Archive for the ‘Elbow Chuol’ Category

By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda

paul malong

President Salva Kiir, Governor Paul Malong Awan (Blue suit) and Cabinet Affairs Minister Martin Lomuro (black suit) during the public rally in Aweil, NBeG

June 8, 2017 (SSB) — Six men were seen hurriedly moving through Juba-parliamentary road. Three B6s stopped by and a cloud of gathering people chant through the gate of J1 in hurry. Ateny Wek Ateny the mouthpiece of J1 in his unfamiliar baggy suit looking whimsical quickly removed his sunglass to identify the unwanted quests among the honorable invited Konkoc consultation delegate.

The conference’s main delegate were widely selected from the most important institutions of Greater Bar el Gazel region. The leaders of Dutku Beny (Warrap), representative of Gelweng (Lakes State), and the uppermost Mathiananyoor elites from Aweil top the consultation committee. Other Dinka sub-clans were chosen bizarrely based on merit and loyalty. Interest groups like Jieng Council of Elders were not all invited; the conference was aggressively very exclusive.

The two days Konkoc conference in J1 which took place from (16th to 17th of May) collapsed because the whole theatre failed to adopt or rather embrace the spirit of inclusiveness.  Akol Koor turned into Koor (bear) as some of the powerful sons of Dinka sub clan of Rek (where Malong comes from) begins to mysteriously fade like mist or may be “swallow up by J1 Koor (bear)”.


By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda

paul malong

President Salva Kiir, Governor Paul Malong Awan (Blue suit) and Cabinet Affairs Minister Martin Lomuro (black suit) during the public rally in Aweil, NBeG

May 19, 2017 (SSB) — PAUL Malong Awan’s four days Rebellion was badly miscalculated. This is where principle of mathematic seriously went wrong. So I wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in high school after all-Malong is a colleague in this cryptic universal problem.

Malong Awan the nightmare of the South Sudanese civilians didn’t choose to rebel but his four days rebellions was carefully set in motion.  His appointment as a tool to be used by Kiir and Akool to kills South Sudanese didn’t fade away in just four years rigorous military leadership campaign. The man went furious but mechanism were put in place to control him. It is called leadership placement. You are put somewhere to achieve the most wanted desires.

But Malong was given anything and everything to become everything and anything including an authority rape, displacing civilians, killing, and obstructing the humanitarian workers to reach the purposely starved Nuer civilians in Greater Upper Nile-Unity State in particular. All the wrongs will be counted on his head.


By Elbow Chuol, Kampala, Uganda


May 8, 2017 (SSB) —- If we had indeed learned anything from the unlawful detention of Dr. Riek Machar in Pretoria, South Africa, is the fact that the war is not coming to an end in the absence of him. Whoever proposed to quarantine the leader of the largest South Sudan Armed Opposition is wrong and it is not an ideal that will bring peace to the people of South Sudan in the near future.


Former Botswana president Festus Mogae’s failure and the Peace partners, the appointments of Gen. Taban Deng Gai as the First Vice President, Kiir’s Monologue are the foreseen sights of nothing like an end is near to the conflict resolution in South Sudan.

The attempt made to isolate the chairman of the South Sudan Armed Opposition (SSAO), from the peace process is not the possible solution to end the crisis in the world’s youngest nation. Let the man be releases from this illicit house detention and go to his headquarters to convince his forces why it is important to cease fire. Otherwise, I see this as some kind of hilarious joke intended for the purpose of entertaining the traumatized masses of the South Sudan people.
