The fall of King Paul Malong: History does not reward good people but bad ones

Posted: May 27, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers, Santino Aniek

History does not reward good people, but it rewards these who always cause destruction to the nation

By Santino Aniek, New York, U.S.A.

Malong Awan Anei

May 27, 2017 (SSB) — President Kiir has tired down a relationship between the man who helped him during the 2013 when madness consume Mr. Mayardit’s humanness by dissolving the entire government and dismiss some of the seniors members of the SPLM Party. There is, obviously, much we do not know about what has just happened between President Kiir and General Paul Malong Awan, why it happened and why now. Just as obviously there is much more, so much more that we need to know the firing of General Paul.

In addition, we need to damn the dishonesties and expose the truth now to avoid another conflict because South Sudanese people are tried of wars. In fact, I really do not get it, I mean, I expect it because every thing is possible in South Sudan, but I do not get it. As of today, no one understands the psychology of Juba, because it seems like there are many people in that country who are not only uninterested in peace and security, but will actually get angry with you for displaying any interest in peace and security of our citizens. And so this happens on both sides, government as well as opposition by the way.

However, there is a flood is coming that will devastate the future of our country in ways no one can predict. Except that the speed with which this has all happened, just over couple of days into President Kiir’s dumpster fire of General Paul, means it was all very predictable because all things in South Sudan are possible. And no one who played a role in controlling this President should be allowed to forget it.

Truly, I’m sorry; this is madness because General Paul helps President Kiir of staying in power, but end up being fire, why. The dismiss of General Paul is a “moral evil because if this tragedy is not handle responsibly, it will cause devastation South Sudan. Nonetheless, General Paul never rebellious against the movement or against the government and he was opposed to all rebellions since the started of the movement till today. Which is more than can be said for the numerous people in President Kiir’s government who have rebelled not once, not twice, but many times and ending up the most important position in the government.

Nevertheless, during the formation of President Kiir’s government, General Paul did not run to Juba to pursue position, but he stayed in Aweil because, as a humble man, he could not bring himself down against his colleagues who always pursuing government position. Now tell me what would you do differently if you were General Paul Malong? Would you take up arms against the government you have defended for so many years? If you are President Kiir is that such a simple choice to be making to fire a guy that has been defending you all these years?

Can you really not appreciate the complexity of the situation that General Paul is facing now in Juba? Folks, I need help here because I’m totally lost since the day I heard the news till now.

In fact, General Paul was and is still widely respected by both sides, by the SPLA, by the SPLM, and by the majority of South Sudanese people. For example, reading the reaction on social media has made all of us understand just how highly regarded General Paul is by the APLA and by the people South Sudan he defended all these years. Therefore, at the time his appointment as general chief of staff, General Paul is one of the greatest Generals this country ever produced, and he is a man of honor and dignity.

More importantly, South Sudanese people recognize that, SPLA recognize that, SPLM recognized that, and President Kiir recognize that, but today, President Kiir cast General Malong aside as a bad General, a traitor, and for the reaction we have receive on social media has made the firing of General Malong is a disgraceful.

Finally, we can talk about the political cause of the firing of General Paul, but it cannot be disputed that the man who actually fought this senseless war did so to protect the country as well as to protect President Kiir. We may not know the whole detail and the motivation of the firing, but sometimes a bit of historical perspective is necessary. We now know, the same historical perspective that afford people to stand behind President Kiir, such a moment when Juba seems to be falling apart, who did not remember that moment, but maybe, I should say maybe there is a partial credit to General Paul by creating his own name and by helping President Kiir during all these years.

Yet, we put these evils aside General Paul took care of it, but to just firing him is troubling. Can we not then put our differences aside and allow a great man like General Paul to be remembered and honored, as a compatriot and honored him? Ultimately, the supporters of President Kiir may mark this firing of General Paul as one of the truly dark days in South Sudan, a day that may soon take an even more ominous turn. Sadly enough, President Kiir’s sudden firing of General Malong is a matter that should deeply concern every South Sudanese, regardless of party, tribe or ideological leanings.

Most importantly, the firing of a Generals or politicians in South Sudan is always a very serious matter in normal times. But these times are not normal because the country has been engaging in one of the most important and dangerous conflict that the country never had. In fact, to politicize this thing is the last thing South Sudanese people need as we struggle through the maze of problems, concealment and ever-deepening mysteries all these years.

The last time a President fired a political heavy weigh was during Aleu Alieny Aleu and Telar Ring during the widespread criminal conspiracy. And during the firing of these two, we all know how that turned out. In real sense, this potential tragedy firing of General Paul is much graver if President Kiir and his General solve their differences very quickly. We are talking about the very security of President Kiir and the sanctity of our country.

Now, it is true that history does not reward good people like General Paul, but it rewards these killers of our people. At the time of Khartoum regime, bullying like hell, is not easily conquered, but yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more outstanding the victory. What all this makes clear is that the concerns which now threaten the integrity of our South Sudanese people is well known and played for cynical theater.

Santino Aniek is a concerned South Sudanese in Upstate New York, U.S.A. He can be reached at and find me on Facebook, on Skype and on twitter @saniek.

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