If South Sudan was for sale, Dr. John Garang would have sold it to the highest bidder

Posted: July 24, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Columnists, David Matiop Gai, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

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July 24, 2016 (SSB) —- I have been repeatedly mentioned it in most of my articles that south Sudanese have no problems although they used to killed themselves in big number. The real problems in south Sudan are politicians, and the outsiders. There is no problem in Juba if gangs of politicians keep quiet with range of their proposals outside South Sudan. Instead these politicians should seek leadership within or from their people, they seek leadership from the West, AU, IGAD, name them. Will they really success? I doubt.

Our political problems are mixed and fueled by outsiders because we have fresh resources that cause South Sudanese politicians promise outsiders minus us and they defend on foreign political influence and it is not a bad idea when these politicians try to proposed unwillfulness and unfavourable requests of foreign troops made by few disgruntles leaders of self, and selfish blind interest to hand over the affairs of young nation to UN, or Regional authorities regardless of all painful objectives engulf our lives through conflicts and miseries in the country by increasing what is existing to the top of what I call a vision of grabbing oil, and other resources in South Sudan, to create more conflicts so that South Sudanese will be busy killing themselves, and resources are looted behind unseen.

It is already notice, Dr. John said, “it is better to be a dead man than a slave”, and he died in 2005. Our brothers think, South Sudan, a child of 2011, is not able to talk, is not able to walk, is not able to fight, is not able to summon others before court, is not able to claim anything and they are deceiving us as a role of look here, look there, look back, or  see it from here and  there! And loot properties afterward in worse conflicting zone created by them, no we are seeing all tactics; even mere citizens in the villages of South Sudan have already known the policy.

A hyena that cried around cattle camp will never eat your cows again. This proposal will not walk if South Sudanese take responsibility. The vultures always flying over the dead animal and circling it to eat meat and benefit from the flesh but South Sudan with its resources is like a dead animal that has owner to guard it. All the vultures that are hovering around South Sudan are advice to ask the meat steadfast, and we have plenty of resources than populations that if anybody asks us in a friendly manner, we will not refuse to give. There is no problem if somebody come friendly to South Sudan, but if some South Sudanese went around and deceive you over there, their proposal anger ten millions of South Sudanese people otherwise learn how to beg the owner than by force.

I wonder how can somebody somewhere be a perfect angel for south Sudanese people than our devil ones who sacrificed their lives during bush struggle, and if this person light the fire through South Sudanese sons to turn back against them and never mind of lives and properties of their own people, and then being suggested that outsiders are better angels to safeguard the nation regardless of the well experiences of what foreign troops did in Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Iraq, then it is a premature idea.

How can we accept death and burial of our country which we have suffer most in eye of international community for two decades or  22 years , Garang signed CPA in 2005, until we successfully conducted referendum 9th of January 2011? Who have voted in 2011 on my behalf that want to replace me on my own affairs in 2016? Who fought alongside me when I was 13 years old leaving my parents at home and being scattered in 1991 joining me in bush? Why do the region and international community joke with my country affairs although they are supper power?

I hope next time I will write foreign troops intervention and disadvantages, and invisible danger of South Sudan, the invisible angel who fought alongside South Sudanese people for many years. The blood of innocent South Sudanese are on the neck of master planners any time from now, the result is coming, you will hear soon,  the lives of innocents South Sudanese are very now and then asking planners, why do you plan this on us? Some people don’t notice my writings. I am not a prophet but my words come true. Ok let continue.

The real enemy is a man or a woman who is destroying South Sudan future by proposing foreign troops intervention, the idea is opposed by 95% percent of the civil populations, and that these foreign troops may instigate more violence because they are not even accepted to be here by citizens, leave alone government of South Sudan, and south Sudan may be divide into sections, and zones of militias, and the nation will not be there again, this is what our shallow minded politicians want or none of their concern because they have bought nice buildings outside south Sudan, and their  children are enjoying the world with good memories.

If I know one of the campaigning agent for foreign troop intervention or UN leadership in South Sudan, fellow countrymen/women, that person is welcoming again another severe oppression bigger than Arabs Oppression for more than four decades. And this person is worth mention to be out with his/her line ages from the soil of South Sudan.

To AU, UN, IGAD, Troika, I named you as blocs of business, multinational co-operations who share new proposals with innocent blood of African people, and if your market of dollars overlapped, your much concern is instigate fantastic violence so that you people benefit from the same violence since those who die in wars and conflicts all over the war zones create necessary jobs opportunities and creation indirect to direct failures of some nation’s affairs in some continents.

It is shameful for regional blocs like AU, IGAD, EAC, ECOWAS, etc. to keep quiet during Libya invasion until Libyan president was miserably killed with the help of foreign troop’s intervention in his country which left the whole Libya in mess up-to-date. What it is the benefit now as country from Africa is destabilizes, and you want created it again openly in South Sudan? God forbidden it and God is with us, although God is for all, it is quite different with us, I know.

I wish, I would have identify by African people as an African nationalist if my heart is not big and to handle African matters, because how are those holding continent affairs collaborate with evil people, close their eyes, and ears by allowing dragon who was promised by Jesus Christ to put the world in wars and rumours of wars by devastating the continent in the name of democracy, and human rights which are not taking their course into normality. Ooh yea, neo- colonial is governing Africa again. Of course slave has no colour. There are numbers of slave machinery: judiciary slave, economic slave, political slave, relationship slave, cultural slave, traditional slave, military slave, social slave, and so forth.

I know south Sudan is a member state like other countries to UN, Regional blocs, but it is not a country for sell or being donated to region whereby every want to apply his/her potentiality. I hope if South Sudan was a young nation for sell, Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the Chairman and C-in C of SPLA/M would have sold it long ago, and foreign troops which are proposed today would have hold responsibility over south Sudan affairs than citizens.

This is a clear message I want to let gangs of South Sudanese Politicians, International companies, and tribal diversionists understand properly. This country is capable to handle its own affairs if UN concern or IGAD concern lift their hands in this conflict! And for sure two months will not pass without unity of the South Sudanese people if UN, IGAD, AU are not involve to instigate the senseless war which is always design against the nation.

God bless South Sudan.

The author is a co-founder of National Mental Health Care Organization (NMHCO); He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at tonggaid551@yahoo.com/davidmatiopgai@gmail.com.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to paanluel2011@gmail.com. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address, city and the country you are writing.

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