Archive for March, 2017

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

hate speech

March 30, 2017 (SSB) — Peaceful co-existence is not just a work of short-term period or a dialogue of few months as South Sudan intended to address her huge and chronic challenges. National dialogue must proceed ahead for three – four years and if we see our positive steps toward peaceful co-existence, we must also stick to protect and secure peace for sustainable development in our new nation.

There is no hurry in issues of national dialogue, and national identity because things will begin to happen slowly until full time where we have to recognize what we have done and achieved in national dialogue and peace implementation in the country. There are small dangerous things we used to do and later on we ignore them as simple things but they are very harmful to our unity and co-existence as South Sudanese. It is better to avoid them instead.


Bruises of the civil war: “My 75 cows, 35 goats as your dowry, and two steers killed…” (Part 9)

By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia


March 30, 2017 (SSB) — After her dream, Akuol Manguak wasn’t suicidal but she refused to talk to anyone in the compound except to her niece, Martha. The two guards left behind to look after Akuol and the girls observed everything in silence. Their job was to stop any violence but any cold, thorny relationship among the family members stood in their faces with impunity.

In one of the mornings of her stay in Ngalangala, Nyankoot had no regards for Akuol’s emotional buttons. She pressed any of them and Akuol was more stressed. “Akuol, what’s going on?” She asked.

“Shouldn’t I suppose to ask the same question?” Akuol shot back in a disrespectful manner, narrowing her eyes to the point of seeing nothing.

“My 75 cows, 35 goats as your dowry, and two steers killed to seal your marriage! Then, 7 years later, you have nothing to show me; and you’re talking to me as if I am your maid (domestic worker),” she barrelled out these words in Aliab’s accent.


Press Release from NAS: In Response to allegations of NAS’s affiliations with other rebel groups


Thomas Cirilo Swaka, former SPLA deputy chief of staff for logistics

March 30, 2017 (SSB) — The National Salvation Front (NAS) would like to take this opportunity to clarify and correct some false claims made in a statement by Lt. Gen. John Jok who claims to be a Commander for the SPLM/IO in Equatoria Region.

1-   Lt. Gen John Jok claims to have held ‘a fruitful discussion’ with the Chairman of NAS Lt. Gen. Thomas Cirillo in Ethiopia on the 9th March 2017.

This is totally untrue and a baseless lie. Regardless of the intentions of the author, no such meeting or discussion about any of the issues ever happened. As such all the claims made after this false start are, needless to say, baseless.


By Majok Arol Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

Murle dancing

March 30, 2017 (SSB) — For the edification of the possible readers who are entirely uninformed, Mr. Michael Igwambe was a paramount chief of Gamberia village too long ago. He was said by the traditional historians that his face looks unattractive because he screwed –up ugly expression on his face always.  Not only was he rude but he had a face look like a bulldog chewing a wasp. Whenever he said something, he would look as if he is quarrelling.

Chief Igwambe and his guvnor were said to have led a renowned insidious rebellion against dictator chief Mr. Nyamer Mwaper under Gamberia Servicemen/women (GSm/w) umbrella which no one’s ever done it of late. Throughout the said to-ing and fro-ing conflict, his deputy Mr. Mali Bokora was reportedly had been leading an effective countervailing force against them contemporaneously with their common enemy because he accused them of having rudimentary knowledge about GSm/w and the purpose it was formed.



By Wenne Madyt Dengs, Bor, South Sudan

Peace messaging competition in Bor

USAID organizes Inter School Peace Messaging Competition in Bor, Jonglei state

March 30, 2017 (SSB) — The inter-schools peace messaging competition was organized by VISTAS, a USAID-funded program, in partnership with the Kreative Nile Family, an independent drama group and registered community-based organization operating in Bor The competition drew thirteen schools (six primary schools in Bortown, one primary school in PoC, and six high schools in Bortown).

Throughout the competition, transformative peace messages through arts in different contexts were wholly delivered. The pupils and students from both elementary and supplementary schools gave motivating peace messages in the area of peace-building through the arts.

The inter-school drama festival’s theme was ‘Supporting school-aged youth peace messaging in Bor’: the categories for the competition were drama, coral verse, solo verse, storytelling, essay writing and debate. The adjudicators were transparently selected through interviews, and more accountable, gender impartiality was highly considered.


The constraints in the Practice of Journalism Profession

By Hon. Arop Madut Arop, Nairobi, Kenya

media reporting

March 29, 2017 (SSB) — As the whole article is entirely about the abuse of journalism profession, it would be important to look at the work and constraints journalists encounter as they go about their work and their relations with the management of the news organisation they work for. As the central theme of the article discusses about the abuse of the journalism profession and the need to rectify it, we will now discuss the constraints that do confront reporters in their daily practice of journalism. It will also be useful to mention the set of categories that are involved in the operations of the press/media industry before we delve into the subject matter. Basically, there are four set of categories involved in the practice of journalism profession.

