Archive for August 24, 2017

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

Looking for black market fuel sellers

August 24, 2017, SSB) — The diplomatic invasion of South Sudan because of her leadership struggling is out of International law.  Invasion was is a military offensive or a military occupation of weak country by powerful nations for it resources, and invasion can cause new war or largely a strategy to end war if there is good will but it can probably cause the whole war by itself. That military strategic plans cause wars because it encourages random military insurgencies, and militias.

The history of invasion was occurrence since prehistory. Many nations were invaded by powerful and superpower countries militarily, geographically, socially, culturally, politically, economically and even mentally. The methods they used were: by land, by air, by sea, by neighbouring countries and flows of money.

But issues of invasion ended three times when World War II in 1939-1945 in Europe responded by the West when Western powers took military and political decisions to allow Soviet Union’s failing with lots of damages on lives and properties, but the world took the new routes by then through UN to handle world problems amicably and peacefully.


Nation Mirror newspaper to Resume print publication in Juba

The Oracles of Kush

Posted: August 24, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Poems.

By David Mayen Dengdit

Mandela and John Garang

Nelson Mandela and John Garang

Behold all ye vendors of souls

Last fractions of time have come

Great prophesies fulfilled

Haunting momentous apex

Boundless records vanished en route

As Ngundeng gaudily foresaw

Bloody rivers into curative waters

Irrigating planes of grain fields

Soothing starving children of the Nile
