KASNEB professional exams and training in Juba

Posted: December 9, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Economy, Education

  1. Introduction

KASNEB was established by the Government of Kenya on 24 July 1969. The Accountants Act, Cap 531 of the Laws of Kenya, which was enacted in July 1977, gave KASNEB retroactive   recognition since its inception in 1969. – See http://www.kasneb.or.ke/

KASNEB is mandated by various regulations in Kenya for training in various professional courses that provide successful candidates clear professional path in the region and the World.

In Kenya, it is a tool that professionals differentiate themselves from amorphous academic folks. KASNEB certifications are ticket to clear path to practice and consult. All financial positions today require either a Certified Public Accountant; Financial Analysts required Certified Securities and Investment Analysts and so do other professional careers.

As part of improving financial literacy, KASNEB made arrangements with Juba University for providing training to KASNEB students. However, that seems to be off – track as JU lack lecturers and qualified people to facilitating the training to enable students passed usual high-end examination offer by KASNEB.

It is only tested people; and who appreciate the content and extend of the exams that can offer reliable and dependable training that will match the standard required by KASNEB for its professional training.

In this regards, we approached KASNEB to be a credited as training; and facilitating institutions with regards to its exams. KASNEB acknowledged that though today, exams are administered at Kenya embassy in South Sudan, this is not sustainable and they looking forward to a more sustainable methodology.

We presented to KASNEB, The Dream College of Professional and Development Studies as panacea to training opportunities and challenges in South Sudan.

The Dream College of Professional and Development Studies will train, facilitate, and provide South Sudan perspective to examination and marking. We have contacted KASNEB and KASNEB is willing to go extra mile to give South Sudanese opportunities for their professional growth.

KASNEB certifications are recognized World-wide and qualified students become members of various professional bodies. For details of courses provide, see http://www.kasneb.or.ke/

  1. Services

We have approached KASNEB, KASNEB agrees to accredit The Dream College to provide training, assess and recommend students for admission into KASNEB courses, facilitate fees payment, participate in exams setting and marking.

We are making contacts with various colleges and lecturers in Kenya with view to get materials and lecturers base on our students demand in South Sudan. All the ground work for the training is done.

We are currently calling upon students to send us their details – level they are currently studying; request for registration as students for next year exams or for student’s admission. Base on respond, we intend to offer classes in Juba for those planning to sit for June exams. Depending on the number, we can offer regular classes, materials or blocks when exams neared. Please confirm you needs so that we plan and respond to your needs accordingly.

  1. Actions

Please share this with your friends, go through KASNEB courses and let us know the courses you have register for or certification you want to do and let us know so that we facilitate your registration or provide materials as you may need.

These courses targets accountants, finance professionals, auditors, financial analysts, investment analysts, businessmen, companies’ secretaries, credit analysis and financial reporters. These people mostly worked in capital markets of Central Bank, Finance department of all institutions, Auditors, tax specialists in all institutions and public interested in financial literacy.

Please widely circulate to your friends, colleagues, and companies and confirm back your interest with necessary details the soonest so assistance.

Do not hustle, growth with knowledge, work for your future.

  1. Contacts

For all queries contact to our lead promoter

CPA Gabriel Garang – Certified Public Accountant, KASNEB; B.A (Economics) and MA – Economics Policy and Management and currently KASNEB’s student of Certified Securities and Investment Analysts






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