Archive for July 30, 2016

The Re-unification is one of the Items need but there are many things which will make peace in South Sudan durable and lasting for all.

By Albino Aleu Aduol, Juba, South Sudan

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July 30, 2016 (SSB) — I have been saying all long but no one is listening to me and I think our misunderstanding for some time is pushing us away from doing right thing at the right time in the right place. There is nothing important than showing your commitment in anything you want to do it right and let the Public judge your work perhaps, the result of your commitment will be stunning and your encouragement will not only make different but also it will make people proud about you.

The former designated vice president had signed so many peace agreements in the Sudan and none of its document had been successful and this is because he was lacking his own commitment and trustworthy. Our culture is absolutely playing a significantly damaging the young nation, because some of our culture within South Sudan regions spelling that, killing another human being will earning a good but the powerful man and looting others cows or properties will make you richest in the society.


By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia

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July 30, 2016 (SSB) — In the game of politics, shame kills. It buries the politicians in the deepest grave; it erases every positive or not so positive words the politicians had uttered in public or in private. Those who use shame as a weapon to kill their opponents instead of guns, occupy the top rank in politics.

Anyway, call them dangerous politicians. Dangerous in the sense that the chasms of their words are the deepest. Salva and Taban have finally used politics. Believe it or not, our president, Salva and the former (SPLM-OI) chief negotiator, Taban are heroes.


South Sudanese Intellectuals and the Trauma

By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia

July 30, 2016 (SSB) —- The vast majority of South Sudanese intellectuals, especially those in Diaspora, have become part of the problem, a problem that is not helping our people to break the cycle of trauma – wars, perpetual wars.  Partially, through their writings, our people in South Sudan and Diaspora have been experiencing trauma directly and indirectly.

The intellectuals have been inciting violence and when violence occurs, people: adults, children, and even fetuses in the wombs get affected.  Those who are directly affected will have to live with trauma for the rest of their lives and that trauma will be passed on to their children and their children’s children.


Dear First Vice President Taban Deng Gai,

Deng Mayik Atem (Columbus), Arizona, USA

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July 30, 2016 (SSB) — Congratulations on your appointment to this important role in our country’s government. South Sudanese all over the world look to you with great expectations of your wisdom and leadership. We hope that your efforts to bring peace to all our people will be successful.

In 1990, when you were in charge of the camp in Itang, I returned there for the soccer matches. Having spent almost two years at the camp before going to Pinyudo, I was amazed and delighted to see how much you had accomplished to improve the lives of those who were there.

I was also impressed with your contribution to our struggle for independence. Now you face another difficult challenge on behalf of our people.


By Paul Duwar Bak, Kampala, Uganda

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July 30, 2016 (SSB) — The J-1 coup attempt that happened on the 8-10 July 2016, has claim many people lives and we must remember them on this martyrs day. It was accompanied by brutality, killing and massive abuses of human rights on a scale that is yet unparalleled because of the length and breadth of its inhumanity as civilians were killed by the opposition forces.

This may have gross and significant long term effect on the sociology-cultural and economic growth and development of south Sudanese communities and still lie at the root of fractionalization, ethnicity, conflict and instability in several parts of the country.


Hated by the gods

Posted: July 30, 2016 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Poems.

By Riak Marial Riak, Juba, South Sudan


This human nature

Want us to nurture,

All no longer look mature,

Even the ethereal are still not sure.
