Archive for May, 2017

Deadly Cholera Outbreak in Jiech and Mogok Payams of Ayod County

Posted: May 14, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Health, Junub Sudan

CMD Rapid Response to Cholera Outbreak in Cattle Camps and around Jiech and Mogok Payams, Ayod County

By CMD Team, Ayod, South Sudan

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May 14, 2017 (SSB) —- A CMD Rapid Response Team was deployed fast in Ayod County- Jonglei State to respond to cholera outbreak around the cholera camps in Jiech and Mogok Payams. 45 deaths had been reported, 40% of those being children and youth before this swift intervention.

The CMD team is supporting the County Health Department that had been overwhelmed by the number of cases; coupled by lack of supplies and capacity to contain the spread of cholera in the location. The situation is worsened by accessibility challenges as these are hard to reach and often-insecure areas.

A team from CMD responded fast with limited resources, and with the support of the health cluster embarked on collecting samples from suspected patients that were brought to Juba for laboratory tests and examination.


By Wol Deng Atak, Nairobi, Kenya

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet, Malual Ayom

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet, Malual Ayom

May 13, 2017 (SSB) — I expected National address from President Salva Kiir Mayardit, but instead I heard hate speech against media and the former Chief of Staff. In short the president’s speech was punctuated by numbers of hate remarks and complains rather than directives to the nation.

Kiir’s speech today confirmed that national security in Juba has been acting on his orders to crack down on the media. This is made clear in his reference to media as the causes of violent in South Sudan. Is it, sir?

Perhaps this claim is not true. Surely when President Kiir disagreed and exchanged bitter words with his colleagues at SPLM leading to a bitter fight with his arch rival, Dr. Riek Machar in 2013, did the media give them the choice of words that led to violent confrontations?


By Sunday de John, New Delhi, India

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

Generals Pieng Deng Majok, Paul Malong Awan and Malual Ayom Dor at the Bor Airport during the second liberation of Bor, 2014

May 13, 2017 (SSB) — The Republic of South Sudan first. Anything else later. That is what one can say at least to soothe himself especially when a danger is looming. In the recent wake, a lot has been happening. Of all that had happened nothing has shaken my country the much it was and is being shook by the departure of Gen. Paul Malong Awan Anei aka King Paul from Juba via Terekeka on counts of travelling to his cradle land of Aweil.

This happened immediately after he was relieved by the President of the Republic of South Sudan. According to reliable sources, Gen. Paul Malong Awan had a desire to travel to his backyard and do his personal businesses like most South Sudanese are doing especially in this rainy season when cultivation is of paramount importance to agro-pastoralists like Gen. Paul Malong.


By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet

May 13, 2017 (SSB) — Is South Sudan dictatorial or democratic? I can’t help asking myself this question. It’s a question I know the answer to. And the answer is a big-bellied fat no. But before I gauge our beloved country in any of these systems of governance, I will have to make an impression that even the governance in the state of nature is much better than the type of governance in our beloved country.

Because in nature, all the hierarchical animals observe some rules in their societies. For example, threats to power (dominance) and territory are viewed differently.  Among the hierarchical animals, power is individualistic but territory is communal. Any male/ female,  which aspire for the dominant female’s/male’s position, must prepare for an individualistic challenge (war). The rest of the members would either spectate, or go about their businesses when the challenger and the dominant female or male are viciously attacking each other.


By John Achiek De’Mabior, Bor, South Sudan

Civil society organizations in Bor

The street protests is being spearheaded three civil society organizations in Bor: the Jonglei Institute for Peace, democracy and Development (JIPDD), the Kreative Nile Family (KNF) Drama group and the Jonglei Civil Society Network (JCSN)

May 13, 2017 (SSB) — Jonglei State authorities have order crackdown and summary arrest of the Civil Society Activists in Jonglei State capital _ Bor. This comes after a couple of peaceful demonstrations organized by the group of civil society activists on the street of Bor on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

The street protests is being spearheaded three civil society organizations in Bor: the Jonglei Institute for Peace, democracy and Development (JIPDD), the Kreative Nile Family (KNF) Drama group and the Jonglei Civil Society Network (JCSN).

