Archive for December 11, 2014

The Brewing Rebellion in the Equatoria Region

Posted: December 11, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles

Betrayal of the highest order

‎Fellow countrymen/ women,

It is painful to see our country heading to the ditch especially when we know that there are others that can make a difference. The war in South Sudan is devastating in that many lives have been lost and still more to follow if tangible peace is not realized.

The cause of the war is perceived differently by different people. Among some, it is all about leadership struggle, for others it is about changing direction from worst to good. Yet for some, it is tribal. But the truth of the crisis lies in the hearts of the perpetrators. They know what happened even before December 15, 2013. And I will say loudly and clear that Dinka and the Nuer leaders that predominantly controlled the government at that time know the problem. But that is not the issue I have in mind as I write this piece. There are two things that I want ‎all to know especially if one is ignorant.

1. The massacre that took place in Juba on December 15, 2014 is not only a political/leadership struggle within the SPLM party whether for good or bad but an expression of hate against a community that others have lived with for years.

2. After the massacre, South Sudanese and the international community were supposed to have understood the point 1 and be able to intervene in a way that would bring peace to the country. Unfortunately this has not been the case especially with those whom the two tribes (Dinka and Nuer) are looking to.‎ Here, I am talking about Equatorians in particular.

The attitude of Equatoria towards this crisis is not well defined especially to many within and outside. Many support the government not because they want but for personal interest. Others consider the two warring parties dominated by the Dinka and the Nuer as barbaric and none would like to be part. But there are some that looked at the facts, understood what they are and have decided to either keep silent, take advantage to usher in something different or simply stand on the the right side of things.

Yes, the right side is that which did not premeditated the coup and descended on its own people. I repeat: The right side is where people fight to stamp out evil. Now, does the government carry the above trait? Of course not‎. This brings me to the point that I want to make.

Like I mentioned earlier, Equatorians are confused. There is nothing many do that is helping to resolve the crisis. Good number have taken side with the government even though they know very well that the government and on fact the leaders are not really for them. So what are those folks doing?

Good example is the situation in Madi land. It is heart breaking to see not only fellow Equatorians and Madi in particular not helping themselves and the nation.

My sources from the ground tells me that something ought to change. The SPLM IO that many of them are despising simply for unfounded or self interest is going a recipe for their own destruction. For it is reported that the situation in Nimule has ground fromm bad to worst. Worst in the sense that brothers are destroying their own (Madi). And this is not something confined only to the Madi but the enquire Equatoria region. So what are the problems.

1. We were told that two Madi self proclaimed military officers were hired by the government of Salva (type of Bashir), deployed to Nimule to tell Lieutenant General Martin Kenyi to compromise ‎and that failure to do so may lead them to get him. Do you see that. And who were those officers? They include:

A) Mr. Iligo Martin who actually has been a vendor or middle man in Nimule.

B. The second person was Mr. Inyani‎ Martin (looks like Madi people like the name). This guy is an owner of the alliance in Nimule. Both figures promised to deliver the head of Lieutenant Martin Elias to president Salva Kiir if he (Kenyi) failed to comply.

3. Mr. Andre (other name not disclosed but working behind the scene)

4. ‎Mr. Kisre David a fake Major General, a Christian convert to Islam and very charismatic being. He is popularly known by the name Daud. He is now forming and authorizing. A counter Madi militia force to fight Lieutenant Martin Kenyi and delivery his head to the blood tasty Salva Kiir.

Sources from the ground says that millions of South Sudanese pounds (or dollars-not sure) have been put into this scheme with the purpose of erasing from the land anything about an opposition and eventually silence the voice of Equatoria.‎ Strange enough, the money is being overseen by the Nimule Town Clerk, Mr. David Eriga who is also a brother to one of our committed opposition member in diaspora.

Unfortunately, our sources told us that with all the money released by the government to counter Lieutenant General Martin Kenyi, almost all the Madi people refused to be used by their traitors and the aliens within their reach.‎ That is good news not only to the Madi but also the entire peace loving people of Equatoria and South Sudan in general.

On another development, it was also revealed to us that Mr. Angala, a brother to Kisre Daud‎ who owns the Horizontal hotel in Nimule is now part of the gang. He was once a body guard of the very man he is hunting for his head, Lieutenant General Martin Elia during the liberation war. It is reported that with the huge money offered by Juba, Mr. Angola has been shuttling between Gulf and Adjumani trying to rally people behind them to get hold of Gen. Martin Kenyi and his accomplices. In Uganda, he is always spotted at Jawardi Hotel (Adjumani) watching for South Sudanese especially of Madi tribe.

Now, going back to my first assertion about what Equatorians are doing to themselves leave alone the larger community, the Madi case has given us a clue that if we don’t direction for the truth, we will remain where we are, not able to help ourselves but follow evil.

For those in diaspora, I want you to take note of the following. These are dangerous people that we thought they are brothers but in real sense are not. They could be your brothers, father’s, uncles, friends etc, but ‎for what they did or are doing, I caution you to be very careful of them.

1. ‎Mr. Adala a man who hailed from the Nyongwa clan of Madi area. He currently lives in Australia and has been a thorn in the flesh of his people, reporting every information that his people had against the government. But the good news is that he finally confessed for the evil that he followed. He said he has been talking directly to Salva Kiir and others about those who have been against government. Hopefully he is a changed person.

