An open letter to South Sudanese: We must protect our country from foreign military invasion

Posted: July 21, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Martin Malangki, Juba, South Sudan

demonstration in Juba

Demonstration in Bor against UNMISS and IGAD

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — For the situation we are in now does not require demonstration, preparing  the war with AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE instead African Union troops or  goes back to that senseless war cannot solve our problem at all.

I am requesting and appealing  to  all-south Sudanese especially the Youth, Army officers, organized forces officers NCOs, traditional leaders and chiefs, religious leaders, civil society organizations, women groups, the governments officials, political parties, etc. of all sixty plus tribes of south Sudan and greater Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile regions in particular to take this opportunity to talk to the rivals leaders Gen. Salva kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riak Machar to leave their differences and bring the peace back to South Sudan.

The two leaders had been in the office for a decade as the top leaders, leading the country but they did not come together because of competing for the power, where each one of them had his supporters supporting him negatively which triggering the senseless war in 2013 and killed many south Sudanese and displaced dozen and refuge to the neighboring countries.

I hope for now as the leaders of those mentioned regions of Bahr el Ghazal and upper Nile, there is nothing that they have rendered to the citizens of those regions rather than killing their sons and daughters in a war that does not have proper objectives and aims. The people of Greater Upper Nile and Greater Bahr el Ghazal are now suffering because of lack of basic services such roads, health facilities, foods, education, clean water, electricity and I think current the people of those regions are now starving and dying of hunger and people are busy waiting to fight AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE forces of six countries including our former enemy.

Our problem cannot and will never be solved by either AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE (AU) what they called African Union. What have they done when Libya was invaded by the Western Countries and killed President Mohamed Gadhafi like a rat leaving Libya in mesh and torn apart. None of them did not say a word of depending Africa as a continent from other continents.

Where were those forces which they had intended today to send to South Sudan for the protection of the civilians while around 12, 000 UNMISS (UNITED NOTHING IN SOUTH SUDAN)  forces are now present in the country but they have provided nothing to protect the civilians. The civilians were killed in Malakal UNMISS camp, Akobo UNMISS compound and many atrocities which had happened in present of UNMISS

Another organization which cannot solve our problem is UNITED NOTHING (UN) instead of United Nations whether UNITED NOTHING INSECURITY COUNCIL (UNSC) or the UNITED NOTHING SECRETARIAT headed by Ban Ki Moon or whatever they called his name.  This organization is doing nothing to the world population. United nothing was formed because to create employment opportunities to the group of elites. In

1994 when Rwandan people were killed themselves, the United Nothing was in the country, when the situation worsen they moved out of the country leaving people to killed themselves that what they are doing to our country and when we are not careful the same thing can happen in their present and they may pull out when thing become out of their control. The Rwandan people solved their problem and leave their differences and Rwanda is now the peaceful and well developed country in Africa.

That peace in Rwanda was not brought by the AFRICA UNDEPENDABLE (AU) OR UNITED NOTHING (UN) INSECURITY COUNCIL or by UNITED NOTHING but by Rwandan themselves and I  hope we can apply the same thing to solve our own problem without relying on those hypocrite  organization who work with the interest.

Other countries like Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Boko Haram in Nigeria etc. what have the UNITED NOTHING (UN) did to stop killing people by the insurgencies and the terrorists apart from sending unhealthy food to the besiege cities and poor quality of the drugs to the poor people of those please and allow USA to carry out bombing civilian in Iraq and Syria.

For the TRIOKA, I don’t have much to say about them because they are the only countries who had helped has a lot during our struggle  between north Sudan and the south Sudan until we got our independence in 2011. But they should not turn their back to us again and encourage the UNITED NOTHING (UN) and AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE (AU) for their unfortunate and unacceptable proposal of the military intervention to South Sudan instead of political solution.

The IGAD member’s state have accepted to spearheaded this military intervention to South Sudan it will cost  them economically, when there will be no peace in South Sudan. For the best of my knowledge half of the population of South Sudan, approximately 4 million people living in South Sudan are from IGAD countries, working with the international organizations and majority of them are doing private businesses and the money they are getting goes back to their respective countries.

In conclusion, I am again asking all South Sudanese whether at home or in the diaspora to make their own peace and not relying on the UNITED NOTHING, AFRICAN UNDEPENDABLE, TRIOKA AND IGAD because those organizations have their own motives for the military intervention.

The Dinka and Nuer communities should have a plan B to save the lives of civil population because those two communities in the history of Sudan and South Sudan are the most affected by civil wars they fought in the Sudan since 1954 to July -7- 2016 and no proper education to their children, poor infrastructure, poor health facilities, lack of electricity and become the victim of the conflicts and hunger.

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