Among those detained are four member of JIPDD: Daniel Deng Anyang, Yom Mary Buol, John Achiek De’Mabior, Jongkuch Jo Jongkuch; Geu Philip Akau of KNF, while Dau Junior of KNF; Juuk Othana Mading of JIPDD and Wenne Madyt Deng of Jonglei Civil Society Network are on the run. Some of them have reportedly gone to the villages to evade arrest, while others are hiding in Bortown with relatives.


The Politics of Post-Garang SPLM/SPLA Government

By Deng Diar Diing, Mombasa, Kenya

May 16th anniversary

May 12, 2017 (SSB) — If I were within the close circle of comrade Salva, I would be worried, very worried. To those of us who studied science, experiments are carried out to develop empirical formulas and those formulas are iteratively applied while continuously incorporating constants and previously insignificant variables until you arrive at a stable scientific formula that’s applicable invariably.

Now, with the way the audience of war and targets have been shifting unpredictably, I would be worried if I were within the circle. Stability and predictability are important in any operations and discourse for that matter.

Remembering 2012, the whole war started as a contest of egos between Riek and Cde Salva not to mention the Garang-boys coup d’etat folklore that got sung since Garang died and eventually got beaten down by more significant events.


“When a dictator takes over a country by illegal force, the rules of global trade, as determined by the rich world, automatically hand to that dictator legal property over the country resources” said Thomas Pogge, a political theorist.

By Wenne Madyt Dengs, Juba, South Sudan

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet, Malual Ayom

May 12, 2017 (SSB) — I wonder how South Sudan got by a beautiful shoe-spring, taking as little as two years and finally went ugly. Everything modern was chopped up by President Kiir’s tyrannical knife. Tribal-politics, greed and immorality are mixed-up in the youngest country’s capital city, Juba. You would get security stooges moving in every corner of the city direly looking for innocent lives to kill, and all becomes dictatorial…..this is not the South Sudan Koryom, Muor Muor, Jamus, Tiger, Katiba benat, Engas and all gallant battalions of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) fought for.

The transition, however, seems like to resist all of us due to persisting incitement; which opens up tribalism as we bear it on our foreheads equally, it has been always embraced by our current corrupt regime. We, as the citizens of this great nation have unknowingly sold our great prestige to President Kiir and few top leaders from our respective tribes who joined up in making South Sudan a hopeless nation.  We must be ashamed of ourselves as far as I am certain that we’re responsible for this veracity.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

May 12, 2017 (SSB) —- On May 9, 2017 South Sudanese national army (SPLA) Chief of General Staff Paul Malong Awan was fired by President, General Salva Kiir Mayardit and replaced him with General James Ajongo Mawut.  Consequently, tension began to grow between the President and the sacked general.

 In fact, the tension was more exacerbated due to the fact that soldiers were deployed on Juba streets and around the sacked General home while plainclothes national security agents drive in and around the capital telling people to go inside their houses (according to…/south-sudan-army-chief-sacked-2/).

As the government went on preparing for war as seen above, Malong was preparing for peace. Therefore, he left Juba with intention of going to his hometown, Aweil the same night as a way of reducing tension. However, leaving Juba was another problem as the government began panicking.



Posted: May 12, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Awuol Gabriel Arok, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet

May 12, 2017 (SSB) —- Long ago, parts of the body did not all work together as well as they do today, each one had a will and a voice of its own.

One day the other parts of the body began to find fault with the stomach, “What does he do all day?” said the hands, “We work hard for our living, but he just lies there lazily while we give him things to eat.”


Malual Bol Kiir

Chelsea Clinton, the Vice President for Clinton’s foundation presenting the Voices of Courage Award to Malual Bol Kiir

May 12, 2017 (SSB) — The 2017 Voices of Courage award has been awarded to Malual Bol Kir, Malual who is the founder of the African Youth Action Network (AYAN), a NGO that helps the refugees and bring the youth together to reach their top potential and work together as agents of peace and positive change

Since 2015, AYAN has been working with UNHCR to reach out to other NGOs and help to bridge the gap between national youth and the youth from the refugee communities, and recruit other young people to work together as agents of peace and conflict prevention. So far AYAN has reached to over 2000 youth from the communities.

