South Sudan needs economic life support, not deadly armed force, Princeton Lyman

Posted: July 21, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Featured Articles, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Emmanuel Monychol Akop, Juba, South Sudan

Banki Moon

UN secretary general, Banki Moon, and JMEC chairperson, Festus Mogae

July 21, 2016 (SSB) — During the Kigali Summit; South Sudan was the topic agenda. The African leaders agreed that they will solve their own problems, without the intervention of other nations from outside Africa. But Ban Kimoon was at the back scene, with his mouth, probably stuffed with Dollars, engaging, possibly bribing regional leaders to urging them, to support a regional intervention into South Sudanese internal affairs.

Even  Whitemen who have benefited from South Sudan, like Princeton Lyman, a senior adviser to the president of the United States Institute of Peace and served as the US Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan from 2011 to 2013 , is busy writing, urging his corners that a deadly force be deployed, that South Sudanese needs “life support” by placing the country under the UN Trusteeship in, say ten to fifteen – citing Kosovo and East Timor as good examples of success of the UN.

He is ironically right. Yes it is true that South Sudan needs life support after it is sucked dry of its resources by the so called international experts, who come as friends, PR their companies and take away our money. South Sudan is on its knees, because almost everybody, not just our leaders has participated in looting South Sudan.

 The life support that we need as a country is – not deadly force – it is the money we all siphoned out, as the UN employing foreign nationals on the national jobs calling them experts on South Sudan – but as a way to take away South Sudanese money, whether donated or generated through the oil revenue. South Sudan needs life support from the INGoS that are working day and night, stealing our money through the expertise that brings little expertism to South Sudan but more destruction and spying.

The international community should understand that silent majority of South Sudan is against the millitant approach to South Sudanese internal conflict, and we are aware that the West is behind the power they called African soltuion to African problems in Kigali – this is sugar-coating.

There is no denying it; South Sudan is under siege from greedy neighbours , the unsympathetic international community, their hosts of spies, sleeping in our hotels and some of the nationals who were once the leaders of the government of South Sudan, now roaming the world, using the resources they stole when they were leaders to destroy South Sudan, selling its sovereignty in the name of struggle for leadership.

South Sudanese are speaking out in large numbers, across the country. The silent majority is standing with their country – they will not accept neighbours who benefited from us over the years to turn against us and humiliate us by forecfully handing our country to foreign rule.

 If the rest of the region, Africa cares for its 54th state, then they should open their eyes to facts. What are those facts? IOs are moving back to government in large numbers. IO leadership under Hon Taban Deng and Ezekiel Lul are clear on this – no foreign military intervention in the internal affairs of South Sudan. Dr Riek Machar is hiding, thinking that foreign forces will come to install him. No. wherever he is, he should be informed that only elections will make him our President, not foreign forces.

During the clashes that predated 9 July, several nationality IDs of the IO soldiers and bodyguards of Dr. Riek Machar collected at the battle scenes showed that he brought in a well trained Ethiopian army, mainly from Gambella. We have obtained a good number of those IDs of Ethiopian soldiers and we will publish them soon. But one of them is James Chuol Nyuon, born in Gambella Ethiopia, of Ethiopian nationality, Ethiopian soldier of Gambella branch, ID Service number 1000135220737.

This is the indication that   Dr. Riek Machar harboured power takeover in Juba, and this has totally failed, promtping him to hide, possibly, out of shame for the mindless  loss he has caused Ethiopain soldiers, for a failed mission and possible accusation for his political miscalculation by the IO military who are defecting back to government in large numbers across the three regions of South Sudan. Now, this is the truth.

When such criminal activities occur and there is a rush from neighbours to bring in more forces, we cannot be shocked that the region is coming for regime change, because they are not questioning Ethiopia – why or how comes Dr. Riek Mahar had Ethiopian soldiers? Under a fair game,  Dr. Riek should be condemned by the region for bringing Ethiopian soldiers who attacked the presidential palace, not the other way round.

Emmanuel Monychol is Editor-In-Chief of The Dawn English Daily newspaper in Juba and British Chevening Scholar. You can reach him via his email: Emmanuel Monychol <>

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address, city and the country you are writing.

  1. Kur wel Kur says:

    Excellent response. U.N. is a failed organisation.


