The Oracles of Kush

Posted: August 24, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Junub Sudan, Poems.

By David Mayen Dengdit

Mandela and John Garang

Nelson Mandela and John Garang

Behold all ye vendors of souls

Last fractions of time have come

Great prophesies fulfilled

Haunting momentous apex

Boundless records vanished en route

As Ngundeng gaudily foresaw

Bloody rivers into curative waters

Irrigating planes of grain fields

Soothing starving children of the Nile

Isaiah’s Biblical oracles of old testaments

Gazed across Pharaohnic repression and plagues

Watched over Messianic horizons of healing

Through revelations of dark days in Kush

Beyond mass exodus and ultimate subjugation

Shall rise a great nation feared by all.

Here we were standing at the peak

Flipping the last of many red pages

Hearing echoes of giggling children

Long heard before Christ by John

  On mothers’ backs safely snarled

Startled by surrounding fauna

Torrents, flora and hills

In a sacred domicile for all

Colossi finally nurtured.

David Mayen Dengdit

Juba 107 – August 2016

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