Archive for May, 2017

By Sunday de John, New Delhi, India

ateny wek ateny

Ateny Wek, Presidential press secretary

May 27, 2017 (SSB) — Many Greetings to you and blessings. Dear brother, I hope this finds you in good health. The purpose of this open letter is to wake you up from your deep slumber, get energised and serve the nation by issuing incredible, static and well-founded information.

Dear brother, on many counts you have been to the public knowledge as a man that beats the drums of truth. I first came to know you when your article was forwarded to me by Akol Ayom Wek Ateny, I published the article on the day Dr Khalil Ibrahim forces stormed the Omdurmans. We were solely running the newspaper with ustaz Adam Cholong and one Designer since all the workers were kept indoors by the insecurity invoked by the then masquerading fighters. Although not relevant to the issues of that day it was worthy of publication.


By Ngueny Bior, Juba, South Sudan


Sunnyman Soars Into heights of Music industry: The Originality Fuels His Music

May 26, 2017 (SSB) —  Dear Readers, a useless and a drowning man’s attempt to save his dear life was seen floating on the social media guru, FACEBOOK when Juba eye released articles with non-existent gossips on the trios: Sunnyman, Sevena and Amac Don. This’s a total and a shameful desperation for attention; Juba eye’s malicious gossips on the trios are acts of character assassination. The Juba eye is trying so hard to garner for itself some few followers.

So, my great readers of this magnificent Website, there’s no need for me to address each point in the disgraceful and baseless articles. I will just dive into the hearts of the possible suspects who made the talented Sunnyman, Sevena and Amac Don the focal points of Juba eye. With these ill-mannered articles, three possible suspects came to light.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Paul Malong

Paul Malong Awan, Aweil

May 22, 2017 (SSB) — May 9, 2017 will be remembered in history of South Sudan. It is a day which has become a turning point in the history of ruthless and inhuman decree of the President of the Republic of South Sudan, General Salva Kiir Mayardit.

President Kiir has become obsessed with the power to the extent that he can issue the decree to stop the birds flying over Juba. What is peculiar about all the decrees that are issued by the President is that they are issued even without his knowledge. This is because the president has pre-signed all decrees and other documents which are just kept in his office ready to be issued at any time.

With those decrees pre-signed what remains only are the words to be written on them and then issued by his employees even without the Master’s instruction or decision. The employees use the powers of the President to coerce every government officials.


History does not reward good people, but it rewards these who always cause destruction to the nation

By Santino Aniek, New York, U.S.A.

Malong Awan Anei

May 27, 2017 (SSB) — President Kiir has tired down a relationship between the man who helped him during the 2013 when madness consume Mr. Mayardit’s humanness by dissolving the entire government and dismiss some of the seniors members of the SPLM Party. There is, obviously, much we do not know about what has just happened between President Kiir and General Paul Malong Awan, why it happened and why now. Just as obviously there is much more, so much more that we need to know the firing of General Paul.

In addition, we need to damn the dishonesties and expose the truth now to avoid another conflict because South Sudanese people are tried of wars. In fact, I really do not get it, I mean, I expect it because every thing is possible in South Sudan, but I do not get it. As of today, no one understands the psychology of Juba, because it seems like there are many people in that country who are not only uninterested in peace and security, but will actually get angry with you for displaying any interest in peace and security of our citizens. And so this happens on both sides, government as well as opposition by the way.


The Dinka and the Cow

Posted: May 27, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Poems., Taban Abel Aguek

By Taban Abel Aguek, Yirol, South Sudan


high dowry price in south sudan

My friend got a new name

Just yesterday.

Many years ago,

He was called Jier,

The name his Dinka father gave him.


By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda

paul malong

President Salva Kiir, Governor Paul Malong Awan (Blue suit) and Cabinet Affairs Minister Martin Lomuro (black suit) during the public rally in Aweil, NBeG

May 19, 2017 (SSB) — PAUL Malong Awan’s four days Rebellion was badly miscalculated. This is where principle of mathematic seriously went wrong. So I wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in high school after all-Malong is a colleague in this cryptic universal problem.

