Archive for July 3, 2016

By Aliru (Alier Mach Deng), Salt Lake City, USA

Twic East Community in the USA

Twic East Community in the USA

July 3, 2016 (SSB) —- David Lual Bul Manyok decision to seek the Presidency of Twic East community USA in the forthcoming election in Kansas City, USA, is in tandem with agenda and qualities that electorates are looking for at this critical moment. Perusing at their manifesto and the messaging from his team, unity and development clearly stand out as the bedrock of his campaign. I implore former classmates to enthusiastically and warmly join me in welcoming his interest in this seat. While it’s important to point out that this is going to be a competitive election, on strength of his unique attributes and achievements, I think he has a bias in clinching the presidency.

Those of us who were fortunate to have had an opportunity to be in the same class as the flag bearer in our formative years of studies in Nimule Primary School, Kakuma, Kenya, would attest to his character. Personally I admire his comportment. I studied with him from Grade 2 until we parted ways after completing Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. Ours was a closely knit and supportive class; we saw ourselves as fraternity and sorority.
