The proxy war in South Sudan (Part 3)

Posted: August 24, 2017 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, Contributing Writers, David Matiop Gai, Junub Sudan, Opinion Articles, Opinion Writers

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

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August 24, 2017, SSB) — The diplomatic invasion of South Sudan because of her leadership struggling is out of International law.  Invasion was is a military offensive or a military occupation of weak country by powerful nations for it resources, and invasion can cause new war or largely a strategy to end war if there is good will but it can probably cause the whole war by itself. That military strategic plans cause wars because it encourages random military insurgencies, and militias.

The history of invasion was occurrence since prehistory. Many nations were invaded by powerful and superpower countries militarily, geographically, socially, culturally, politically, economically and even mentally. The methods they used were: by land, by air, by sea, by neighbouring countries and flows of money.

But issues of invasion ended three times when World War II in 1939-1945 in Europe responded by the West when Western powers took military and political decisions to allow Soviet Union’s failing with lots of damages on lives and properties, but the world took the new routes by then through UN to handle world problems amicably and peacefully.

This was a right choice when UN was neutral and never owned the so called UN army, but now UN has an army become more aggressive than it original formation.

Today, invasion has been decorated with different colors of influential celebrating victories on weak nations, and through United Nations, militants of the collaborated nations are used to invade other nations with hidden agendas, strategic plans and tactics of political interest.

In South Sudan, is President Kiir, Ministers, and other political figures who are now gambling over country leadership aware of this illegal invasion and illegal entry in the country day and night? If they are aware of it then they did a terrible mistake because there is no reason we fought Arabs for decades in Southern Sudan.

I have made my point clear in part one and two of this article that there is nothing for free, and UN Mission in South Sudan had special reason with military aggression of why without respecting the integrity of the country, simply the invasion is cover with nice face of concern about lives of South Sudanese people, protection of citizens, and implementation of peace agreement, but I insist and I will continue insisting that they are the problematics guys with genuine examples.

There is no good reason to keep UN troops in South Sudan. There is no proper ground for the foreign army and national army to be in one country. Who is the owner of the land? As long as they are here, they will create problems and more problems so that they projects continue exchange in hands and getting millions of dollars over the blood of innocent South Sudanese.

I have proper examples against them.  Since 1960s until today in Congo, there are 36, 000 UN troops in Congo, and they did not bring peace and stop rebellions in Congo. In Dec 2013 crisis in Juba South Sudan, there were 12, 000 UN troops and they did not stop continue rebellions in the country and failed to protect civilians all over the country.

Off course they were proposed for CPA guidance, and monitoring in the first place between Southern Sudan and Sudan government, but they were also seen less responsible, and as a result, rebels in South Sudan proposed another four thousands UN troops for their well wish, and not for nation interest because there is no nation that call for invasion of foreign troop to occupy territory of the country militarily.

Problems and fighting and new rebellions will not end up soon in South Sudan, because there is no good will for the outsiders to assist South Sudan regain and recovery from her dooms.  According to radio Tamazuj, “Misunderstandings started after the UN mission in South Sudan deployed its Rwandan peacekeepers that arrived in Juba earlier this month as part of the 4,000 strong regional protection forces in Thongpiny base near the Juba International airport”

That is the kind of foreign aggression which I also said in the past as part of diplomatic problem against people of South Sudan and their government.  If it is not to make us more violent, then how did a visitor come and chose a place where to stay?  This shows to me that South Sudan is a nation by name, and it is a nation without people who deserve respect of human dignity and rights.

How can somebody who was mandated to protect lives and keep peace among people thinks differently against hosting government in its territory? This means that South Sudan is a nation everybody wants to do something they like.

Over eye radio today, “Regional Protection force is mandated by UN Security Council under Resolution 2304—2016 to protect the airport to ensure the airport remains operational and protect key facilities in Juba essential to the well-being of the people of Juba”.

It seem like these people are too dangerous by selecting key areas of government.  By the way Juba International airport since July 2016 – August 2017 is operating normal and nobody who is quarrelling over it, but outsiders never even ask authorities in Juba where to stay. What we know from the very beginning, Regional Protection forces are coming to protect civilian, that is all so is Juba airport turn into human being for protection? And who are fighting in the airport?

Neighbouring countries, and African forces are more aggressive and others are coming with the same spirit of being deployed by UN Security Council without South Sudan who allowed them to be the protection force in the country. Although the high tension was resolved when diplomats sit with government officials, the plan of invasion is not yet resolved.

Majority of South Sudanese who put their hope on Regional Protection forces never learnt through countries where UN Peacekeeping mission is operating. If you say you want to fight people while timing back and you were peacekeeping mission, then where is your mission?

From my point of view, it will take time to realize bad request made by those who want to shelter under UN Protection force in Juba, because all human beings worldwide are self-centre, nobody who can do the best for you apart from yourself.

And that is why nations were bordering one another and so each nation work for benefit of her people. Now if few forces of Regional Protection try to deploy their forces anyhow, and tearing tension with hosting government of South Sudan, then what if 16,000 UN Mission in South Sudan collaborate with rebels and other political parties, then will South Sudan be in peace?

It is better for the government to know the interest of UN Security Council, Regional Protection Forces, and UNMISS and identify who is a driving force of these parallel plans, because if UNMISS was for protection, we would have seen them protection civilians at their capacity, but instead they are creating more violent in order for the country to remain under instability for so long

The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Health care Organization, (SSMHCO). He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at

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