Archive for August 2, 2017

The Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) decree-ically becomes the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF), akin to the Ugandan People’s Defense Forces (UPDF), if you will. How much of the SPLA was actually SPLA? The change should be welcomed by those to whom the name SPLA means the historical sacrifices and struggle of their loved ones, a sacred heritage to be honored and glorified, rather than abused and desecrated.

president salva kiir



“I am forced to abandon my profession by those who think too much about ruling us and believe very little about the survival of the citizens” Nhial Bol Aken

By Nhial Bol Aken, Juba, South Sudan

Nhial Bol Aken1

Nhial Bol Aken is the former Chief Editor of the Juba-based Citizen Newspaper

August 2, 2017 (SSB) — Fellow citizens, friends, and relatives have been repeatedly questioning me about why I left journalism and also why I joined IO and later on resigned from it. Honestly, I will deal with the first part, journalism. The issues which pushed me out my profession are related to my relations with authorities especially with the circle of the ruling elites.

My crisis started in 2013, few months before the alleged court of 2013. It happened that the former chief administrator in the office of the President paid a visit to my office and suggested he is considering that I should accept with to work with them, I promptly asked who are they (them) he wanted me to work with.

He replied, the office of the President. I looked at him and politely suggested that we put off the issue for another time because it is approaching evening hours and I am alone to do editing but he insisted that I should agree with him so that he could push for the post. When I asked him what job he thought I will take, he said, “the media”.


“I am forced to abandon my profession by those who think too much about ruling us and believe very little about the survival of the citizens” Nhial Bol Aken

By Nhial Bol Aken, Juba, South Sudan

Looking for black market fuel sellers

August 2, 2017 (SSB) — In the 1970s when I was in my intermediate school in Yei town, a domesticated monkey which was roaming the school compound decided to pick eye glass of my colleague, Inyicio Manuyat and ran to the forest which was very close to the school boarding rooms.

We mobilized ourselves to forcibly get back but the monkey managed to disappear however it returned the glasses to the school, holding it in the right arm. When we rounded it up and threatened to get by the use of force, the monkey put down the eye glass and broke it into three parts, beyond reparable situation.

We all regretted the incident and each of us started to blame the other for mismanaging attempts to disarm the monkey. My colleague regretted and concluded that all who were involved were to be blamed.



Posted: August 2, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Awuol Gabriel Arok, Poems.

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

Mandela and John Garang

Nelson Mandela and John Garang

We salute you father,
We salute your flag of struggling;
Wish you everlasting eternity
Oh! Dr. John; the eye opener
You have opened our eyes to the world,
You have opened them and now
We can make use of them accurately;
You had opened our eyes,
And now we can see ourselves clearly;
Oh! Symbol of oneness
