Archive for July 12, 2016

Under the ARCISS, can the president sack Dr. Cirino Hiteng of G-10?

Posted: July 12, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

Dr. Cirino Hiteng (G-10) Fires by President Kiir: Does that violate the peace agreement?

Cirino Hiteng Ofuho

Dr. Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, deputy minister for Foreign Affairs

July 12, 2016 (SSB) — Under the ARCISS, can the president sack Dr. Cirino Hiteng, deputy minister for foreign affairs, without prior consultation with, or perhaps consent from, Pagan Amum (the G-10), the appointing authority? Legally speaking, if the president can fire Dr. Cirino Hiteng, then he can fire anyone in the TGONU, including ministers from the SPLM-IO without consulting with or tacit consent from Dr. Riek Machar.

Here is what the IGAD Peace Agreement says on the dismissal of ministers under the TGONU:

removing ministers in the TGONU

10.5. Selection of Ministries and Appointment Procedure for Ministers and Deputy Ministers

10.6. Replacement and Removal Procedures:

10.6.1. Each Party may remove its representatives in the Council of Ministers and nominate replacements by notifying the President and the First Vice President, with at least fourteen (14) days notice;

10.6.2. In the event that a Ministerial post falls vacant during the Transition Period, the replacement shall be nominated by the top leadership body of the party that first selected that Ministerial portfolio, as appointed at the commencement of the Transition. The replacement Minister shall serve in office until the end of the Transition Period;

10.6.3. In the event that a Deputy Ministerial post falls vacant during the Transition Period, the replacement shall be nominated by the top leadership body of the party that first nominated that ministerial portfolio, as appointed at the commencement of the Transition, or their duly chosen replacements as Ministers. The replacement Deputy Minister shall serve in office until the end of the Transition Period.

Final Communique of 56th IGAD Extra Ordinary Council


peace message2

one nation, one country, one people

Secretary-General’s press encounter on South Sudan. New York, 11 July 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I want to say a few words about the unfolding crisis in South Sudan.

The renewed fighting is outrageous.  It is yet another grievous setback.  It deepens the country’s suffering.  It makes a mockery of commitments to peace.

Many people have been killed in heavy fighting. There are growing fears that many more could die in another round of violence.

Let me start by expressing my deep condolences to the families and loved ones of all those who have been killed in the fighting that has consumed Juba over the past four days.  I condemn the killing of two Chinese peacekeepers and one UN national staff.