In the first category, are the news players (politicians, Executives). In the second category, are the news organisers (media houses). The third category consists of the news producers (Journalists/reporters). In the fourth category, are the news consumers (the general public). The war between these sets of categories involved in the operation of journalism practice, does make it necessary to discuss the role each one bring to bear on the other. This move restricts the free flow of information to the intended: reading, listening and viewing audiences. I must stress that, the skill in collecting information is never a smooth running affairs because journalists face lot of difficulties between the news organisers and the news makers on the one hand and the news organisations on the news producers on the other hand.

One of the most important constraints in the practice of journalism, according to mass communication theory, has to do with the agenda setting function of the print media (newspapers). This theory suggests that newspapers organisers and managers often set news agenda for readers by concentrating and carrying in their papers news stories about significant events for the benefits of their businesses. To realise fullest expression of this theory requires the contribution of both journalists and the owners of the news organisations. However, evidence from day to day practice points to the fact that, newspapers are not capable in carrying news reports about all that goes on around the world, as expected. In essence, news organisations do arrange things in such away so that staff and resources available could meet the expected flow of news. Where possible, news reports are therefore managed to fit the needs of the news organisations, regardless.


By Tearz Ayuen, Nairobi, Kenya


Sabina Dario Lokolong, deputy minister for humanitarian affairs and disaster management, Nov 201

March 29, 2017 (SSB) — Dear PaanLuel Wël, I’ve been wondering whether government officials think about what the people think about them. We’re talking political and social recognition here. Reputation too.

Given what’s happening in this country, don’t you think every government official should explain, verbally or in writing, why he or she is an important person in the society and be recognized and treated respectfully by every common man like myself?

Title aside. Personal achievements during the 21-year struggle aside. Military ranks aside. Social status aside. Belly size aside.

Yes; every single official deserves respect, but the problem is, respect is like salary. It’s earned. Isn’t it? One has to work hard for it, sweat for it. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. Right?


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Ruweng state

March 29, 2017 (SSB) — I was really touched and shocked when I came across the news on Sudan Tribune News-headline March 29, 2017 (JUBA) screaming at me that South Sudan president sacks Ruweng state Governor. Sudan Tribune points out that South Sudan Salva Kiir has issued an executive order removing the Ruweng state Governor, Theja Da Adwad Deng, a day after the latter shifted political allegiance from the armed opposition faction (SPLM-IO) under the country’s First Vice President, Taban Deng Gai.

What made me angry and at the same time disappointed is that fact that I wrote about the same issue the previous day calling on the president to confirm the Governor, Theja, after defecting from the SPLM-IO. The reason I wrote about him was because he is a good leader and people of Ruweng State deserved good governance, therefore he should be reaffirmed. However, I was terribly shocked and disappointed to find out that Theja had been sacked from the post of Governorship.


By Michael Koma, Juba, South Sudan

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March 28, 2017 (SSB) —- Hon. Andrew Kuach Mayol, a veteran politician, a career military commander, and former Commissioner in the liberated areas before the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed between Khartoum and the SPLM/A in the year 2005; Andrew served the movement with distinction, displayed unshaken loyalty to the people’s movement. He is a well-respected chap. Following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Andrew served as Political and Economic Advisor to the Governor of Warrap State, and was the Deputy Chairperson of the SPLM party.

After the re-division of the ten states to 28 States, Andrew was holding similar positions in Tonj State where he hails from. on 28 July 2016, Tonj State Governor, Gen. Akec Tong arrested Hon. Andrew together with the former Commissioner of Tonj South County, Hon. William Wol Mayom. The two gentlemen spent 7 months in custody without being charged or arraigned before a competent Court of Law.

To find out the reasons behind their incarcerations for months without trails; The Dawn Business Manager, Michael Koma talked to Hon. Andrew and below is the excerpts of the Interview:


Experience is Simply the Name We Give to our Mistakes:  A Response to Michael Joseph’s Article on Mayiik Ayii Deng

By David Deng Chapath, Kampala, Uganda


He rose from death and appeared to his disciples in an open top car: The case of President Kiir

March 28, 2017 (SSB) — In the recent article written by Michael Joseph entitled: Mayiik Ayii Deng – a Poison in the Office of the President. In order to show through his explanation how Mayiik is a poison in the Office of the President, he made the following allegations or accusations against him—

The first accusation is that Mayiik is semi-illiterate and because if that he was not supposed to be appointed as Minister in the Office of the President. That the appointment of Mayiik is a political shame to the entire nation and further added that it is sufficiently alarming that Mayiik Ayii is creating a culture of corruption and embezzlement in the office of President.

