Archive for August 5, 2017

The Tragedy of Hepatitis B among the South Sudanese people

Posted: August 5, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Health, Junub Sudan

By Adol Akuei, Eldoret, Kenya

Adol Akuei

Adol Akuei

August 5, 2017 (SSB) — “The secret of good health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

It is with deep sympathy and empathy that I am writing this article address to the public based on; the ongoing sufferings of our people back home. This is especially in the health sector, not political sector or rather arena as you may think of it.

Besides, it is mainly to create awareness unto the victims and those that are in the status of being “victims” of this disease that I called “the second HIV/AIDS”, that is HEPATITIS. It has been reported that the disease is quite rampant in our country and it needs direct address and awareness since most of our people are melting away with their hope buried in the stigma of the disease and would rather think that all is done and that they can easily die.


By Mayendit Loy, Chennai, India

August 5, 2017 (SSB) — Let me open my view by a said that say “The people who do not understand you will never settle for any proof, and people who appreciate you do not need any proof”

I have read the embassy post last week on South Sudan news page in their post they said embassy is knowing, doing grandest, exceptional things to south Sudanese mostly students which are here in India. In the first place, I would like to take this opportunity to express my views on this lies from the embassy.
