Archive for April 22, 2017

As South Sudan melts in debilitating  economic crisis, the haunting voices of the martyrs we have betrayed at the altar of fleeting wealth, and ephemeral power in Juba

Jon Pende Ngong: “The most costly bride in Bor in 2007: 200,000 ssp ($100,000) = 200 cows. In April 2017: 200,000 ssp ($1,000) = 2 cows”

Reposted from Breitbart news


Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era

April 22, 2017 (SSB) — In late March, speaking with barely controlled anger, Dutch Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen told Dutch TV, “The leaders of South Sudan are bastards who starve their own people!” Ploumen is justified to feel passionate about African babies dying from hunger. Australia’s SBS on March 31 declared the minister “isn’t one for holding back.”

But Ploumen chose to not hold back on the wrong target in South Sudan’s so-called “civil war” that has devastated the nation and its prospects for the past three years. The minister was primarily referring to the democratically-elected President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, omitting criticism of rebel forces causing displacement of populations and exacerbating a famine by preventing adequate access for humanitarian agencies.

U.S. and other politicians, journalists, and humanitarian organizations usually mutter diplomatically that “both sides are at fault” or “all players in the conflict commit atrocities,” while privately condemning President Kiir’s administration and the South Sudan Army. Ploumen, though, didn’t even try to pretend to see any moral equivalence. The Big Man in his cowboy hat from W (fairly certain Kiir has cast off the hat that former Secretary of State Kerry, that old Texas cowhand, gave him to displace deliberately the Bush hat) was in her sights.


By Emmanuel Ariech Deng, Juba, South Sudan

Kiiriek messy South Sudan

Kiiriek messy South Sudan

April 22, 2017 (SSB) — What has transpired to the national dialogue? Has it slipped into a quagmire? is it not being supported by regional and international community? Or does the government lack sufficient funds to trigger the dialogue processes? Are the clergy groups now convinced to embrace it now? Can it be effective to the offended South Sudanese without the involvement of the church groups. Can it be inclusive without a position of the remaining opposition forces?

These are the few questions vexing in my mind but with other analysis it may be a bit different depending on how best the national dialogue can be defined and understood by the parties in contention, experts and the country citizens.  The willingness of the said parties and the general assessment of whether the immediate priority at the moment in regard to the tense situation in the country is dialogue or not, will determine its progress and its failure.


Mistrust of community members, diversion of facts are always derivatives of electoral fraud: The case of Kuac Youth Union in Juba

By Abel Amet Amet, Juba, South Sudan

hate speech

April 22, 2017 (SSB) — It has come to my attention that some individuals within members of youth of Kuac Community, whether knowing or unknowingly have allegedly implicated me of the debacles attributed  to the electoral failure & consequential call off of the Kuac Youth Union electoral processes in Juba-freedom Hall dated 16th April 2017.

On the false ground, that the allegation of the polling process had been disrupted by me arguing that I failed to know the membership and eligibility of two community members of youth present in the congregation namely Mayom Mathuc and daughter of Dr. Kuacdit; but were successfully allowed to vote. So accusation was that, I disallowed them forcefully not to exercise their social and political rights – a fundamental rights provided for in many international charters, South Sudan Constitution and Constitution of Kuac Youth Union in Juba.

It was further alleged that I have emotionally torn up the ballot paper of daughter of Dr. Kuacdit, and forced her out of the meeting hall and later attacked violently my colleague comrade Atem Wol Tong who managed the campaign of candidate Aguer Manyuat Akeen all of which was a fabricated lie.




After this greedy and suspicious orders of Devaluation of currency and Nationalization of jobs market by the novices of the government of South Sudan, this beautiful and precious South Sudanese Pound will turn into a Zim Dollar!

“Because of the difference in the official exchange rate and the black markets compounded by the need to meet the deficiency in the budget allocated to the Ministry of Defence and the security, the government decided to sell every dollar to the central bank at the rate of 4.50 (all the way up from 2.96!), so that it covers this difference, ” the Central Bank governor explained.

The above statement by Kornelio Koryom Mayik’dit’, the boss of the C-BOSS (Central Bank of South Sudan), portrays (correction), betrays, the pretense (I call it ‘HypoKiirisy’), which the government of South Sudan under President Salva Kiir Mayardit is always forcing the naive natives of his baby nation to be sitting on. This seems to justify the war adage: If you can’t beat them, join them. So the Government has accepted to…

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