Malong Awan the nightmare of the South Sudanese civilians didn’t choose to rebel but his four days rebellions was carefully set in motion.  His appointment as a tool to be used by Kiir and Akool to kills South Sudanese didn’t fade away in just four years rigorous military leadership campaign. The man went furious but mechanism were put in place to control him. It is called leadership placement. You are put somewhere to achieve the most wanted desires.

But Malong was given anything and everything to become everything and anything including an authority rape, displacing civilians, killing, and obstructing the humanitarian workers to reach the purposely starved Nuer civilians in Greater Upper Nile-Unity State in particular. All the wrongs will be counted on his head.


By Kur Garang Deng, Nairobi, Kenya

Kur Garang Deng

Kur Garang Deng

May 16, 2017 (SSB) — Thank God for some of us, who have survived to tell this story. It is a story of my fallen comrades who have donated their precious lives for this nation of ours, the Republic of South Sudan.

In this piece, I congratulate my heroes and acknowledge the great work they have accomplished for us. These are our freedom fighters, revolutionaries, compatriots, liberators and other contributors to this great day and nation of the South Sudanese people under the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army/Movement.

The SPLA/M was started today 34 years ago! As we used to sing: SPLA Noor a Sha’ab Sudan (SPLA the Light to the People of the Sudan).

It was not an easy task. That is why we must always commemorate and celebrate the lives of our great leaders and men and women of history since May 16, 1983. I am proudly humbled to be one of them today. Not me alone but with my other colleagues, both alive and dead. But heroes do not die.


By Deng Mayik Atem, Arizona, USA

Cholera in Ayod

Deadly Cholera Outbreak in Jiech and Mogok Payams of Ayod County

May 23, 2017 (SSB) — Dr. John Garang de Mabior stood in the middle of the soccer field at Pinyudo. Dressed in military fatigues and spoke carefully in Dinka and paused for the translators to repeat his words in Nuer and Arabic. “I give you the pen in the right hand and a gun in the left hand. You are the future. You are the seed for the new Sudan.”

We students were ready for the military training. Led by Kiir Chol, we sang our readiness.

Our Commander-in-Chief said, “You, Red Army, when you are going to do this training together, but for now you need to study for your education. Your war will be a war of tomorrow, a war of development.” During my years in Pinyudo I took both sides of John Garang’s message seriously. I worked hard at my military training and I worked just as hard to master my books. I tried to harden my body to be ready for battle while I tried to develop my mind to be ready for the challenges of the future.


By Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA


May 23, 2017 (SSB) —- As far as how the future of South Sudan looks, there are few things to keep in mind among many South Sudanese —it is definitely looking dull, unpredictable. To many, life is worthless, and it is quite worrisome to many of us who love this country dearly. One thing is clear, which you deserve to know is that, President Kiir will never reconcile the people of South Sudan.

Deal with that fact by reflecting on what has been going on for years now. There isn’t much in the way of options left as the people of South Sudan have tried and initiated peace, but kept going back to war, tried collaboration after collaboration, and peace after peace with various groups, and nothing seems to come out of that.

Weak peace treaties were negotiated—some of which were finally and loosely signed. I had felt at some point that this peace was going to work, but it didn’t. Imagine, since the war started, many human rights watch dogs have estimated over 50,000 South Sudanese people have perished and it is continuing to add up as war continue to engulf many areas in the country. And for what?


By Kuach Loch Garang, Calgary, Canada

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

May 17, 2017 (SSB) — May 9, 2017 Marks the new beginning in South Sudan political development the day the President of the Republic of South  Sudan 1st Let.Gen.Salva Kiir Mayardit issued a decree to fire Gen.Paul Malong Awan who was then the Chief of General Staff of the SPLA Army. Replacing him with Gen. James Ajongo Mawut of the bravest and  the toughest Generals in the history of South Sudan struggle.

Gen. Ajongo was one of loyalists and patriot generals who stood in face many challenges since the civil war  broke out in 2013. Therefore, no doubt about is commitment and competitiveness to handle his new assignment. However, Change of General Malong had caused havoc because of some controversial administration conflict it’s associated with.

