Archive for April 29, 2017

By Bul Deng Yol, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

founders of the splm

Commemorating the 33rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Revolutionary Movement—the SPLM/SPLA

April 29, 2017 (SSB) — In law of torts, foreseeability is a leading concept use to determine whether the person causing the injury should have foreseen the consequences that his conduct would resulted into. This concept enables human beings to carefully tread in their doings. Well, that aside since much of it will come out as I trickle down. Have you ever asked yourself when and how the current war in South Sudan will end? If yes, then allow me to educate you on a living testimony of a war piece. ‘The French invasion of Russia, also known in Russia as the Patriotic War of 1812’. Famously staged by none other than Napoleon, the Great, to stamp his feet at the helm of affairs politically, socially and economically in Western Europe.

In those days, Napoleon had imposed himself on Polish, Prussians and Austrians as their emperor and wanted to silence Alexander I of Russia from making claims on his loyalist (Polish). He plans to go to war with Russia and later use his victory to prevail in the negotiation over Poland. He promises to crush his enemy within a period of one month with his large number of troops (685,000). Little did he knows that nature can dictate the tide.


The Ambiguity over Mama Rebecca Nyandengdit National Dialogue Membership Consent

By Thon Atem Ayiei, Juba, South Sudan

mabior, bishop Garang Anyieth and madam Nyandeng

Hon. Mabioor Garang de Mabioor with Retired Bishop Nathaniel Garang Anyieth and Madam Nyandeng at the home of Bishop Garang

April 29, 2017 (SSB) —- On the evening of 25th of April 2017, one of my close friends phoned me to break some silence over the news  of the long awaited reconstitution of the national Dialogue steering committeeby the president of the Republic of South Sudan Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit on the state own television. I was so much enthusiastic to forget what I was doing by then.  I asked a friend to share with me the names of the appointees if at all he had comeacross the list.

In the erstwhile, I logged into my Facebook page and I found another Good Samaritan who shared the list.  I cast a quick perusal and found several names but I was so delighted to see my Mama Rebecca Nyandeng Garang Mabior, Molana Deng Gai Gatluak, Prof. Moses Machar Kachuol, Gen. James Hoth Mai, former vice president of Sudan, Justice Abel Alier Kwai, Bishop Isaiah Majok Dau, Mr. Garang Deng Aguer, and finally Gen. Lazarus Sumbweiyo as (external players), the driving force of South Sudan independent, to mention few.


By Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan


Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan

April 29, 2017 (SSB) — We, South Sudanese people, are surely at perilous time. Everyday news are conveying mass death and life hardship across the country. With an increasing life struggles in South Sudan, some communities, especially the Dinka, have taken dowry payment as a way of creating wealth, enjoyment and even survival of bride’s  community as life progress.

The inflation of the dowry price do often leaves our male counterparts in abject poverty, endless family discord and trauma over departed wealth. We may argue it out that it is a continuation of what our ancestors did, oblivious to the fact that the ways of life have changed.


By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia

Tribal war of south sudan

Tribal war of South Sudan?

April 29, 2017 (SSB) —- With almost absolute certainty, I believe we, the South Sudanese people ( government proposers and opposers)  don’t need philosophers of wars like a fifteen century war philosophers such as Niccolo Machiavelli , or Michael Walzer, a war philosopher who still breathes  air in the same atmosphere like us, to explain to us how exhaustive and expensive war is.

Because by ourselves, we have seen the consequences of war. Our citizens in thousands have died in wars and of wars-related causes; our citizens in millions are displaced; our agricultural lands are left for weeds. What sieves out of war is brutality.  If arthropods such as crabs can adopt coexistence and adapt to their environments without engaging in time-wasting wars, then why don’t we, the humans, the South Sudanese learn to stop the vicious cycle of war in our hard-earned country?


Press Statement from Kosti Manibe Ngai on the reconstitution of the National Dialogue Steering Committee (PDF)

Presidential Decree: The Reconstitution of the National Dialogue Steering Committee, 26 April 2017 (PDF)

Press Statement from Mama Rebecca Nyandeng

Press Statement from Mama Rebecca Nyandeng