Posted: December 18, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, History, KON Joseph Leek


By KON Joseph Leek, Juba

Dak Kueth, spiritual leader of the white army and Makuer Mabor, in Pagak, Dec 2014

Dak Kueth, spiritual leader of the white army and Makuer Mabor, in Pagak, Dec 2014

You know why I am putting my dowry article on hold? Wait a minute, catch your breath for a second and raise your head, raise it high and higher and think, think deep. I believe you will never fail to remember that, “this week in 2013” is one of the horrible weeks South Sudan has ever experienced.

It is one of the lethal weeks that came after the third week of August 1991, when Wurnyang Gatkek Luom (just like Dak Kueth) enticed the Dei’E-Boor aka White army to attack the land of BOR under the false believe that they would not die in the confrontation. He [Wurnyang] told them that, ‘go and attack, you will get the cows and none of you will get killed, and though you are shot dead, he added, ‘you will resurrect in your luak [luak, in Dinka and Nuer; is a big grass thatched house for keeping cows; a pen or byre but bigger than byre – whites do not have it].

He convinced them by slaughtering an ox and raised it to life again hence inflicting confidence in the hearts of his apostles-the white army, that they would die and rise again like the slaughtered ox. They proudly moved around nodding in satisfaction.

The hoodlums [Dei’E-Boor] however majestically and fearlessly matched to the land of Bor some went to Pigi where they successfully killed, maim, kidnapped and looted cows, destroyed their crops [by cutting them down] and houses

Dr. Riek 1991 mission was accomplished. The executer [the main campaigner and mobilize-Wurnyang] did his best.

Children, women and elderly were killed and displaced. The youths in Jieng-Bor were earlier mobilized for military training by Jok Reng to participate in the main war [the one with the Jalapa], this made it easy for the white army to get just a drop of resistance.

James Koang Chuol, Dau Aturjong Nyuol and Makuer Mabor, Pagak, Dec 2014

James Koang Chuol, Dau Aturjong Nyuol and Makuer Mabor, Pagak, Dec 2014

If it was not for Commander Salva Kiir, Nyuon bany, Kuol Manyang together with their juniors who repulsed them one and half year later, the number would have tripled the exact number that died.

What I do not know is if some of them [the white army] who died during their killing spree and robbery did actually rise from their luak as Wurnyang claimed. I tried to at least get one as an evident but not even a single soul – Wurnyang Gatkek Luom was wrong anyway!

After 1991’s Wurnyang, arose another Wurnyang in 2013 in the name of Dak Kueeth Deng Mayen-aguem-biai [ a Dinka from Duk-payuel as I am, migrated to Lou-Nuer, currently living in Gogoo, cieng Cuil] Obviously in a completely different image hailing from the same area of Wurnyang 1 [1991’a Wurnyang] though from different counties. The self proclaimed land of the strong and brave

Wurnyang 2 aka Dak Kueeth could tell the Dei’E-Boor that he who refuses to join the force against the government would die alone of unknown sickness and he who joins should not die, I am yet to find out what he demonstrated, like Wurnyang 1 who slaughtered an ox and raised it again to make the youth believed him.

I heard that his [ Wurnyyang 2 aka Dak Kueeth] powers have started fading out now – wherever they get those powers!

He is strong at war prophesy and solving myth despite the fact that he cannot raise a slaughtered cow from death as Wurnyang 1 but still, he is a role model.

Though Christianity has flooded the modern era, many still believes in idols and witch doctors. Unlike Wurnyang Gatkek Luom, Dak Kueeth Deng Mayen-aguembiaai is a Christian, christened David [and he is the top witch doctor in the area] – he deserves my forgiveness together with his acolytes anyway, Riek Machar included, that is if I was the world. ‘Why should you forgive them’? Invincible person to me who may be reading this might ask, but it is because in this era, if you get where many still believes in Witch crafty including a full Doctor of philosophy then pray for such group. They have a problem bigger than the one you are even watching, big under-covered problem that needs to be un-Earthed and uncovered totally and redeemed or heeled forever.

This week in 2013 was the most horrific week Junub has ever witnessed. It was a week the first signal gun was shot in Giadah and uniformly responded in every part of Juba. The bullets were not shot in the air as fireworks signaling Christmas but proportionately and levelly horizontal at the human target, target aimed to kill, to kill a fellow human being-a South Sudanese moreover! No mercy!

Our beloved Country was wild and lawless. ‘The country was being saved from the wolves and jackals who wanted to over through the legitimate president and government’ as many could say. Whereas the accused in the hiding claimed a no-coupe’-attempt and declared the rebellion at the same time. Very contradicting! Isn’t it?

It was a week there was a stampede, stampede caused by a run, run caused by gunshot, gunshot caused by SPLM confusion and madness [they call it power struggle within] every one ran as fast as he/she can, scared by the whizzing of bullets and fall of the people shot dead, running like a boda-boda, stumbling, bobbing, sliding, limping and jumping, falling, rising up, zigzagging and dodging, pushing and shouting no specific direction to run, but to the bush and UNMISS.

It was the week corps was the daily sight. Decayed and rotten corps, lying by the road sides like logs, lying in the gardens, fences and in the open as they if were intentionally displayed

It was the week of flee, fleeing to Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia and the few who did not flee stay stacked in their rooms under their beds, stand-still like developing ant-hills. Bitten hard by hunger but could not move out to cook or shop because of fear, fear of death-unintended bullet can mistakenly enter one’s belly when you are not completely prepared and ready for it. All shops were closed and insecurity reaching the melting point in the mighty cities of Juba, Bor, Malakal and Bentiu.

It was a week of agony in Juba and greater Upper Nile. Tears were the visible phenomenon, carried as eye-lids, eyes heavily dripping and leaking like swamps. Many praying to God how this epidemic should end – it is now something of infinity, here to stay. Long and hard – it has become a game, apolitical game of course! Made a project, a project to fulfill the needs of the aliens-world powers possibly! And our leaders [both sides] do not seem to care.

The recent government’s commitment to end the war is again being frustrated and thwarted by the rebels.

The war which started in Juba on 15th December 2013 and spread to the other parts like wild fire cannot go unnoticed. Everyone, I believe recalls it, for it indeed is the genesis of the current crises but some opportunist, none-truth-tellers wants to manufacture a lie out of it and make it theirs.

August 1991 and December 2013 are Junub Sudan’s bad experience. Worse of us is that we do not learn from the mistakes of the past, December 2013 could not happened for we could have learned from 1991.

Apology is even not any remedy to what one did in the past, for Riek Machar could not have taken up arms again and lured the civilians to joining the war.

Please, end the war and save the few lives left…….. and we do not want your apologies anymore, for your apologies marks the end of one episode of violence and becomes the start of another deadliest episode

God save South Sudan.

The writer is an in independent journalist and a commentator on contemporary South Sudan; He can be reached on; j.konleek@gmail.com & 0955091449

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