separation of South Sudan . What will Mabior do?  So  Mabior plays  politic but keep away from Jieng Council of Elders because  your enmity toward it  will affect you in future in one way or another, I don’t know how it will affect but it must affect you . Deng Majok did not know how  his alliance with Babo Nimir, the Missirya chief  would affect his children as it is affecting Dinka Ngok in Abyei  now.

  1. I like the content of your article dear brother.It is informative about the mistakes done based on personal interest only to affects different people at a very different time.Thanks for constructive advice.


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