At the age of 23, Malual spent most of his youth amid war, witnessing an array conflict, massacre and of human rights abuses in south Sudan. What he believes inspires him to work for peace and refugees.


By Martin Ariel Majak, Alexandria, Egypt

Malong Awan Anei

May 12, 2017 (SSB) — Well, the firing of Paul Malong as the Chief of General Staff by President Kiir, came as shock news to many if not all people who heard it. No people even had that wishful thinking in mind. As known, Malong was seen as a right hand man to the President. He was the man tasked with the responsibility of transforming the army following the events of 15 Dec.2013. The boat needed someone like Malong at the time to steer it through the storms.

Indeed, he stepped up to the job and did amazingly well though and masterminded numerous victories against the rebels, who I guess, are the happiest people now celebrating his dismissal. He had the morale of the army raised high. King Paul, as he became known by his fans, was a no nonsense military guy who feared no evil, cared much about his country and who had  vowed to put an end to the lingering rebellion of Riek.


President Salva Kiir Mayardit today briefed the public on the Removal of General Paul Malong Awan from his Position as Chief of General Staff of the SPLA

Kiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet, Malual AyomKiir, Ajongo, Kuol, Wani, Awet

My Fellow citizens, ladies and gentleman

May 12, 2017 (SSB) — On Tuesday, May 9th, I issued Republican Decree No. 76/2017 for the relief of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army Chief of General Staff, General Paul Malong Awan. I also Issued Republican Decree No. 77/2017 appointing General James Ajongo Mawut as His successor.

Since the inception of our liberation movement, we have had six army Chiefs of General Staff that have served the SPLA. It is a routine procedure for the commander in chief to make changes to the national army based on the current needs. I take this opportunity to wish the new chief of Staff, General James Ajonga success in his new assignment.

I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to commend General Paul Malong Awan for his valiant service to the people of South Sudan in a number of important roles. He dedicated his life to the liberation of South Sudan and remains, as one of our most senior generals and his vast experience in necessary as we continue to develop our country.


The position paper that was handed over to 1st VP Taban Deng Ghai by the members of the Greater Bor Dinka community 

Position Paper of the Greater Bor Dinka community on the current conflict caused by Murle cattle raiders and child abductors in Jonglei state (PDF)


Five people have been brutally murdered and three others injured in fresh cattle raid in Jalle Payam of Bor County. Over 3,000 herds of cattle were looted when 900 armed youth from Murle attacked Jalle Payam. 2,000 cattle have been recovered meanwhile 1,000 more have been lost to the raiders. The survivors who sustained critical injuries being healed at Bor state hospital include Mr. Akech Ajak with 4 gun shoots wounds, 93 year old woman-Awel Deng Anyuon, and Kok Ajith Manyiel.

Mayen Yong Jok, killed in Jalle

R.I.P Mayen Yong Jok, killed in Jalle in 2015 by the Murle cattle raiders

A Tale of Two Cities (1859), a classic novel by Charles Dickens, sets in London and Paris and centers on the years leading up to the French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror in France.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

RSS coat of ARMS

South Sudan’s coat of arms, in which the eagle symbolizes vision, strength, resilience and majesty, and the shield and spear the people’s resolve to protect the sovereignty of their republic and work hard to feed it.

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

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May 9, 2017 (SSB) — Once upon a time in the land of Ochoro, the birds and the animals held a big meeting to discuss the bad treatment they were receiving from human beings. They decided to send a delegation to the owner of the sky asking him to change their fate, and if possible to turn them into human beings.

Now the owner of the sky received them and listened to them patiently. “Human beings do not even respect our leaders, they said, they kill even the elephant and the leopard.” “They catch us and keep us in cages, “said the birds, “We have claws and teeth and yet they are not afraid of us,” said the animals again. Then the owner of Heaven said, “If I decide to help you, will you all agree to do whatever I tell you to do?”

Then all the animals began to talk at once, and they made wonderful promise that they would follow the Creator’s advice in every possible way, and do whatever he told them to do.


