Archive for April 7, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: The launching ceremony of the new #Peace4ALL music video in Juba, and from #PeaceVillage Rhino Camp, Uganda, on Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 7, 2017 (SSB) — Invites you to the launch of the new #Peace4ALL music video in Juba  and at Rhino Camp, Uganda on Sunday 9th April 2017.

#Peace4ALL is a peace song to defy societal abhorrence by artists Free Boy, RonnyRiddimz, Barnabas Samuel and Ladule Chris launching in Juba, Arua & Rhino Camp Uganda

This event in Juba will be attended by guests from the German Embassy, CDC and others as well as entertainment from various artists and dance groups

Date: 9th April 2017

Time: 5 PM – 7 PM

Place: Markaz Shabab (Hai Neem/Nimera Talata) Juba

Contact info: James A. Diing on 0911 522 522

#Peace4ALL Music Video


By Mading Abraham Majur, Juba, South Sudan

Mrs Aluel Ayiei Chath, top high ranking spla officer at her office in Bilpam

April 7, 2017 (SSB) — If my comrades from the SPLA were begin to think, not one of us would remain in this army where we are been the victim of looting the civil population properties which circulating on social media and the entire worldwide believe that SPLA forces are for looting which is the hysteria, and an never ending propagandists.

It is something painful for me to see such a post from our fellow South Sudanese intellectual that had admittance of internet, accusing the SPLA forces and terms them as dogs, goats and animals eaters.


By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

Lakes state Youth in Kenya

Lakes State Youth Consultative Council in Kenya

March 7, 2017 (SSB) — This part three will discuss what define leadership secularly, and divinity. What are scriptures terms for leadership and how do these term indicate the expectations of leaders, but as I wrote about youths as leaders of tomorrow, and why their leadership referred to young people as leaders of tomorrow? It is meant for future youth leadership development.

And in part one I wrote about leadership definition and in part two discussed identification of leaders comparing to how Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the chairman and commander in chief of SPLA/SPLM developed youths leaders in SPLA/SPLM leadership during his ruling era, and the importance of transitional leadership to youths after proper preparation of youth leadership development.
