Archive for December 20, 2014

Tribalism is not Profitable to our Nation

Posted: December 20, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Featured Articles, Machar Dhieu

The Spirit of Nationalism

One Nation, One People

One Nation, One People

By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba


I have a duty to share my thoughts on tribalism with those who look up to me for guidance in the spirit of One people, One Nation as our president initiated to us from the beginning of violence until now, for the benefit and stability of this nation and also tribe has nothing on development but as the main cause of the crisis. Furthermore, I salute all comrades who made it possible to defense this country from coup plotters of 15th December 2013 despite of your tribe; you really make it and defeat those who did it.

To those who revolt against the government with the aims of dividing our nation into tribal state you are completely condemned by the die-heart of this nation. On other-word, the mentality of being loyal to one’s tribe than to one’s country or other social group is wrong. I am proud to be born and raised in South Sudan this is my homeland and I will make sure that I help my country in developmental insures. However, I am not proud of the fact that tribalism has found a fertile ground in our country. In other words, there is nothing wrong to belong to a tribe but we should not destruct our nation using our own people to disgrace our independence that is not our mandate as citizens of this country.

There is nothing wrong to practice as per the constitution of the Republic the cultural and traditional norms of that particular tribe. However, it is wrong to use one’s tribe negatively and retrogressively and this is where we are seen by our fellow compatriots as possessing monopoly of tribalism in South Sudan.

Let us face it. Tribalism is not profitable. It is a fact that, not everybody specializes in tribalism. The authentic tribalists are numerically few but very tactical. These are disgruntled members of our community found in Public Service, in Political Parties, in Villages and even in Church of GOD. They have a strong say and influence within their community. They have many supporters whom they mislead and sometimes they acted negatively toward nation building.

To them, tribalism is in their heart-point and it is their second religion. Most of them are highly educated and are able to mislead traditional authorities to act as they wish. They target traditional authorities because traditional authorities are the custodian of values and norms. They use the tribe as a vehicle and people as tools to achieve their desired individual goals.

The reasons for practicing tribalism is always centered around competition over limited natural resources such as land dispute, grazing area, competition over government position, competition over government services, competition over political positions and even competition over church positions. They refuse to solve conflicts peacefully instead they resort to tribal conflicts.

Tribal conflict is not in line with the constitution of the Republic of South Sudan or any country. Tribalism has the potential to disturb peace, political stability and derail socio-economic development because no one will want to work or invest in a conflict area.

It is unfortunate that instead of us investing our energy and time in eradicating poverty, hunger and diseases we are tribally sorting each other out as enemies of their owns. Our brain size is overloaded with tribal thoughts of how to destroy each other.


In actually sense tribalism has block our route to development and has totally make us build selfishness in the government. We see no good in each other. We see evil in each other. We mistrust each other. We mistreat each other. We misuse our position of trust. We misguide, misdirect and dilute the minds of the young people with tribal indoctrination. We make tribal mistakes but we do not learn from them. We misunderstand each other and yet we must build South Sudan together.

Tribalism invites misery. Our highly local leadership, including our able Regional countries such as east African countries and international communities such as United Nation (UN) and united State of America (USA) and other few genuine international agent Leaders are on record in warning us the people of South Sudan to refrain from tribalism instead we switch-off our ears and switch on tribalism network. I would wonder, if our president Salva Kiir and rebel chairperson Dr. Riek Machar are to meet in Ethiopia Capital, would they run from each other or would they embrace each other as people from the geographical origin of South Sudan? It is a question? And I need an answer, now.

Further, as a citizen of this nation and independence Journalist I have already observed that South Sudan a new state has a high number of registered both local and international Companies compared to other countries. Economically, it is employment creation which is good but security wise it is a security threat. Imagine a situation or should they remain on tribal war as by now, surely some of the owners of these Companies will use their guns and ammunitions for self-defense against other tribe especially there security companies that got registered to our government such as KK security agent and many more on list. The end result will be loss of life, revenge killings, untold suffering, displacement of people and the list is long. This is a serious national security threat and the state must think twice.

As a young person and Journalist of this nation, I want to humbly and respectfully appeal to my elders at the left side of my body and the right side of my body because my body is them and I am them to guide me and all young people of South Sudan towards a progressive platform of Anti-Tribalism Movement and say no, NO to tribalism and yes emphatically YES to unity and nationalism. It is possible.

I want every people to return back into history and copy the good / hard times when those who were in Anya-Anya 1 and Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army could seat together and plan about freedom of black people of South Sudan. This is our time and the future is ours. We need to change the minds of some of our elders who are highly intoxicated with tribalism.

The growing distance of animosity between president Salva and Dr. Riek Machar must be solved by themselves. As such I propose a Joint national Conference to talk about tribalism, its manifestation and how best we can expose hostile elements who brew tribalism within our community. The national conference resolutions could mount a more anti-tribal movement concrete programme of action for a better South Sudan and for a better future.

So let us organize the conference ourselves and leave our government to achieve its set priority areas of its demand. I remain open for new ideas or better alternatives from any progressive South Sudanese.

The writer is a student at South Sudan Christians University in Juba; you can reach him through