By Kon Joseph Leek, Juba, South Sudan

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May 9, 2017 (SSB) — After the death of 29 Jonglei innocent lives and nine wounded along Juba – Bor road as reported by Miraya FM’s Monday morning breakfast show, it was early reported by “the national courier” news agent that more than 30 were confirmed dead and 17 more bodies lying by the roadside in Gemeiza.

What compelled me to writing this note is about how vulgar and myopic some people are in approaching some problems or how stupid they are in their communication’s approach. Word choice and random talk in disorder assemblage that make words themselves appear as hostage situation makes one sometimes lazy in listening because of the lack of clarity in the content put forward by the speaker himself.


By Kocrup Makuach, Nairobi, Kenya

Juba university demonstration2

Juba university demonstration, 8 May 2017

May 9, 2017 (SSB) —- I appeal to the people of South Sudan not to listen to the music of propaganda which is being played on social media. At close observation, a rationale mind can tell that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan under the leadership of President Kiir Mayardit is now working tirelessly, day and night to salvage people’s fangs of grievances.

It is true that our nation is undergoing a lot of difficulties and turmoil.  South Sudan is suffering from an economic basket- case due to civil strife, which culminated to man-made famine, insecurity, inter- communal pogroms and skyrocketed commodity prices. All these challenges are part and parcel of fragile state like South Sudan.

So the big questions remain, who do we blame for all these problems? It goes to our political leaders who pursue for raw power, the selfish, parochial and sectarian groups. There is an African saying that goes” when the two elephants fight, the grasses suffer”. In other words, the innocent people are suffering now.


By Mading Abraham Majur, Juba, South Sudan  


May 9, 2017 (SSB) — Whereas the unfortunate murder and general suffering of innocent South Sudanese caused shock fear and has generated debate in the world, and whereas the right to life has overwhelming value in our community that overshadows all the arguments. South Sudanese believe that right life is inherent in the human person created in the image of God.

It is our considered opinion as South Sudanese citizens and government supporters that killing a human being can not be used to reach or address any political purpose or revenge with a view of giving a lesson to deal or to others or even repair a disrupted order. It is in itself evil and inhuman. Therefore, to use these intrinsically evil actions to reach a good end is to indulge in the Machiavellian, principles that the end justified the means.


By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda


May 8, 2017 (SSB) —- If we had indeed learned anything from the unlawful detention of Dr. Riek Machar in Pretoria, South Africa, is the fact that the war is not coming to an end in the absence of him. Whoever proposed to quarantine the leader of the largest South Sudan Armed Opposition is wrong and it is not an ideal that will bring peace to the people of South Sudan in the near future.


Former Botswana president Festus Mogae’s failure and the Peace partners, the appointments of Gen. Taban Deng Gai as the First Vice President, Kiir’s Monologue are the foreseen sights of nothing like an end is near to the conflict resolution in South Sudan.

The attempt made to isolate the chairman of the South Sudan Armed Opposition (SSAO), from the peace process is not the possible solution to end the crisis in the world’s youngest nation. Let the man be releases from this illicit house detention and go to his headquarters to convince his forces why it is important to cease fire. Otherwise, I see this as some kind of hilarious joke intended for the purpose of entertaining the traumatized masses of the South Sudan people.


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda

Hagana Festival

Hagana Festival

May 8, 2017 (SSB) — The Country called South Sudan today officially became the Republic of South Sudan in July 2011 following a referendum that passed with 98.83% of the vote. Its current capital is Juba, which is also its largest city. It was planned that the capital city would be changed to the more centrally located at Ramciel.

The independence of South Sudan came about as a result of the agreements of sixty four tribes. When we talk of a tribe, we mean a group of distinct people, dependent on their land for their livelihood, who are largely self-sufficient, and not integrated into the national society.

In that respect, tribe is perhaps the term most readily understood and used by the general public.  Stephen Corry defines tribal people as those who “…have followed ways of life for many generations that are largely self-sufficient, and are clearly different from the mainstream and dominant society”. This definition, however, would not apply to countries in the Middle East such as Iraq, where the entire population is a member of one tribe or another, and tribalism itself is dominant and mainstream.
