King “Fall” Malong: Why Malong Awan’s Four-day Rebellion Fell Apart

Posted: May 27, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Columnists, Commentary, Contributing Writers, Elbow Chuol, Junub Sudan, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda

paul malong

President Salva Kiir, Governor Paul Malong Awan (Blue suit) and Cabinet Affairs Minister Martin Lomuro (black suit) during the public rally in Aweil, NBeG

May 19, 2017 (SSB) — PAUL Malong Awan’s four days Rebellion was badly miscalculated. This is where principle of mathematic seriously went wrong. So I wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in high school after all-Malong is a colleague in this cryptic universal problem.

Malong Awan the nightmare of the South Sudanese civilians didn’t choose to rebel but his four days rebellions was carefully set in motion.  His appointment as a tool to be used by Kiir and Akool to kills South Sudanese didn’t fade away in just four years rigorous military leadership campaign. The man went furious but mechanism were put in place to control him. It is called leadership placement. You are put somewhere to achieve the most wanted desires.

But Malong was given anything and everything to become everything and anything including an authority rape, displacing civilians, killing, and obstructing the humanitarian workers to reach the purposely starved Nuer civilians in Greater Upper Nile-Unity State in particular. All the wrongs will be counted on his head.

Everyone hates Malong because he killed a lot of South Sudanese in the name of protecting Kiir and Akool interest. What about thousands of Aweilian sons he led to frontline across South Sudan and get killed in the name of protecting Kiir leadership? He will be asked one day by wives and children of those men.

Former SPLA chief of staff, Gen. Paul Malong Awan made a colossal military mistake by abandoning his four days rebellion and succumbed to the mockery plea of Salva Kiir Mayardit in Juba. To the outsiders, Salva Kiir indeed proven himself to be smarter than Malong Awan, his former military chief-now his worst nightmare and enemy. This is where the Malong rebellion went wrong.

Practically, Malong is an adversary to Kiir because Malong’s enemy, Akool Koor is a great friend to Salva Kiir, in fact a blood relative. Akool is not a simple man but a calm intelligent who know how to set things in motion.

Paul Malong’s recent fallout with Kiir can be cites in form. We can established that Malong’s raise to fame of recent created a great worries and insecurity to person of Salva Kiir and his realm-and to Akol Koor in particular.

Last week, immediately after his removal (Malong), Salva Kiir openly accused his former military chief of benefiting from dark powers-powers behind Malong’s raise to fame-which he categorically quoted, “foreign hands” supporting one among the powerful Aweilian sons.

To sons and daughters of Jieng outside the box of power in Juba, Malong is applaud with sharp admiration not because he is an alternative to Kiir but the man is resourceful when a duty call. He can be used extremely well with great success.

Salva Kiir finds himself uncomfortable with Paul’s everlasting increase of fame and praises from vast majority of Jieng both at home and in diaspora. They even gave him a new name; KING PAUL, a privilege the duo haven’t had of. Akool is not enjoying this.  We couldn’t believe our ears-Malong is kicked on the face and that doesn’t require illustration.

Some of us shouldn’t be surprised with the development. Malong Awan was the power behind Juba regime’s pursuit of everything-anything; war, power, genocide. He was the military chief serving under strategy of leadership placement; being in place for a purpose and that purpose eventually came to an end. Apparently he is not useful. Altogether, he was put aside. Sad!

If it were not because Malong surrounded himself with Mathiananyoor, the man would have done well. He could either be the chief now or Salva Kiir could not have all the available opportunity to deal with Malong Awan. Paul Malong is kicked on the face and his supporters remained bubbling. His blood pressure keep going up. The man will not be allows to leave Juba for Aweil as he demanded.  He is kept in Juba for a while hoping he may dies of stress. Hospital would in future means exiled.

Removing Gen. Malong Awan from unmovable seat of Chief of Staff wasn’t expected by many people. Malong himself once thought of nonexistence of this idea. Nonetheless he was kicked out one evening without informing him with the decision. If he was informed, he wouldn’t runs away with six generals one amongst these; Marial Nur the sharp military Intelligent who also misinformed Gen. Malong. You can see how the conspiracy work. He was welcomes in Lakes as KING and returned to Juba as ordinary-it is called soft landing strategy.

After using him, they sent him halfway to home. Where were we? Well, I was saying the removal of Gen. Paul Malong Awan was pretty put in place before he was out. National Security office was armed to teeth as usual. Malong forces, the famous Mathiananyoor carefully stationed outside the city.

Uganda People Defense Force (UPDF) was alert week before. The few Nuer generals loyal to Malong the like of Gen. Johnson Gony Bileiw, Gen. Gatluak Thoa were given V8s and go wild in Lou Nuerland burning down civilians’ homes, killing innocents’ people. More than 60, 000 fleeing to western Ethiopia in two months.

Gen. Malong didn’t left Juba for nothing. Gen. Santino Garang in Aweil was paid a lot of money. Who feed you control you. Santino dramatically switched sides. Gen. Matur Chut was put on a high alert. His most trusted friends switched off their phones that evening. Akool Koor was ready to capture the vulnerable former powerful Chief of staff.

Malong horns were sharp enough to spear someone and that someone is Kiir Mayar. To get rid of him, an image was created to rid of him. He is finished. Sooner or later he will not return to military power.

What Gen. Malong would have done is very simple. He shouldn’t hurried his legs to leave Juba. Being around Juba with all his primitive undisciplined Mathiananyoor would have gain him victory. Salva would eventually be out.

A KING couldn’t be fooled like a she goat. This is where the rebellion went wrong. He left Juba thinking he will make it to Aweil where to establish a strong opposing power to his enemies in Juba.

Elbow Chuol can be reach via

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