    • Mamer D Jur says:

      Indeed, the UN is a failed organisation. It is on a ‘Life Support’ to be dead. People who supports UN intervention in South Sudan are the great enemies of South Sudan, because they do or do not know the horrible stories of the UN. The principal purpose of the United Nations is to maintain peace and security. Article 1 (1). But it is an idiocy for UN to introduce international violence to circumstances where violence already existed. But South Sudan politicians should be very careful of UN, because the framers of the UN charter had twisted the language badly. Under Article 39 the Security Council may ‘determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression’. This article is very broadly worded. Under art. 42, Security Council can land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. These articles were used when North Korea invaded R. of Korea and when Iraq invaded Kuwait. But South Sudan has a inherent right of self defence under article 51 of the UN Charter. But can South Sudan defeat UN forces? Like China did in Mid-November 1950 by giving direct aid and assistance to the North Korea. They defeated UN forces and the South Korea forces.


  2. Mr. Emmanuel Monychol, you are no direct from other Dinka who lack shame at all. I think when God was issuing out shame, the Dinka are the last to receive the scraps of it. There very many good Dinka whose objectivity have been swallowed by the overwhelming. It is unfortunate to see some of you even those identifying as lawyer, and PhDs holders, supposedly to be of renowned objectivity like Nhial Deng who all fool themselves as convincing the most objective and open minded humans about giving Dr. Riek protection, and proposing to fight the world. Do you know where you acquired the military paraphernalia you use?
    You have admitted that South sudan is exploited by foreigners, do also know that it is Dinka who facilitate them to do so much as the country has abundant local expertise whose competencies can be better than what people you hired as such?
    The only solutions are that Kiir must resign and give way to competent persons other than his current bunch of sycophants or South Sudan is entrusted to the trusteeship of the UN so that by the time we transform as humans capable of good governance, elections would be conducted under a free and conducive atmosphere.
    You know very well that there is no longer any government and you fear of Riek is that he shouldn’t be an immediate replacement citing you detest again his ethnic origin.
    I lastly want to tell you that the government has faied South Sudan. It is unable to meet its daily or monthly obligations; unable to control the tribal militia identifying as national what…….; unable to stabilize an economy unable to comply with international protocols and above all unable to protect the lives of its citizens by promulgating fair laws and killing of its citizens. I am frugally ashamed to identify with you as South Sudanese.


  3. Peter Ring says:

    Karlo Momoi the question of foreign troops intervention is a matter that requires nationalism. No matter how difficult it is for us to govern ourselves, we must not just sell out the country that killed millions of people. We should not forget the struggle our parents, grand, grand parents waged for our independence. Those leaders will not rule for life, most of them are above sixty. We must say NO to foreign military intervention now, the earlier the better. We don’t want South Sudanese to fight a 3rd war for the independence. Enough is enough with the two wars our people waged against British and Arabs. We don’t want current or subsequent generations to fight our neighbouring countries for the cause.

    Emmanuel Monychol did not mention a single tribe. This is a very big problem with most us. We rush to make unjustified conclusions. When some echoes something in support or opposition of the government, people will conclude he or she is the Dinka or Nuer (IO) respectively.

    Those advocating for total rejection of foreign troops are not per se government supporters or Dinka but concerned South Sudanese who are proud of their hard won country, cemented by the dear blood our martyrs. Leaders whether good or bad will go but South Sudan remains and reigns forever. Oh God bless South Sudan!


    • Mr. Ring, these foreign force was impliedly, invited by Kiir and his cohorts proved by incompetence and lack of will to govern the nation in the required standards. We didn’t defeat the Arabs but they were, based on their partial governance, forced to accept that they cannot continue to masquerade as governing the whole nation. The same people have also been invited by Kiir including you who do not want to accept equity in the country. Why is Kiir hosting Uganda if it wants to prove capability in combat or otherwise? It is Uganda that has milked South Sudan so badly without feeding it. Tell me how much did Uganda contribute to the current economic crisis South Sudan undergoes? Nil but benefits.
      Now let me tell you this. Kiir refused to sign the agreement in Ethiopia claiming some reservations which reservations have but rubbished as immaterial and devoid of substance. He was the first to violate the cease fire he had himself unconditionally issued. What a human beong? Kiir continues to issue statements against other tribes who are on his side allowing his tribe mate to exploit the opportunities to grab others lands and property. Tell me in which sovereign state are these primitive tenets exercised?
      It is only Dinka and those In Opposition Ministers whose lives have been put to threat that reject the coming if the intervention force. Why not the others? Simplie. Their lives are put to a stake.
      There are no countries colonized now as was in the past. The coming of the UN force is not synonymous to colonising. This test was done in Kosova and it worked well. Why do you fear what you willingly invited?


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