This change was expected by the members of  general public but the way it happened caught many South Sudanese people with great surprise.In fact, it should have not surprise anybody because South Sudan has been ruled by gossip and there is no classified information from top to bottom.The way the President handle was misguided.


Dear President, Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, affable greetings to you and blessings.

By Sunday de John, New Delhi, India

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet

May 17, 2017 (SSB) — It has been long since the team and I met you personally in Nairobi on your way back from United States of America. The meeting that we had with you was on developmental pillars. As a group we didn’t meet you so as to solicit for any material gains. Our thirteen point document was meant for the good of South Sudan. It was not based on any culpable conspiracies.

We gave you our multi-million dollar points on the national agenda for free. Categorically, we stressed for the need to harness our oneness as South Sudanese, the need for static security, the need for reforms, the need for lasting peace, the need for development and particularly on the serviceability of roads network, electricity and water.

We too stressed on the need for a grand goal of quality health care and quality education. Each of the big desired goals was hinted on well. With you we felt at home, you had not shown any supercilious character. For your information, you are a cordial president.


By Deng Akech Deng, Juba, South Sudan

Gogrial state

May 18, 2017 (SSB) — Gogrial State communal conflict has reached its climax and if not addressed urgently, it may cause unrepairable damages. Gogrial is one of the states embroiled in a communal conflict since 2004 but as of recent, the conflict has taken an ugly turn.

As you may be aware, there has been a dispute between Aguok and Apuk communities of Gogrial which can be traced back to 2004 when Gogrial County split into two Counties namely Gogrial East and Gogrial West Counties. The administration of Gogrial County and the processes leading to the division of Gogrial County into two counties are sometimes believed to be the causes of this conflict.

Differences began to develop between sons of Aguok and Apuk in Gogrial County Administration before the split in 2004. The grudges started as some people were complaining and accusing one another of less representation in the County as a result of ill intention of one community to marginalize the other. This disagreement between intellectuals or rather politicians widen when the county split.


The 34rd anniversary of May 16th

Posted: May 16, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History, Junub Sudan

Peace and reconciliation in South Sudan is the only rewards we can offer to our martyrs who sacrificed everything for our freedom and liberty

May 16th anniversary

Readings for the 34th anniversary of May 16th:

  1. Dr. John Garang and the May 16th Bor Uprising, by PaanLuel Wel
  2. Glimpse of History: Maker Jool Deng was not the only Martyr of May 16th Bor Uprising, By David Aoloch Bion

  3. Dr. John Garang’s Last Speech Marking the 22nd Anniversary of May 16th, 2005, By Dr. John Garang

Garang and Kiir

Garang and Kiir, with Aguer Manyok Aguer Deng (young man)

Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era


kiir and garang

Commander John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir in Rumbek, during the war of liberation struggle

in the company of Dr. John Garang: once upon a time, we were united.

Garang, Kiir, Riek and Wani

John Garang, Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and James Wani Igga

pagan and john garang

Commander Pagan Amum Okiech, with Chairman Dr. John Garang and Commander Yasir Said Arman, Rumbek Senior, 2003

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Hagana Festival

Hagana Festival

May 15, 2017 (SSB) — It has been a while since I thought about this topic concerning the role of money in crisis of South Sudan. When Comprehensive Peace Agreement (the CPA) between the Sudanese People Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) and National Islamic Front (NIF) regime, Southern Sudan was created, which was administered as an autonomous region from Northern Sudan.

The autonomy of Southern Sudan was to last for six years (2005-2011), which should be followed by referendum, in which all South Sudanese or sixty four tribes currently in South Sudan have to decide whether to become independent nation called South Sudan or continue to be part of larger Sudan.

Indeed, after six years South Sudanese decided to vote for separation. Consequently, they voted for independent South Sudan and in July 2011 the current Official Flag of South Sudan was raised and the Flag of Sudan that many of us associated with all predicaments that were facing South Sudanese under Khartoum was lowered. As the Official Flag was being raised, the crowd was wild with joy while braving simmering sun of Juba.


