Archive for April 14, 2017

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

kiir, riek, wani

peace and reconciliation in South Sudan

April 14, 2017 (SSB) — Before I go to the point I wanted to make in this brief article in which is in response to those in State House who are claiming that I have apologized, I wanted to make it clear using the words of Faye Wattleton that “I do not make any apologies for my manner or personality. I come from a long line of very strong, Black African who neither bend nor bow. I haven’t had very good modeling in submission”.

Coming to the point, in recent article I wrote about the Office of the President entitled: LETTING THE CAT OUT OF THE BASKET: THE DIRTY POLITICS IN THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT EXPOSED, I made the following points “that in the Office of the President of South Sudan there is dirty politics going on.

Such dirty politics is in the following forms: betrayal, original sin, greed, corruption, discrimination, gossip and hatred which are order of the day” and second to it that “the Office of the President has been turned into business where those working there derive profits as some of them are more of brokers than government employees”.


By Baak Chan Yak Deng, Gogrial, South Sudan

Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era

April 14, 2017 (SSB) — The South Sudan currency crisis arose from a collapse of confidence in the ability of a number of countries to maintain their fixed exchange rates while continuing to allow the free movement of foreign finance capital at a time of increasing current account deficits.

The South Sudanese currency was initially not affected by the pressure on other regional currencies. When it begins to fall, however, the underlying weakness of the South Sudan financial sector was revealed and private foreign debt was far higher than previously thought. The crisis worsened in South Sudan because of the lack of an effective government policy response.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) financial stabilization package agreed to by the South Sudanese Government contained conditions requiring South Sudan to reform its financial sector, reduce fiscal expenditure and radically change the nature of government involvement in the economy.
