Archive for May 7, 2017

Avoid becoming Judas Iscariot of South Sudan: A response to Deng Mayen‘s article entitled Hon. Mayiik Ayii Deng – functionally illiterate and most corrupt minister 

By David Deng Chapath, Kampala, Uganda

Alier Ateny (right side) and his colleagues: Peter Mabior Riiny and Hon. Ayii Ayii Akol. Whereas Alier is being declared an enemy by his own people, the two guys and their members from Northern Bahr al Ghazal and Warrap, as well as from other states, are left to their own political determination.

May 7, 2017 (SSB) — I find it irresistible to begin this article in response to Deng Mayen with the words of Tom Cochrane that “Tragedy in life normally comes with betrayal and compromise, and trading on your integrity and not having dignity in life. That’s really where failure comes”. As Lucien Bouchard once put it, “I have never known a more vulgar expression of betrayal and deceit.” In his recent article as referred to above and published on May 02, 2017 on Nyamilepedia  in which Deng Mayen referred himself as a former SPLA Freedom Fighter and a friend to Mayiik Ayii Deng in Minnesota Community College made the following assertions against Hon. Minister Mayiik Deng:

That Mayiik is part of the Criminal Syndicate which is seriously targeting the huge contracts in the Oil Operating companies in the Country. That Mayiik Ayii and the senior member of the Criminal network Ezekiel Lol have intimidated the Management of Nilepet to award a contract of Oil Drilling in Bentiu to their Chinese businessman after getting a kickback of Eleven Millions USD.  That the Management of Nilepet has refused and awarded a contract to a national company called Nile Drilling Services Co. Ltd and because of that the Chinese businessman was disappointed after failing to secure the contract and is asking his money back.


By Emmanuel Ariech Deng, Juba, South Sudan

Gogrial state

The sympathetic and susceptible is a community,

Now neutral on the raging conflict with impunity.

Like any other entity, Kuach Ayok youth is entirely integral,

As its traditional values and main objectives remain central.