Get tested, hepatitis B can be treated if it’s found early

Posted: May 15, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Press Release

We’re currently running a campaign for South Sudanese Australians to encourage them to get tested for hepatitis B. To give some background, our campaign features Doctor Garang Dut, who was born in South Sudan and is now a doctor in Australia. Dr Dut is encouraging everyone from the South Sudanese community to talk to their doctor and get tested for hepatitis B

Get tested, hepatitis B can be treated if it_s found early (PDF)

As many as one in 18 South Sudanese Australians have hepatitis B. If left untreated, one in four of these people will develop liver cancer. The good news is that hepatitis B can be treated if it’s found early.

For more information about the campaign please refer to:


Gok State governor

Gok State Governor relieves and appoints new state government officials

May 15, 2017 (SSB) — Gok state Governor, Madhang Majok Meen, on Saturday this week end has issued an order, relieving state Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Hon. William Manyuon Wantok and Marial Nyuar Meen from the commissionership of the newly created Anyar Nguan County.

Governor also issued another Order, Appointing William Manyon Wantok as the Commissioner of Anyar Nguan County, Gabriel Akot Chirong as political Advisor, Daniel Awet Majuec as Education Minister replacing John Marik Makur, who had resigned earlier January, 2017 due to lack of accountability and Mismanagement of state resources including road renovation by the state Governor, Joseph Maker Mathiang, a former political Advisor and now appointed as Technical Advisor for Economic, Mario Dongrin Bol, Technical Advisor for Health and Apollo Madok Chol, Technical Advisor for  Education and Angelo Mabor named as Director General for the Ministry of Agriculture .

The positions of Ministry for Agriculture and Security Advisory remain vacant and the reason for changes was not cited in the order. The order comes into effect from 13th May, 2017.

The new changes have been received with mixed reactions, some people said that, the governor has undermined power balance, while others are saying that, some are not the technocrats but accommodated for the sake of self-services delivery.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

Becky: The Missing Key

Posted: May 15, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Awuol Gabriel Arok, Poems.

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

John Garang wih the family of Jambo

John Garang wih the family of Jambo

My living ghost; tell the world my distress,

I am alone in the desert, among deadly scorpions,

Their tails like summer’s barks,

My bag is locked; and I have no key to open it;

Yes, Becky; the missing key.


Communique from Taban-led committee to Jonglei

Communique from Taban-led team to resolve the Dinka-Murle conflict

By Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan


Yom Mayen Awan, Bor, South Sudan


May 14, 2017  (SSB) — South Sudan is a country handicapped by the competing interests, a country where truth are hard to be told, a country where political issues are taken as ethnic issues and at the same time where thousands of people died every year.

Currently, there is a question of why we are fighting. It is a bit hard to understand what it is that is behind all these extraordinary death. We should all know that the root cause of these dreadful violent is simple: Political influence.

Political influence has been the greatest hazard to the death of our innocent citizens in the sense that some politicians are taking advantage of these innocent citizens for their own benefits. Listening to our politicians in the name of leaders, their followers and sycophants, you get very worried.


The End of Bullying, Harassment and Humiliation: The Sacking of Gen. Paul Malong Awan has changed the meaning of Mutiny and Rebellion in South Sudan

By Mayak Deng Aruei, California, USA

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

May 14, 2017 (SSB) — At a very young age, children are told to remember the Golden Rule: “Treat others how you want to be treated.” The headlines for the news outlets in South Sudan, and in the Region of East Africa was about the sacking of the SPLA (South Sudan) Army Chief of the General Staff. For a country that celebrates nothing other than big names, the firing of General Paul Malong Awan caught millions South Sudanese by surprise.

The actual facts as to what transpired on May 9, 2017 can be traced to fundamental of security in the country. Adding to the fading trust among the high-ranking members of the SPLM & the SPLA, the 32 federal states are proving something else. It was a rumor until General Paul Malong Awan was relieved, his well guarded place couldn’t be infiltrated, all attempts thwarted and “he ran away to Yirol before handing over the office to the incoming Chief of the General Staff” according to the President.
