Archive for April 18, 2017

By Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan


Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan

April 18, 2017 (SSB) — When I talk of violation of girl rights, I am talking particularly of South Sudan. The human right of the girl-child is not either protected on paper nor in practice.

Early marriage has been one of the major issue in South Sudan, as young girls are being married off before they have grown physically, mentally and psychologically to handle the responsibilities of marriage. And sometime they are even married to men who are much older than them.

Secondly, according to South Sudanese tradition, for example, in term of education, girls are wrongly identified as inferior from boys. Girls are usually viewed by their parents as assets while boys are oft-time given the privileges of doing whatever they like.
