Archive for April 15, 2017

By Mou Mawel, Wau, South Sudan

Mama Nyandeng Crying after the warring parties failed to sign the final peace accord

Mama Nyandeng Crying after the warring parties failed to sign the final peace accord

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — Even though men never cry in African culture, I couldn’t control my tears when the body of Denis Pitia Paul was taken down into the tomb. I felt a very heavy cracks in my heart as the priest prayed like” Denis here you are in your last destiny, the dust we come from and the dust we go back to it”. What kills me the most is how the parents, who were expecting the joy of success of their son should be when they learned of the information.

A young man whose parents invested a lot of resources to ensure that he gets a necessary skills and knowledge for the family and the national services is now dead without even a final glance from his mom and dad. Nothing is so bad and so disappointing like losing a final year student whose graduation is at the doorsteps. Denis was killed and damped in a pit where the body was later discovered after two days.

He is a fourth year student in the Department of Economics, College of Economics and Social Studies- University of Bahr El Ghazal. May The Lord Rest his soul in Peace.

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UK Says Killings in South Sudan Conflict Amount To Genocide: Assessing Its Validity

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda


The Late Gen. Abraham Jongroor

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — Not every killing in large numbers amounts to genocide and not every action of the authority that prevents us from knowing the truth concerning the killings is evidence of genocide. As shall be understood in its definition shortly, genocide is special kind of killings that has special requirements which must be proved before it is concluded that genocide has taken place or it is taking place.

Thus, genocide is defined as intentional action to destroy a people or an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group in whole or in part. Genocide means act of killing. In addition, the United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.

The term genocide was coined in a 1943 book (see; William Schabas, Genocide in international law: the crimes of crimes. — Cambridge University Press, 2000). After its invention, it has been applied to various killings such as the Holocaust and many other mass killings, which include the Armenian genocide, the genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas, the Greek genocide, the Assyrian genocide, the Serbian genocide, the Holodomor, the 1971 Bangladesh genocide, the Cambodian genocide, the Guatemalan genocide, and, more recently, the Bosnian Genocide, the Kurdish genocide, and the Rwandan genocide.


By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia

South Sudan National Day of Prayers

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — And the latest armed movement to have been formed is Lt. General Thomas Cirillo’s.  The country has a number of armed movements now.  Is there anyone out there who is still not convinced about the fact that what we are doing to ourselves is that we are committing suicide?

Take the current regime out of equation and you will realize that the situation will remain, more or less, the same.  We will still be thought of as people who are bent on committing suicide.  The dream to obtain power through violent means will continue to be a damn thing upon which South Sudanese will fight for.

Whether that means our people will be displaced from their homes and subjected to live in dire conditions in refugee camps, raped and killed, it seems not to matter for us as long as we have lungs to breath, feet to walk, crawl, run, eyes to see the perceived enemy and, bullets to kill.  Kill.  Kill and do more killings.   – Or, be killed.


Thomas Cirilo: Formation of NAS Military Leadership

Posted: April 15, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Press Release

Dear All,

The Commander-in -Chief of National Salvation Front, Lt General Thomas Cirilo  has issued an order appointing provisional military leadership of NAS. Details Attached.
Best Regards,
Warille B. Warille

Now, it turns out that governing in South Sudan under President Kiir Mayardit and the FVP Taban Deng Gai is more problematic than we expected 

By Santino Aniek, New York, U.S.A


The swearing in ceremony of Gen. Taban Deng Ghai as the First Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan, photo by Maal Maker Thiong on July 26th, 2016, J-1, Juba

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — I have lived for almost 40 years; I remember the war between South Sudanese and Khartoum regime, the humiliation and the shameless rebellion of 1991, the assassination of John Garang in 2005, and the senseless war of 2013. But, until now, I have never been ashamed to be a South Sudan citizen.

I always believed that, whether SPLM-IG or SPLM-IO, our leaders are basically good people who are reasonable and thoughtful, even if I did not agree with them. But President Kiir Mayardit seems be not reasonable, his decision against the will of Ruweng people is not thoughtful, and it is considered as a brutally betrayal.