2. A cousin of Kisre‎ Daudi (name not revealed). He lives in Winnipeg, Canada.

3. Julius (name not completes). He lives in Ontario, Canada.

4. In the US we have two other Madi fellows that have been spying against their people. One lives in Virginia and the other in Dallas, Texas.

What the report is saying is that these folks have been and possibly still dangerous. Their full names would be revealed later. They betray their own people for the sake of money.

Today, the governor of Eastern Equatoria State, Mr. Lobong paid a visit to Opari and Pageri. It was reported that not many people welcomed him. Accompanied by Deputy Governor Gerem Surur and two MPs, Florence Ukwa of Pageri and Bilal Amure of Nimule ‎, the governor planned to visit Nimule but was not able due to fear of insecurity. In fact, the boarder at Nimule was opened today for traders and others to pass. The Madi are only allowed to get to the Ugandan side without any belonging.

Finally, I want to help you observe something taking place in Eastern Equatoria. Mr. Eriga whom I mentioned earlier as the Town Clerk of Nimule is related to governor Lobong. The later married Eriga’s sister. Secondly, Eriga is a brother to my friend (name withheld) and an active member of the opposition forces on the ground. The report said, when Eriga was hired to betray his own people using his power and the money lavished by the president for them to get Letterman Martin Kenyi, he did not know that his own brother was one of the group (opposition). Just look at that. But it looks like it is too late for him to get off the government hook. And his brother who is fighting for freedom has no remorse if he is able to deliver his head to Martin Kenyi and the leadership of the SPLM IO.

More to come as we continue following the situation on the ground.


The case of Equatorian rebellion in South Sudan conflict
By Steve Paterno

The current ongoing conflict in South Sudan for the most part has taken a tribal turn, pitting Dinkas against Nuers, with the rebel fighters made up of exclusively Nuers. However, of recent, in an effort to lure Equatorians into rebel ranks, rumors are abound that several generals who hail from Equatoria region have been defecting.

Among the rumors is that a decorated Gen. Thomas Cirilo had defected, the news which turned out to be a mere lies meant to boost the morale of the rebels. Another rumor is that Gen. Martin Kenyi joined the ranks of rebellion, which might eventually change the dynamics of the conflict if it turns out to be true.

For starters, Gen. Martin Kenyi has a long history of defection. Joining SPLA/M in 1980s, Kenyi rose to the rank of a captain, serving as adjutant to Cdr. William Nyoun, the then chief of staff and deputy chair of SPLM/A. By 1992, Kenyi defected along Nyoun, joining the forces of Riek Machar, under Khartoum’s sponsorship.

Before long, Kenyi fell off with his boss, Cdr. William Nyoun. Several incidents triggered the fallout. Under intense suspicion, Kenyi’s Equatorian colleagues were attacked by their Nuers counterparts, resulting into ultimate death of Cdr. Rose Ezbon and injuring of Cdr. Aziz Atari Aziz. According to Martin Kenyi, a hit was also ordered against him by his boss Cdr. William

Therefore, Kenyi had to literally escape from the clap of his Nuers handlers. Kenyi went on to forming Equatorian Defense Force (EDF), with aim of protecting the interest of Equatorians.The EDF thrived under the sponsorship of Khartoum regime until 2003, when the outfit rejoined SPLA/M.

Now, with rumors of Kenyi’s defection, many questions can be asked. The answers of which will determine the course of future of this conflict. For example, will Kenyi join his former militia boss, Riek Machar or he will run an exclusive Equatorian rebellion, such as he did with EDF?

How successful will he be in recruiting Equatorans into a fight, a feat that the current rebellion failed thus far? Will he open another front in Equatoria region? How much support will he receive, particularly from neighboring countries?


Personal Findings from the Ground

Dear Steven,

This is a personal note on your questions about the possibility of a rebellion in Equatoria. Everyone agrees that the people have been shortchanged in terms of the peace dividend.

However, Equatorians put a lot of premium on peace. I was in Kerepi a couple of weeks ago. People are living normal lives. School children play about, women sell produce in markets and along the road. If one can endure the poor road and make it to Lainya, Yei, Kajokaji, Morobo, Yambio, etc,

one would be forgiven for thinking that one was not in the infamously chaotic South Sudan.  Whatever hardships people face, they would rather endure and hope for a better tomorrow  than invite war, violence and death again. We have poor roads, clinics and most public goods.

But we had none before and most importantly, we have peace. We can work our soil and produce food for the family. The rural folk are not part of the elite struggle for power and access to resources. Anyone attempting to convince these people to join or support a rebellion will not succeed.

The Ma’di do have a grievance. First they feel invaded and their land occupied. Then their Chief was killed. Ambassador Angelo Voga and other elders were put behind bars. If General Kenyi is calculating on exploiting that situation, he could find himself in a tricky situation indeed. Operating a military outfit requires more space than Magwi County.

Moreover, the Juba-Nimule road is the country’s main commercial artery at the moment.Neither South Sudan nor Uganda can tolerate any interruption of traffic along that road.

I would be surprised if wealthy Kenyi were to make such a daft move.

Advancing Prosecutions for Serious Crimes Committed in South Sudan