In addition, he accused Mayiik that he had failed miserably to complete his senior Secondary School in Khartoum. Michael backed his point based on rumors which are circulating in the streets of Juba that Mayiik is incompetent, uneducated and extremely corrupt Minister to ever run the Office of the President ever


By Makur Nhial Makeny, Eldoret, Kenya 

Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era

March 28, 2017 (SSB) — Dear Sir, many greetings to you and your leadership. Before I come to the core principle of this letter, allow me to congratulate Gen. Rin Tueny Mabor the pioneer Governor of Eastern Lakes State for the milestone achievement during his tenure in the office.

In the modern world, leadership is evaluated in many ways and I fiercely challenge the mindset and the notion of the one way opposition. There is a need to weigh in two arms the achievements versus failures of any leadership and those can be reached by asking oneself these questions; what are you supposed to do as a leader? What did you achieve during your time in office?

From the above questions and if answered properly, we can deduce that a leadership has succeeded or failed. Fact checks are far more existing to explain your leadership and I picked security as the top precedence in the tenure of Gen. Rin Tueny.


By Baak Chan Yak Deng, Juba, South Sudan



March 28, 2017 (SSB) — Black markets typically exist because the regular markets are not going to provide a seller the highest possible revenue for an item he has for sale. Because black markets are illegal, the seller requires a substantially higher price than he would get on a legal market.

Reasons for regular markets to not support the higher price would be that the item being sold is illegal or the item being sold has some kind of price control on it that prevents the seller from getting the full amount a buyer is willing to pay.

Illegal items can include goods that have been banned, or goods that have been stolen and cannot be represented as legally obtained by the seller. Examples of banned items are certain arms and ammunition, drugs, books, videos and other compilations of information or ideas that have been prohibited in that jurisdiction.


Is The Ruweng State Offered as a Sacrificial Lamb to Cool the Wrath of Taban Deng Gai’s Political Maneuver, Tribal Politics and Quest for Resources?

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Ruweng state

March 28, 2017 (SSB) — For God and My country and For Justice, liberty and prosperity! Ruweng State is one of the 33 states of South Sudan. It is located within the Greater Upper Nile region. It borders Western Nile to the east, Western Bieh to the southeast, Northern Liech to the south, Twic to the southwest, Abyei to the west, and Sudan to the north. The headquarters of Ruweng State is Panrieng.

In addition, Ruweng State covers the contested area of Panthou or Heglig in Arabic. The inhabitants of Ruweng State are Panaru and Alor people.

Administratively, Ruweng State is the only state given to the SPLM/A-IO in Juba, which is Taban’s faction.   Indeed, though Ruweng State was state given to the SPLM-IO, it is lucky to get one of the best and exceptional governors in person of Hon. Governor Theji Da Adwad Deng. Theji is one of the rarest leaders in South Sudan.

Having talked highly about Governor Theji Da Adwad Deng above, I would like to beg my readers to allow me to digress a bit by supporting the reasons why I highly appraised him.


Congratulations to Dr. James Wani Igga: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Business Administration, Bulacan State University, Philippines.


President Salva Kiir and Vice President Wani Igga sharing a joke

March 27, 2017 (SSB) — The PhD Thesis for Vice President H.E. James Wani Igga has been approved today, March 27, 2017, by the PhD Defense Panel of the Bulacan State University, awaiting formal graduation in June 2017.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Major in Business Administration, the Vice President H.E. James Wani Igga has successfully defended his PhD Dissertation Proposal.

The thesis was presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Bulacan State University in the Philippines. The title of his thesis is “Improving the Taxation Policy for Business Investors, Both Local and Foreign: The Case of South Sudan.”


By Sunday de John, Chennai, India

Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era

March 27, 2017 (SSB) — What is patriotism? Love for one’s own country and the readiness to defend it from any form of aggression, would make a rough answer. Can one be patriotic at the county level, or rather at the state level? Per this, are you patriotic? I mean the ready reader. Am I patriotic? I mean the ready writer. If not so, then are we patriotic? These are few questions that ring in my mind.

I know that you know the notion of self-enrichment as one such reason that has significantly contributed to our myriad of problems. Wealth, unhealthy wealth, has in many ways tempted the then expected patriots. It has drown the insensitive, heartless looters to crave for more and more even after a significant looting.

By the way, a loot means something appropriated illegally often by force or violence. It also means illicit gains by public officials. That means, anything can be a loot. Appropriately, money can be a loot. Public property such as machinery, land and vehicles can too be regarded as loots.


By Joseph G. Akech, Juba, South Sudan


Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy?

