Foreign forces will never be allowed to set their feet in South Sudan!

Posted: July 21, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

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July 21, 2016 (SSB) — I have been making it clear that no matter how much I may criticize the government, I will never agree with those who advocate for the intervention of foreign forces.

Anything that aims at destroying South Sudan is the red line to me. Hence, foreign intervention will be the red line to me.

If I hear that foreign forces are sent to Juba with intention of controlling the country that will be the time I leave Uganda to go back home to take up the arms against them.

Intervention of foreign forces is not a matter that is up for discussion. It hits at the heart of South Sudan as a country created by God and any nationalist who is not selling South Sudan for cheap political gain will never entertain the idea.

In other words, South Sudan is going to be a second Vietnam of the 21st Century. Vietnam defeated mighty America in 1970s because of their nationalist spirit.

It does not matter how we view the government but the fact remains that the government of South Sudan was elected by all South Sudanese which is the fact known worldwide.

Thus, the government of South Sudan knows the interest of the people and if it has forgotten then people have power to demand from the government without eyeing the West or East or Africa to give us solution.

The solution is not with foreign forces but with South Sudanese government. The government has an obligation to address the issues of human rights violation and the need for democratic reforms.

The intervention of foreign forces will worsen the situation of South Sudan since the main interest of foreign forces is not to help South Sudan but to further their ambitions and interests.

Therefore, I stand on the principle that I must fight against the violation of human rights of South Sudanese and at the same time I must not support foreigners to come and mess up the country.

It will not be bad if I die in the hands of the South Sudanese government defending the rights of other South Sudanese. But it is will be bad if I will lose the sovereignty of South Sudan on the ground that there is a violation of human rights.

Though, I will continue to criticize the government in case of the violation of human rights but I will as well continue to defend the sovereignty of South Sudan in case of violation of sovereignty rights.

South Sudan should not be up for sale for cheap political gains. I must fight against foreign intervention and I must also fight against violation of human rights in South Sudan.

I believe that God has a plan for all. If God has planned that I will die in the hand of government of South Sudan because of protecting rights of South Sudanese then let it be.

For that reason, I find it appropriate to quote what Nelson Mandela said in April 1964 that:

“During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

In the same way though I am not comparing myself with Mandela, I need to make it clear that I have been educated and in education I have learned one thing that all South Sudanese are equal before the law.

Thus, I must protect the rights of South Sudanese equally against the government and equally against the foreign intervention.

I, and others, who have the same believe are prepared to protect South Sudan from external intervention and also to protect South Sudanese in case of violation of their human rights by the government.

External intervention is unacceptable and it is not a matter for joke. We should not please the advocates for the external intervention.

Their action amounts to treasonous act that must be condemned and if possible punished.

NB//: the author is South Sudanese Bar Course Student from LDC Kampala Uganda; he can be reached through:; +256783579256

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  1. Truthhurt says:

    Yesterday demonstrations on streets in Juba and elsewhere in the country were so misleading and deceptive at the same time simply because South Sudan already has thousands of foreign forces and none of those foreign forces had sought permission to enter South Sudan’s soil. While the empty threats displayed here and of course in some towns in South Sudan was that South Sudan is capable of enforcing their so called red lines no matter what, which is a big white lie.

    I felt sorry when I saw those poor young men & women yesterday on Streets of Juba and elsewhere in the country who were certainly mobilised by force, perhaps bribed to do such unjustified demonstrations against UN’s forces was pathetic to say the less. Whoever was behind this poorly organised demonstrations should now know that he/she has fail miserably to achieved the intended goal, each and everyone of those demonstrators seriously believes that the UN’s forces in South Sudan are their problems, really? They even forgot that almost all of them sought protection at UN’s camps around Juba last week and yet they have no shame to even point their fingers at UN, my honest advice to you is that your fate (South Sudanese) has already been sealed and it is too late no matter how much noise you intended to make and you will have no one to blame but yourselves. Whoever doubted your inability to put your house in order will watch you in dismay!

    You can mobilise those vulnerable youths to thumb their chests on Streets of Juba however, you also need to remember that if Saddam & Gaddafi were publicly humiliated by foreign forces in their own countries while they were commanding well equipped & disciplined armies then you’re wasting your time. Take it simply this way South Sudan at this juncture is like a careless man walking in public but suddenly drops down some of his belongings, in this case anyone who saw this careless man doing just that will have no choice but has to join in to help him and this is exactly what the so called foreign forces is trying to do in your case.

    Therefore, the UN and the regional countries intentions is to help this careless man called south Sudan to put his house in order, and if indeed those vulnerable youths demonstrators were not mobilised by force then the best thing they can do right now is to mobilise huge demonstrations across the country against their tribal leaders (call them South Sudan leaders) who failed them not once but many many times!


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