Gogrial State’s Communal Conflict requires a neutral, just and committed Governor

Posted: May 18, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Columnists, Commentary, Contributing Writers, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Deng Akech Deng, Juba, South Sudan

Gogrial state

May 18, 2017 (SSB) — Gogrial State communal conflict has reached its climax and if not addressed urgently, it may cause unrepairable damages. Gogrial is one of the states embroiled in a communal conflict since 2004 but as of recent, the conflict has taken an ugly turn.

As you may be aware, there has been a dispute between Aguok and Apuk communities of Gogrial which can be traced back to 2004 when Gogrial County split into two Counties namely Gogrial East and Gogrial West Counties. The administration of Gogrial County and the processes leading to the division of Gogrial County into two counties are sometimes believed to be the causes of this conflict.

Differences began to develop between sons of Aguok and Apuk in Gogrial County Administration before the split in 2004. The grudges started as some people were complaining and accusing one another of less representation in the County as a result of ill intention of one community to marginalize the other. This disagreement between intellectuals or rather politicians widen when the county split.

Being misled by the differences, the cattle keepers recklessly entered the political arena causing the conflict between Aguok and Apuk. The fighting has been on and off probably depending on the government of the day in the State starting with the then Warrap State. The conflict is a communal in nature but in reality, it is a political fight between politicians from Aguok and Apuk over political posts in Juba and Kuajok State Capital.

Hence, its resolution depends on and requires a Governor who exhibits neutrality, integrity, justice and political maturity and commitment. This way, the individual with known competences as outlined above will be able to utilize these attributes to influence, unite and focus the masses in the state on mutual understanding and co-operation thereby achieving unity among the people and subsequently control the state, leaving no room for sloppy politicians to infest and demonize civil population.

I know that this conflict is an embarrassment for each and every one of us from Gogrial State. That is why I endeavored to add my voice to those voices calling for immediate end to this embarrassment. Therefore, I urge whoever is concerned to unite and join efforts to finding amicable solution to end this this nightmare once and for all.

I particularly appeal to our President H.E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, the President of the Republic of South Sudan to consider the pleas of the people of Gogrial State especially ordinary people’s views regarding the resolution of the Conflict.

The views of the common men and women, and the majority of youths and intellectuals are that, bring in a new Governor; enthusiastic and charisma one, capable of influencing people through political will and commitment to co-operate and work with people alike without segregation or discrimination. A just and integrity individual who will use the rule of law to maintain law and order, use political will and commitment to unite people.

Who has a political will and commitment to end the conflict between Aguok and Apuk communities in term of leading the state? This is a question which frequently get asked whenever Aguok and Apuk feud is being discussed. In the last two weeks, the question would generate a list of names for recommendation for Governorship but now the answer revolves around a recommendation for two prominent individuals.

Among the famous and desired candidates are Gen. Acuil Tito Madut, first Commissioner of Gogrial County during the SPLA era (1990s) former IGP, and former Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agencies Warrap State, and former Deputy Minister of Interior, the Republic of South Sudan and Hon. Victor Atem Atem, former Commissioner of Gogrial East County and former Minister of Education, in the then Warrap State and Gogrial State.

These gentlemen exhibit qualities and competencies and command lots of respect from the population of Gogrial State given their diverse experiences. Some of the people suggested previously are engaged at national level. Therefore, the choice for the next Governor of Gogrial State favoured and zeroed on the two cited individuals according to the wishes of the people of Gogrial State especially the youths and the grassroots communities.

In conclusion, the conflict in Gogrial State between Aguok and Apuk Communities is out of control of the state government as it has been stated times again and again by state authorities themselves including the Governor and MPs. It has gone beyond the extent it has ever reached and if not urgent measures are put in place, it is likely to deteriorate further and may even draw in neutral neighbouring communities.

This undesirable conflict is both embarrassing and damaging to the whole of South Sudan as the state should have been exemplar to rest of the states. As this conflict is being fought by communities for and on behalf of politicians, its resolution requires the attention of our President.

The people of Gogrial State are calling for installation of a new Governor, the one that can turn things around, maneuver and unite politicians, traditional leaders, women and youths to work together for tranquility to prevail in Gogrial State

The Author is a concerned citizen and can be reached at: dakechdeng2000@yahoo.com

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  1. Lino Lual says:

    Thank you so much dear for standing voice.
    Keep it along


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