Archive for July 14, 2016

By Kuanydito Makuei, Juba, South Sudan

Fighting in South Sudan

Fighting in South Sudan

July 14, 2016 (SSB) — I was captured, detained for an hour, then escaped and survived what I would call the indomitable death. But first, Ladies and Gentlemen let me back up things a little bit. On Monday 11, July 2016 (this week) I planned my journey to leave Uganda and come back to Juba, South Sudan. On the same day when I told my sister and her husband that I would be leaving for Juba they vigorously disputed my journey citing unsteadiness of Juba.

Few hours later I met one of my clan mates from Ajuong (sorry, I forgot his name) and told him the same, he actually retaliated by advising me; ‘why don’t you wait for few days so that things can get normalised in Juba’. Previously my own Brothers De Kuany Atem, Kuany Peter Deng and Aguer Kuany has continuously been advising me to stay in Uganda for sometimes.

Tuesday 12, morning, I decided to continue my journey anyway. My only motivation was to get back to Juba, get back to where I live and do my businesses. But nothing was operational in Juba, not even the offices, no business, even homes where not operational. I arrived in Nimule (border) at 10 AM and decided to confirm the situation in Juba Capital and the road to Juba.


“As to whether I will accept the intervention forces from anywhere, no. There are over 12,000 foreign troops here in South Sudan. What do you need more forces? What will they come and do?” The UNMISS here has so many foreign troops. So we will not accept even a single soldier. We will not accept that.”