Archive for August 15, 2017

By Deng Duot D’Bior-bar, Seattle, USA

kiir election


August 15, 2017 (SSB) — Politics is a game of numbers where the majority always takes a lead. This is according to Aristotle’s democracy theory.  During the 2017 Kenyan election, the tribes teamed up together to affix the lead in the election process and decided who should be the next president of Kenya. And, in deed the son, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was re-elected for his second term.

With that, South Sudanese leaders should learn much about what tribal affiliation has done in Kenya.  South Sudan should also learn, that it doesn’t matter what military ranks and training, Ph.D.,  or soldier that you have can give you the leeway to the highest office but your tribal affiliation, and connection with other tribes can give you the upper hand during elections’ time.

The  Kikuyu, Meru, Akamba and the Nandis men, came together denying the most experienced Kenyan Politician and opposition leader, who has championed and had the thread to promote multipartyism,  and democracy in Kenya. The Retired Former Prime Minister Raila Amollo Odinga was not defeated because he did not have experiences, did have good economic ideas or lack of leadership abilities but simply because of well calculated tribal hegemony and alignment.


SRSG Shearer – Regional protection Force – Press Conference (near verbatim)


The cantonment workshop: “security and inclusivity are a priority for any cantonment operation” in Juba, South Sudan, on November 17, 2016

August 15, 2017 (SSB) — Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning and welcome to the RWANBATT compound here at Tomping.

A number of you have reported over the weekend that the first company of Rwandan soldiers has arrived in Juba as part of the Regional Protection Force deployment.

I’m joined by Brigadier General Jean Mupenzi of Rwanda, who is the Commander of the RPF.

With me too is Brigadier General Kindu Tegegn of Ethiopia, who is the UNMISS Sector-South Commander. I wanted to bring you together and provide a short update on where we are with the RPF.
