The IGAD-proposed regional intervention is to help us to put our house in order

Posted: July 21, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers

By Truthhurt Daddy, Juba, South Sudan

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July 21, 2016 (SSB) — Yesterday demonstrations on streets in Juba and elsewhere in the country were so misleading and deceptive at the same time simply because South Sudan already has thousands of foreign forces and none of those foreign forces had sought permission to enter South Sudan’s soil.

While the empty threats displayed here and of course in some towns in South Sudan was that South Sudan is capable of enforcing their so called red lines no matter what, which is a big white lie.

I felt sorry when I saw those poor young men & women yesterday on Streets of Juba and elsewhere in the country who were certainly mobilised by force, perhaps bribed to do such unjustified demonstrations against UN’s forces was pathetic to say the less.

Whoever was behind this poorly organised demonstrations should now know that he/she has fail miserably to achieved the intended goal, each and every one of those demonstrators seriously believes that the UN’s forces in South Sudan are their problems, really?

They even forgot that almost all of them sought protection at UN’s camps around Juba last week and yet they have no shame to even point their fingers at UN, my honest advice to you is that your fate (South Sudanese) has already been sealed and it is too late no matter how much noise you intended to make and you will have no one to blame but yourselves.

Whoever doubted your inability to put your house in order will watch you in dismay!

You can mobilise those vulnerable youths to thumb their chests on Streets of Juba however, you also need to remember that if Saddam & Gaddafi were publicly humiliated by foreign forces in their own countries while they were commanding well equipped & disciplined armies then you’re wasting your time.

Take it simply this way South Sudan at this juncture is like a careless man walking in public but suddenly drops down some of his belongings, in this case anyone who saw this careless man doing just that will have no choice but has to join in to help him and this is exactly what the so called foreign forces is trying to do in your case.

Therefore, the UN and the regional countries intentions is to help this careless man called South Sudan to put his house in order.

And if indeed those vulnerable youths demonstrators were not mobilised by force, then the best thing they can do right now is to mobilise huge demonstrations across the country against their tribal leaders (call them South Sudan leaders) who failed them not once but many times!

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address, city and the country you are writing.

  1. US and UN responsibility in their failed plan A and B is known by South Sudanese. You can just invade South Sudan like have destroyed their tanks the other and take all what ever you are interested to take but one day God Almighty will punish u severely for all the atrocities you have committed in CAR, DR CONGO, LIBYA, RWANDA, and SOUTH SUDAN for just being superpower!


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