Archive for August 23, 2017

Excuse Me Junubiin, It Is a Smash in Each One of Us’s Face, Listen!

By Tito Awen Bol, Nairobi, Kenya

Social media warriors

Social media warriors

August 23, 2017 (SSB) — I am writing with the wishes that, “I wish illiteracy rate was not 63% in our Country.  I wish most youth were not literately lazy to read, and I wish my name cannot form a barrier in the perception of the reader,” this message would have reached to many people outside there. I heard it from the driver and it impetuously grilled my brain and haunted me from the last few days up to today…please read it, I didn’t intend to write a long or complex article.

Few days to Kenya’s elections, I left Eldoret for South Sudan through Kakuma-Kapoeta road. On my way, I was called and advised by my elder brother to avoid travelling during election time and instead advised me further to spend days in Kakuma with some relatives as elections unfold. It (election) came to past and I thought of proceeding with my journey to Kapoeta and subsequently to Juba.

I caught an evening taxi from Kakuma town heading to Lokichoggio which was driven by a man I later knew to be known as Mr. Njuguna. I sat next to him (driver). We by-passed the main Kakuma Refugees Camp which is situated at the right ends of the road. After few minutes’ drive (around 10-15 minutes), here emerged the camp extension area (Kalobeyei) meant for new arrivals (South Sudanese refugees).
