Archive for April 3, 2017

By Wenne Madyt Dengs, Bor, Jonglei state

Adau Abraham Jongroor

Adau Abraham Jongroor: The Daughter of a Hero Lives in Desolation

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Towards the closure of the inter-schools peace competition, the prizes were being given to the winners. The USAID funded peace messaging campaign through VISTAS program in Bor drew thirteen schools (six primary schools in town, one primary school in PoC, and six high schools).

I was extremely exhausted and didn’t have courage to take more photos of the event. All of sudden, I happened to hear the name, ‘Adau Abraham Jongroor!’ ‘What?’ I inwardly asked myself. This name Abraham Jongroor inflicted into my thoughts and I began to think… the thought came into my mind and I remembered when I was listening to the news of Radio Tamazuj on 6th Jan 2014.

“Abraham Jongroor Deng, a brigadier-general in SPLA Division 8, was killed on 5th Jan 2014 in fighting near Bor. A South Sudanese army (SPLA) general was on Sunday killed by forces loyal to former vice president Riek Machar as the government battled dissidents currently in control of Jonglei state capital, Bor”.


By Riak Marial Riak, Juba, South Sudan

28 governors with president kiir

The swearing in ceremony of 28 governors in Juba, South Sudan, 29 Dec 2015

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Beyond the brown trees of Terekeka there is a small land, a land divided by many lakes, gifted with forestry and beauty. People were much terrified until the last call was heard to sweep away travail wanting to avail itself. It is now the adjustment, time for improvement.

As well put in place when we grab this metaphor from Dinka language that” dance nearer to your own land, your native land” is now a need for this country, a country divided by many lakes, Nile passing through it to sit and see the gleeful eyes of her citizen.

One morning when the sun was coming from its home and rouse over the mahogany trees of Easter lakes state a life was drawn in the middle of the sky, it was betterment appearing yellow in the sun disk and ululations coming from every streets, airport and the filthily freedom square that hope has finally come.


By Baak Chan Yak Deng, Juba south Sudan

unity of nuer and dinka

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — South Sudan’s economy is only one of the factors that divides the country, encourages violence, has led to civil conflict, and has helped empower IO. Sectarian and ethnic divisions, population pressure, religious extremism, intervention from outside states, poor and grossly corrupt governance, authoritarianism, and a fractured political system have all made their own contribution to the present level of violence in what in many ways has long been a failed state.

What is possible is to provide an overview of the complex interactions between economics and the other factors driving violence in South Sudan, and the extent to which South Sudan’s deep structural economic problems interact with its sectarian and ethnic divisions, help empower SPLA, and help increase the tensions between Dinka and Nuer.


By Atiop Yach, Juba, South Sudan

Ruweng Governor

The newly appointed Governor of Ruweng state Hon. Them Machar Kuol being sworn 

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Who knew that the two men (Salva Kiir Mayardit and Taban Deng Gai) were going to work together again due to their past differences that lead to the dismissal of the then governor of former Unity State who later teamed up with the man (Dr. Riek Machar) whom the gubernatorial election of April 2010 was rigged against his wife in favor of Taban. This is real politic but politic of regions and tribes.

We have had many instances in recent weeks that are likely to cause rift in working relationship of Salva Kiir and Taban Deng. It first began with the governor of Ruweng State, Theji de Aduot Deng aka Thomas Sankara resigning from the SPLM – IO faction led by Taban Deng Gai to whom he was part of it from inception and being the ticket he was appointed to be the governor of the state. Theji Deng rejoined the SPLM mainstream which will be a boost to Salva Kiir numbers in the region which is believe to be an SPLM – IO stronghold and signified tribal affiliations.


“The newly appointed Governor of Ruweng state Hon. Them Machar Kuol was sworn at the state House in Juba today before President Salva Kiir Mayardit.The swearing in ceremony was attended by the First Vice President, Taban Deng Gai and was presided over of Justice John Gatwich, the Deputy Chief Justice. In his remarks after the swearing in of the governor, President Kiir appeal to the newly appointed governor to work and cooperate with the community members in the state. President Kiir called on the Governor to dialogue with the people in a peaceful meaner in order to find a solution in the state. President Kiir also stressed on the important of the implementation of the peace agreement in the Country. Meanwhile Taban Deng said the appointment of Them is aim at uniting people of Pan-Aru as well as the whole state of Ruweng with its neighbors. He disclosed that he nominated him because of his hard work and determination to deliver.” via Maal Maker Thiong.

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Ruweng Governor

The newly appointed Governor of Ruweng state Hon. Them Machar Kuol

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — Ruweng State is an offshoot of the former unity state now divided into three states as per the EO/36.The Compromise peace agreement popularly known as ARCISS provided for the already existing 10 states and that Governors of Upper Nile and Unity states shall be the nominees of the SPLM IO.

To the surprise and chagrin of many including the Protestants, it turned out that the SPLMIO, with some concessions after the bloodiest incident at J1, was given only one state with some deputies in other States. That state is none other than the Ruweng state whose owners, leaders and intellectuals for that matter, now beat their chests and threaten to fight the government to the last man.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

hunger in south sudan

President Kiir and Riek Machar, challenges of the TGONU

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — In South Sudan, the system is rotten to the core. Corruption has eaten up everything. Money is the language of the day and no one thinks about a country called South Sudan.

Because of corruption and mismanagement, South Sudan and her people have lost their dignities as they are not respected internationally.  This is why the leaders of South Sudan are given money and at the same time abused by other countries without responding to such attacks.

The clear example to support the above point is the recent remark made by Dutch Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen, who openly abused the President and other leaders of South Sudan that and I quote “The leaders of South Sudan are bastards who starve their own people.”  A bastard means illegitimate child, a child born to unmarried parents. It also means illegitimacy in English law. In simple term, it means a narcissistic and annoying Character.


By Thabor Ding, Juba, South Sudan

famine, hunger

famine in RSS

April 3, 2017 (SSB) — President Salva Kiir has donated $10, million dollars ($10, 000, 0000) to Uhuru Kenyatta’s presidential Election in Kenya.

This breaking news is to inform the South Sudanese both in and outside the country and indeed the UN, US and EU that in March 2017, the Kenyan private presidential jet was flown to Juba and picked up Cash Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) from the office of President Salva Kiir to finance the presidential re-election of Uhuru Kenyatta.

This sad news happened at a time when man made famine has just been declared by the international community. As we speak now, thousands and thousands of South Sudanese people are at risk dying of starvation due to a man-made famine while President Salva Kiir today donated millions of dollars to Uhuru Kenyatta re-election.
