Archive for July 11, 2016

What Dr. Riek Machar told the BBC about the clashes in Juba

Posted: July 11, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

Riek Machar Interview with the BBC

kiir-riek at J-1

President Kiir and VPs Kiir, Machar and Igga addressing the Media via SSBC inside presidential palace now as gunfire continue in Juba

Here are some interesting twitter messages from James Copnall of the BBC, according to what Dr. Riek Machar told the BBC on the clashes in Juba

  1. Riek says: his residence was bombed, now he is ‘in the open air’. Riek says he doesn’t have many troops in Juba, he is outnumbered by Salva’s troops, which shows he came in peace.
  2. “This has been more or less a calculated plan by people who do not want peace…I think this was a plot to liquidate me or even liquidate the president.”
  3. Riek says he escaped ‘assassination’ at J1 on Friday, this was followed by a ‘dogfight’.
  4. Riek says he was speaking to Kiir throughout the crisis, once or twice a day, including immediately after his forces’ camp was over-run.
  5. ‘I do not have a twitter account, someone must be tweeting in my name. I condemn it’


Gov’t and IO declare unilateral ceasefires

Posted: July 11, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

  1. SPLM-IO declares ceasefire, effective 8pm

SPLM/SPLA (IO) has agreed to Cessation of Hostilities in Juba. His Excellency, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLM/SPLA (IO), has therefore declared ceasefire in Juba with effect from 8:00pm local time today, Monday, July 11, 2016.

More details on the terms of the Cessation of Hostilities will follow…

James Gatdet Dak
Official Spokesperson

2. Gov’t declares ceasefire, effective 6pm



jmec, troika cartoon

  1. UN Security Council Press Statement on Escalation of Fighting in Juba, South Sudan

July 11, 2016 (SSB) — The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the escalation of fighting in Juba, South Sudan that started on July 7. The members of the Security Council expressed particular shock and outrage at the attacks on UN compounds and protection of civilians sites in Juba. The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms all attacks and provocations against civilians and the United Nations. They emphasized the need for United Nations protection of civilians sites and United Nations personnel to remain secure. They expressed their sympathies and condolences to the families of Chinese and Rwandan peacekeepers who were killed or injured in the attacks.

The members of the Security Council urged an immediate end to the fighting by all concerned and demanded that President Kiir and First Vice President Machar do their utmost to control their respective forces, urgently end the fighting and prevent the spread of violence, and genuinely commit themselves to the full and immediate implementation of the peace agreement, including the permanent ceasefire and redeployment of military forces from Juba.
