Archive for July 21, 2016

Uganda reduces border visa fee from $100 to $50, from July 22nd


By Emmanuel Monychol Akop, Juba, South Sudan

Banki Moon

UN secretary general, Banki Moon, and JMEC chairperson, Festus Mogae

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — During the Kigali Summit; South Sudan was the topic agenda. The African leaders agreed that they will solve their own problems, without the intervention of other nations from outside Africa. But Ban Kimoon was at the back scene, with his mouth, probably stuffed with Dollars, engaging, possibly bribing regional leaders to urging them, to support a regional intervention into South Sudanese internal affairs.

Even  Whitemen who have benefited from South Sudan, like Princeton Lyman, a senior adviser to the president of the United States Institute of Peace and served as the US Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan from 2011 to 2013 , is busy writing, urging his corners that a deadly force be deployed, that South Sudanese needs “life support” by placing the country under the UN Trusteeship in, say ten to fifteen – citing Kosovo and East Timor as good examples of success of the UN.

He is ironically right. Yes it is true that South Sudan needs life support after it is sucked dry of its resources by the so called international experts, who come as friends, PR their companies and take away our money. South Sudan is on its knees, because almost everybody, not just our leaders has participated in looting South Sudan.


By Truthhurt Daddy, Juba, South Sudan

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July 21, 2016 (SSB) — Yesterday demonstrations on streets in Juba and elsewhere in the country were so misleading and deceptive at the same time simply because South Sudan already has thousands of foreign forces and none of those foreign forces had sought permission to enter South Sudan’s soil.

While the empty threats displayed here and of course in some towns in South Sudan was that South Sudan is capable of enforcing their so called red lines no matter what, which is a big white lie.

I felt sorry when I saw those poor young men & women yesterday on Streets of Juba and elsewhere in the country who were certainly mobilised by force, perhaps bribed to do such unjustified demonstrations against UN’s forces was pathetic to say the less.


President Kiir decrees the appointment of 22 MPs in Jonglei state

By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

Swearing in ceremony in Jonglei state

Chairpersons, Deputies and Members of Jonglei state commission being sworn in 25 April 2016 picture by Mach Samuel

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — The President of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit has issued Republican decree No. 278/2016 for the appointment of Members of Jonglei State legislative assembly 2016.

The 22 Members of Parliament are predominantly members of SPLM, the Sudan People Liberation Movement who are projected to run law business until the end of life span of transitional government of national unity in Jonglei state.


To save South Sudan, put it on life support

By Princeton Lyman and Kate Almquist Knopf

jmec, troika cartoon

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — South Sudan marked its fifth anniversary as a state this month not with celebrations but with rival armed factions shooting at each other in the streets of the capital. Several hundred people were killed in less than a week, tens of thousands displaced, and even sacrosanct UN camps protecting civilians were attacked. South Sudan ceased to perform even the minimal functions and responsibilities of a sovereign state long ago, and today the likelihood of a larger pogrom and escalating civil war is high.

A power-sharing agreement to end a conflict that started in December 2013 was centred around two people – President Salva Kiir and opposition leader First Vice President Riek Machar – who are irredeemably compromised among segments of the population, who view them as posing an existential threat to their communities. An African Union (AU) Commission of Inquiry found Kiir and Machar’s forces both responsible for killings that constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity. Sharing power between them has now failed disastrously on two separate occasions, and further attempts can only be expected to produce more of the same: immense human suffering and regional instability.

There is, however, another way: put South Sudan on “life support” by establishing an executive mandate for the UN and the AU to administer the country until institutions exist to manage politics nonviolently and break up the patronage networks underlying the conflict. This will realistically take 10-15 years. Planning for it at the outset, however, is more sensible than the accumulation of one-year mandates over decades, as is the case with other peacekeeping missions.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

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July 21, 2016 (SSB) — I have been making it clear that no matter how much I may criticize the government, I will never agree with those who advocate for the intervention of foreign forces.

Anything that aims at destroying South Sudan is the red line to me. Hence, foreign intervention will be the red line to me.

If I hear that foreign forces are sent to Juba with intention of controlling the country that will be the time I leave Uganda to go back home to take up the arms against them.

Intervention of foreign forces is not a matter that is up for discussion. It hits at the heart of South Sudan as a country created by God and any nationalist who is not selling South Sudan for cheap political gain will never entertain the idea.


By Martin Malangki, Juba, South Sudan

demonstration in Juba

Demonstration in Bor against UNMISS and IGAD

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — For the situation we are in now does not require demonstration, preparing  the war with AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE instead African Union troops or  goes back to that senseless war cannot solve our problem at all.

I am requesting and appealing  to  all-south Sudanese especially the Youth, Army officers, organized forces officers NCOs, traditional leaders and chiefs, religious leaders, civil society organizations, women groups, the governments officials, political parties, etc. of all sixty plus tribes of south Sudan and greater Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile regions in particular to take this opportunity to talk to the rivals leaders Gen. Salva kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riak Machar to leave their differences and bring the peace back to South Sudan.
