Archive for July 6, 2016

The founder of modern Zionism, the national movement of the Jewish people, was Theodore Herzl, and he said, “After I liberate the Jewish people, I will go to Africa to help liberate the black people.”


Israeli Prime Minister welcomes Comrade Lomayat into his office in Jerusalem

July 6, 2016 (SSB) — “This meeting I think will be a milestone, the meeting of seven leaders from African countries with Israel. I think it underscores the fact that we are in a monumental change in the relations between Israel and Africa, beginning here. It is warranted by the great changes that are taking place in the world. We at once have an enormous boost and jump towards development, towards the possibilities of this new century, with all the promises of technology; but at the same time, we have a savage medievalism that seeks to take all our societies back, to destroy them, destroy our freedoms and destroy our hopes.

So we at once have to do two things: Develop our countries into the future, and fight back the forces that want to take us to a dark past. And we can do this. I believe Israel is the perfect partner for the countries of Africa. I want to thank deeply all the Excellencies, the leaders who came here, again on short notice, to attend this summit. From our conversations, I think we put flesh on this structure. We believe it. It’s not something we say, lip service – we give lip service to. We believe it. We’ve begun to do it among our respective countries. But I believe that we see opportunities in expanding this to Africa as a whole.


By Malith Alier, Kampala, Uganda


food security in juba

July 6, 2016 (SSB) — July 9th celebration will be low key. Purchase of V8 for ministers, deputies and other constitutional post holders suspended.

These are just the latest moves by the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) over the last week of June 2016.

“Since 2005, the government purchased V8s for ministers and that was not correct” says the minister of Communication, Information Technology, Telecommunication and Postal Services, Michael Makuei Lueth.

These came in the foot of University lecturers, judges and other civil servants’ strikes over unpaid salaries and other conditions going back many years.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Mahatma Ghanzi, the champion of non-violent resistance, on truth-telling facts.

July 6, 2016 (SSB) — Vulnerable people of South Sudan are reported to be eating human flesh while in reality the government officials or public officers are driving latest and expensive cars which among others include: Mercedes Ben, Hammer, V8, Nissan, Bullet Proofs and some cars that can speak that “NO ROAD” where there is no tarmac road.

All the above mentioned cars caused the country with thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars, money that would have been used to set off the shortage at this time of need, if the leaders had the interests of the people at hearts.

However, leaders are keen in building personal wealth and empire which has led to patronage and snobbism. Thus, all the state machinery and apparatuses are being used to protect not national interest but the interests of the individual leaders who do not have any vision for the country.


By Bol Khan, Kampala, South Sudan


The true size of Africa

July 6, 2016 (SSB) — This commentary piece is narrating some obvious reasons why the third world’s countries do not experience rapid stability after independents. The Third world’s countries are defined as poorest and least developed—developing countries in the world.

In other words, the third world is a combination of all those countries whose social security, economic well-being is not improving, political situations are not stable and no sustainable development being done. On top of all has been the rampant instability weighing against a badly needed stability across those countries.

The third world countries are poor not because they lack natural resources. No! It’s because of an imbalances division of available national resources and imbalances devolution of governing power by those countries’ leaders to lower levels or people. All these kinds of imbalances are what constantly causing rampant instability to continue throughout third world or least developed world.
