Archive for April 6, 2017

By Biel Boutros Biel, Kampala, Uganda

April 6, 2017 (SSB) — I recently read on Sudan Tribune Eric Reeves’ piece of writing entitled: Famine in South Sudan should not obscure urgent food crisis in Sudan.” (See From the title, one could sense that it was emotionally authored and not centred on any significant intellectual and human touch. Had Eric Reeves reflected, he would have probably come to his senses to change the title. No, as usual, that is the international Professor Eric Reeves’ ways of rocking it!.

Eric Reeves is clearly unhappy that the current famine in South Sudan has attracted significant international coverage. The title and the subsequent opening paragraphs show his enviously saddened egoism and bad faith against the people of South Sudan.  The suffering communities in the bushes of Mayendit, Leer, Duk, Ayod, Mundri, Niemni, Fangak, Kajo-Keji, Yei, Raja, Parajok, Torit, Tonga, Nasir, Aweil and many parts of South Sudan caused by the manmade crisis, would terribly weep and burn Eric Reeves’ article if they were to read its title and paragraph one.


By Majok Arol Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

women's rights

Women rights are human rights

April 6, 2017 (SSB) — Mr. Mach, aka Mariengfol was a legitimate first born son of Monydeng Liaroteek.  He was born and grew up in the cattle camp until he turned up to thirty years old. His main activities were to take cattle to a grazing land and to a water pools or rivers for drinking.

One day, his father visited him at the cattle-camp. In the evening, he ordered a lad to fill up a gourd with milk and gave to his father. His father before sipping, had first traditionally poured little a bit some milk into the fire and whisperings to quietening their ghosts and order them to bring about lucks always on to the offspring since their forefathers were interred correctly so that bad things can’t happens.
