Archive for August 22, 2017

By Thon Madol Mathok, Kampala, Uganda

SPLA military High military command

August 22, 2017 (SSB) — As an African child would not listen to the first beating but had to be repeatedly beaten for like 2 or 3 times until he would realize what he had done was bad. That is when he learned a lesson and would do things right, on the other hand, a stubborn child who would not listen to parent even after being beaten thoroughly is simply cursed and if he continued like that, the end result would be tragic to him.

It was eminent South Sudan would encounter many beatings because we are ignorant of educating ourselves of past occurrences in order to be cautious about the present and future life. South Sudanese struggle will end the moment we start reflecting on past experiences to remind ourselves of the past before we move forward peacefully.

Past knowledge is essential because it’s direct us on what we should do and what we should avoid. So today experience will act as a guideline in future and this will give a lasting peace in South Sudan, there is a quote I found attributed to Soren Kierkegaard which says “life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards.”


What is a National Dialogue: A Brief Biography

Posted: August 22, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in History, Junub Sudan, Reports

“National Dialogues are nationally owned political processes aimed at generating consensus among a broad range of national stakeholders in times of deep political crisis, in post-war situations or during far-reaching political transitions…National Dialogues are put in motion in transition contexts when old institutions are delegitimized and a new social contract between state and society is needed.”

What is national dialogue, a handbook



The neglected sources of revenue in South Sudan that led to the government’s bankruptcy: Blaming drop in oil price and war are coincidental    

Longar Mathiec Wol, Nairobi, Kenya

black market vs central bank rate - Copy

August 21, 2017 (SSB) — The American politician and businessman Erskine Bowles once said “I think that if we don’t get these politicians to come together we face the most predictable economic crisis in history”. Inarguably that is the case today in South Sudan. The dispute in two camps hold the country hostage and the economic crisis is taking a toll on the citizens. It is up to us to bring these two camps or these politicians together and open a new chapter of economic recovery or we perish economically.

Though the war is not the only cause of the country’s worst economic crisis, it contribution is undeniable. The youngest nation’s government has been challenged by how to stabilize the country’s economy since the start of a disastrous civil war in 2013. The attempts to reinvigorate the economy went futile. The economic crisis that led the country into hyperinflation and the loss of public confidence in the government due to the rise of cost of living and in the way through which it handles the situation.

Many people traced the crisis back to 2013 but, the truth of the matter is, it was coincidental. Whether the war broke out or not this crisis was on its way and could have happened because the government has overlooked many factors that would have easily contributed toward the economic crisis in future.

When the country got independence, the aid extended by many countries made the government relaxive; It remains without a future plan on how it’s going to operate in the absence of this assistance from the donors. Some of the signs that the government didn’t put in place some of the mechanism on how to generate it revenue apart from hand out from the foreign donation.