March 27, 2017 (SSB) —- Elections are an important part of democratic governance around the world. They should be free and fair and held periodically for the people to choose their own leaders. In democratic governance, elections are a fulfillment of a universal adult suffrage and in conformity with the Constitution and the law. When there is an election dispute as to whether someone was validly elected, courts would be called upon to determine the rightful winner of an election. The petitioner must lodge his or her petition before competent court within prescribed time and rules. Such petitions are determined using enabling laws (usually the Constitution, the Presidential Elections Act, Rules of Procedure and the case law).

To determine the rightful winner of an election, courts are enjoined to consider the facts giving rise to an election dispute and apply the laws applicable. To do this, court must consider who has the burden to prove certain facts and to what extend before pronouncing itself on the dispute before it. The challenge however arises as to what constitutes free and fair elections and to what extend can an election malpractice and or irregularity be condoned by the courts of judicature. Courts are mandated to interpret the relevant laws applicable in election disputes and to reflect the ‘will of the people’ in their decisions. In other words, the decision of the court should not depart from the will of the people as to amount to injustice to peoples’ aspirations upon which courts derive their power.


By Hon. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, Torit, South Sudan

Nathaniel Pierino Locha

The author, Hon. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino, is a senior and founding member of SPLM-IO and the current SPLM-IO governor of Imatong State.


March 27, 2017 (SSB) —- All political societies primitive or modern are composed of invariably smaller societies of different types. What matters is where citizens locate their loyalties. By nature, a man places his loyalty and will to himself and his means of existence; family, then to the lineage, clan, tribe, ethnic group in that order.

In a civilised society like state, the most natural privilege of a man is that of associating with his fellow men and acting in common with them in pursuit of public good. In as much as the right of association is inherently inalienable and fundamental, it may also be perverted by others and thus the elements of civil life may be degenerate into conditions of destructions, cruelty and cannibalism. (Tocqueville, 1835).

If men were to cope with the pace of civilization (largest human grouping), the arts of going beyond one natural cleavages and associating with humanity on the other side of the horizon must impulsively grow and improve.  The rationale of civilisation is first and foremost, terminate inherent anarchy, insecurity, lawlessness by creating a social contract where everyone gives up his private will into that of the general will and he himself becomes a free man. JJ. Reassou, 1755.


By Anyuon-Magedem D’Gomba, Nairobi, Kenya

Murle dancing

Act of Terror

March 27, 2017 (SSB) — In its most basic definition, the term terrorism refers to any act that is perpetrated for the purpose of causing terror.

There is no any universal definition as to just what acts are considered terrorism, but it is commonly considered to be an action that causes fear and/or harm for a political, ideological, religious, or social and economic objectives.(legal Dict)

 Acts of terrorism deliberately target civilians, neutral military personnel, or other non-combatants, with blatant disregard for their safety.

To put it more simply, when a group of two or more people commits acts of violence or force against people or property, for the purpose of intimidating or coercing a government or civilian population, in furtherance of social or political objectives, it is considered a domestic terrorism.


Naath Universities and Colleges Students Union in Uganda (NUCSUU) Organized a Farewell Party for the 2016-2017 Graduates

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March 27, 2017 (SSB) — The Naath Universities and Colleges Students Union in Uganda (NUCSUU) leadership on the 11th March, 2017 organized an enormous farewell party for its graduated students of 2016/2017 under the theme: ‘EDUCATION FOR HUMAN LIBERATION.’ The occasion under the auspices of the Chief Guest, Dr. Riang Yer Zuor took place in Hotel Equatoria and a high number of South Sudanese from all walks of life attended.

A total number of all graduates for 2016/2017 stood 191, out of which 10 graduated with Masters, 144 Bachelors and 37 Diplomas. Two of the Bachelors holders finished with the first classes. However, the total number of the graduates significantly fell vis-a-vis the number that previously graduated years ago.


South Sudan: Finding Justice Beyond Statutes

Posted: March 27, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Joseph G. Akech, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Joseph G. Akech, Juba, South Sudan

28 governors with president kiir

The swearing in ceremony of 28 governors in Juba, South Sudan, 29 Dec 2015

March 26, 2017 (SSB) —- The spontaneous meaning of ‘justice’ is fairness, truth or getting your right. In courts of law, justice is much more complex and often nothing but ensuring that litigants get their rights within the confines of the law. The operative meaning of this position is often found in the call to serve justice without undue regard to technicalities.

For lawyers, the concern will be following procedural rules than simply getting justice. Indeed most cases are won on technicalities but not on the truth. However, technicalities alone cannot persuade the court to grant remedies sought. Even with ironclad evidence, willful ignorance to court procedures can be fatal to the case and the opposing party could go court free.

Justice, we’re told, protects rights guaranteed by law (the statutes or common law). Courts, therefore, are expected to apply rules and laws made by parliament (statutes) and or principles enshrined in the judicial system of that jurisdiction, the common law and now more increasingly, international law.
