Archive for April 11, 2017

By Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya

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April 11, 2017 (SSB) — Dear colleagues, relatives, friends and contemporaries on Facebook, this forum has been a place of great learning and it is my strong believe that one can obviously gain knowledge, whether distorted or judicious one . It is conceivable that trends can be built in this fusillade of exchanges which may end up forming a certain domain of knowledge.

And when it is faulty as it clearly is, it must be rebuked. That is why I am specifically writing this piece to reproof with the reproach it deserves the uncalled for destruction of our history of liberation which is happening at our watch. And let everyone be warned that this is history and can never be shared, regardless of whether you are friend or not, it may hurt but I am sorry, I will have to put history as it is, not as it should be.

I want to admonish this cheap talk that is gaining unwarranted audience in our South Sudanese fora. It is specifically from today liberators of the yesterday war. This fortunate group that escaped the wrath and tribulations that came with our war of liberation has made it their business to distort history and vilify those who gave their-all to our freedom. They have even gone a step further to take up our gallant movement from our unsuspecting leader, to sidestep the owners of the movement by sacrifices not by buccaneering.


By Dut Lual Anei, Juba, South Sudan

April 11, 2017 (SSB) — Societal transformation through acquired formal education has never been a crime in contemporary world but absolute consequences of too many misguided ambitions without ethics is a barrage. This rebuttal is intended to inform the entire Yar-Ayiei community to diffuse from unfounded allegations being engineered by Mr. Bol Deng Ayiei as an individual but badly chose to use the most highly respected community of Tonj south since memorial to cover his deeds.

Yar-Ayiei has sons and daughters who have decent characters, respectful intellectuals, and rare wisdom with brave and giant fellows whose contributions can never go unnoticed. Yar-Ayiei has mothered many girls who are by far married to the neighbouring communities especially Apukjuwiir where i hailed from, my own grandmother called Adeng Makuac Tong from Palou clan is among those daughters of Yar-Ayiei who have been very instrumental in shaping families without doubts of any lack of cultured personality.


For immediate release: Declaration of Col. Dickson Gatluak, Juba, South Sudan

April 11, 2017 (SSB) — I, Colonel Dickson Gatluak Jock Nyuot, Deputy Military Spokesperson of the SPLA- IO in the Office of the Commander in Chief do hereby declared allegiance and loyalty to the SPLM/SPLA-IO under the wise and able leadership of His Excellency General Taban Deng Gai, First Vice of the Republic of South Sudan, Chairman and Commander in Chief of the SPLM/ SPLA-IO.

Since day one when the SPLM-IO Top Political Leadership sat in Juba in July 2017 to choose the leader in the absent of the Chairman and the First Vice President as stipulated in the Agreement, I was supportive of the bold, patriotic and revolutionary move by the top leadership of the SPLM/SPLA -IO to nominate a true and committed comrade in the person of His Excellency General Taban Deng Gai to lead the movement and continue in the implementation of the Peace Agreement (ARCISS) in spirit and letter.


Condemnation of the secret youth meeting of Gogrial state

Posted: April 11, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan

Condemnation of the secret youth meeting of Gogrial state

“Meles Zinawi, Isaias Afwerki and myself, fought and shed blood in Sudan and compelled Bashir on the table to accept self-determination and independence for the people of South Sudan and now there is this claim that the Dinkas liberated South Sudan. Were we also Dinkas. What about 98.9 per cent voters in the referendum who endorsed your independence and those Americans and Europeans who supported you? Were they all Dinkas?” Museveni told a meeting of South Sudanese leaders (among them Rebecca Nyandeng Garang, Kosti Manibe, Oyay Deng Ajak, Majak D’Agot, etc.) at State House, Entebbe, Uganda, 9 April 2017.

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

museveni's quote on leadership

April 11, 2017 (SSB) — In respond to a written post on Sudan tribune on April 9, 2017, that, “South Sudan’s secession was a collective effort” and according to President Museveni, he said, they pressurized Sudan government to accepted self-determination. He further said, “Were we also Dinkas.

What about 98.9 per cent voters in the referendum who endorsed your independence and those Americans and Europeans who supported you? Were they all Dinkas?” he asked. Were we also Dinkas? When you did what? If you were doing something on our behalf with America, and Europe, then why did struggle cost us expensively and so long?

I don’t think your pressurization made Bashir to accepted self-determination. This self-determination was a popular demand of South Sudanese people in 1947 before Anya-nya one, and SPLA/M formation in 1983, and they have struggled after it by all means to achieved the goal up to the end of it in 2005-2011. Four million lives have been paid for that self-determination, and we know them by names because what they are or they are sons of who in which parts of South Sudan, SPLA books and records contained all full details about them.


NDM Press Release on the killing of Innocent Civilians in Wau

Posted: April 11, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Press Release

Dear Sir/Madam,

Warm greetings. Please find the attached NDM Press Release regarding the above mentioned subject.

Best wishes,

Amb. Emmanuel Aban

NDM Press Release on the killing of Innocent Civilians in Wau (PDF)

By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan

April 11, 2017 (SSB) — A beautiful teenager was being married through a dowry competition. Three men declared their interest to marry her. She was just at puberty age and knew little about sexuality or what is entailed in marriage process. All she knows is that your husband will sleep with you and have sex.

If three people want to marry you, according to her understanding, they all want to have sex with you. This scared her. How can one girl go with three men at the same time? She thought about this situation and then thought about her vagina. Is it enough for three men? No. It is too small.

She kept this anxiety to herself and allowed the dowry negotiations to continue unimpeded. As is the norm in most Dinka cultures, the Bor bridegrooms declare their wealth (in cattle – and lately money, cars and buildings) as offers to win the parents’ hearts – and that “rich man” takes the bride.


Akoon Madut Akech, Juba- South Sudan

April 11, 2017 (SSB) — That was the content of the letter alleged to have been written and signed by forty chiefs of Aguok in unclosed location and to the best of my knowledge nothing of the said meeting had taken place anywhere including Gogrial town and in Juba.

For the purposes of clarity, the letter was published by THE DAWN newspaper on Monday 3rd, of April 2017 page 4 to page 5 Vol.2 Issue 332 detailing the failures of Gogrial state Governor and his involvement in the conflict  between the two communities namely Aguok and Apuk. To my surprise the group acted under directives of someone giving wrong information about the Governor.



Posted: April 11, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan


I am always proud to be part of this favourable stories of our history from my big brother, Kur Garang Deng. Today, April 8, 2016, I have learned a very important piece of history:

1- The day Boma was captured 31 years ago.

2- The brief life histories of Martin Manyiel Ayuel and Nyacigak Ngaciluk

3- The origin and meanings of the local coinage of ‘boma’ and ‘payam’ as the nucleus of our administrative system of government, etc.


Remembering Cdr. Nyacigak Ngaciluk and Cdr. Manyiel Ayuel

FB_IMG_1460208361901I am grateful to share with the public, especially the generation coming after, the origin of the victories of our liberation movement and army (SPLM/SPLA). Today, April 8, 2016, marks 31 years of the capture of our first and permanent town of Boma (South-eastern Jonglei) in 1985.

In fact, the first assault by the Aggreb Battalion on April 1 whereby ‘Boma Fok’ (Upper…

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