Archive for April 20, 2017

By Achier Manyuat John, Juba, South Sudan


April 20, 2017 (SSb) — First and foremost, I will not negatively rebuttal my Charlatan brother Emmanuel Ariech Deng’s diatribe false, plain joints of riddles and his illogical argument against me blatantly are nothing but a bunch of grapes meant to mislead the public about me as “a gossiper, a shenanigan, and a bravado of South Sudan”. Let me put it out clear that I did not intend to rebut your mischievous, frivolous and vexatious article as posted on your website neither will I allow you to go without giving you a proper dose of facts, which you seem to demand.

Most of your gratuitous personal attacks towards my family and me are totally biased and absurdly misplaced far from realities. However, the more I kept reading what this clearly misplaced, unmatched and incompetent ‘critique’ wrote on his website, the more some of my friends and readers motivated me to respond to your wicked riddles of trying to maliciously harm me socially.

Your dizzy screed full of fabricated and concocted lies is nothing as you seem to be envious of me making you try to tarnish my name and paint me as an evil person in the eyes of others, which doesn’t give a true reflection of my stalwart good reputation as is. I have fully diagnosed the gist of your dense article against me, and I will respond logically as opposed to your empty malignant attacks and inept psychoanalytic words.


By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

Riek and Emma

Riek Machar and Emma McCunne

April 20, 2017 (SSB) — South Sudan is struggling with democratic transition of African cultures erosion for the adaptations of majority of Western cultures, and paradigm shift era of civilization. Nations are respected and regarded as sovereign states according to their territorial integrity or defined territory, permanent population, government, sovereignty, organized economy, and international recognition or capacity to enter into bilateral relations with other states, but South Sudan has been made as a home for free entry and free exit by outsiders world and everybody has made South Sudan as a learning field for gaining experiences. People have made South Sudan as a field of trying your ability; it is not respected as a country, and sovereign state.

I think this mistake happened because all systems in South Sudan are totally weak, so weak to defence the country from foreign aggression as it happened every day. Everything is weak. We have weak executive, weak legislature, and weak judiciary to stand on their own feet and defence our country. I don’t mean we should go to war with other nations, but we shouldn’t allow our country to be manipulated a way it is now. We should come out with one statement and go a long it. If we say yes or no, we should mean it, because Jesus said Matthew 5:37 37, “All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” because there is no sin beyond that. I made this brave statement because every nation is respected for what they say and what they do or what they stand for.


No Evacuation order by Governor Gregory Deng of Gogrial state

Posted: April 20, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Press Release

By Madol Madol Aguer, Press Secretary

Gogrial state

April 20, 2017 (SSB) — The office of the governor of Gogrial state do hereby releasing this press statement to inform  the state citizens and the friends of the state that the allegation leveled by some disgruntle youth who forged and use the name of Agouk Kuei youth association’s name is baseless, groundless and unfortunate misconduct.

No evaluation of Aguok community being issue by the honorable governor of the state to leave Ameth and Malual Awien river side instead the governor have ordered the law enforcement agencies who are stationed there because of the previous conflict between Apuk and Aguok not to allow whoever with gun and is not an army or organizes forces personnel in the area.

The governor has asked the stationed police to shot whoever does not compile with this order as measures of curving the conflict and anybody changing this order mean is the cause of the conflict between the sisterly communities and can be deal with because this conflict must come into an end.
