Dear PaanLuel Wël

Posted: December 12, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Letters

By Alpha kabaka

Dear PaanLuel Wël ,

I honestly don’t know where you get your information from but whoever wrote the article “Betrayal of the highest order” is full of propaganda and its a mere speculations not facts.

I always respect peoples opinions as a fellow south Sudanese but what you have demonstrated here is pure ignorance and childishness based on cheap popularity and the desire to be recognized.

you cant even pronounce or spell the names of those you base your propaganda on correctly, how can you claim to know what is happening when we in the Equatorian region, who are based on the ground have not seen it?

whosoever wrote this nonsense has the aim of trying to tarnish peoples characters without any regard to dignity, to divide the people of equatorian and create enemity, I know you don’t even hail from the equatorian region, you want the same thing that happened between Nuer and Dinka to happen in our land, but I promise you all shall be well with us,

your propaganda, lies, speculation and stupidity will not divide us, we are learned and are able to differentiate between what is right and wrong.


NOTE from the Editor,

Dear Alpha kabaka,

The ““Betrayal of the highest order” piece is from Pastor Andrew Woja Henry, a South Sudanese pastor from the USA. The fact that the piece was published without his name was an editorial omission, not an intentional act to deceive and mislead the public.Thank for your participation in the debate about the fate of our beloved nation.

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