Archive for the ‘Featured Articles’ Category

Tributes in Living Memory to Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng: Celebrating the Inspirational Life and Times of a South Sudanese Iconic Freedom Fighter and Veteran Politician, Gen. Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Kärkäwään)

By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

Eulogy of Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng: Celebrating the Life and Times of Gen. Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Kärkäwään)
Eulogy of Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng: Celebrating the Life and Times of Gen. Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Kärkäwään)

Monday, July 7, 2019 (PW) — On the 16th of May, 1983, when the war of liberation struggle broke out in Bor, Jonglei State, the leadership of the Underground Movement dispatched Gen. Gabriel Achuoth Deng Achuoth (Deng-Kärkäwään) to Khartoum to warn and enlighten their members in the north that the new armed revolutionary movement, occasioned by the mutiny in Bor, was not going to be the usual South Sudanese reactionary movement fixated on the ‘Southern Problem’ at the expenses of the rights, justice and freedom for the marginalized people of the Sudan. In his book, Wars and a New Vision for the Sudan: A Political Lesson, which was published in 2005, Gen. Achuoth Deng-Kärkäwään explained thus: “When John Garang withdrew from Bor for Ethiopia, it was the same time that I left for Khartoum. This was to come and explain to the forces of the revolution in that part of the country the objective of the new movement. That the new movement should not be mistaken as the usual Southern reactionary movement for the separation of the South.”[1]

The Underground Movement was established by progressive officers of the Anyanya One movement as a result of the fallout from the aborted coup d’état in Lobone against the leadership of Gen. Joseph Lagu in 1972 following the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement. These progressive officers, on whose behalf Captain John Garang wrote his historical 1972 letter to Gen. Joseph Lagu, were bitterly opposed to the signing of the Addis Ababa Accord, in preference for the continuation of war for the total liberation and separation of South Sudan. After the failure of their coup against their boss, Gen. Joseph Lagu, and their subsequent absorption into the Sudanese army as per the stipulations of the 1972 peace accord, the progressive officers formed a clandestine organization, the Underground Movement, within the rank and file of the national army. Their first leader was Gen. Emmanuel Abuur Nhial (Abuur-Matuong) and then Gen. Albino Akol Akol after the killing of Gen. Emmanuel Abuur Nhial in 1976 and later by Col. John Garang after his return from the USA in 1982.


The “Nuer Factor” in the fundamental root causes of the December 2013 Crisis and the present civil war in the Republic of South Sudan (Part 2)

By PaanLuel Wël, Kongor, South Sudan

The Flag of the Republic of South Sudan

The Flag of the Republic of South Sudan

  1. Introduction

Saturday, July 21, 2018 (PW) — This article will examine the role of the “Nuer Factor” in the fundamental root causes of the December 2013 Crisis and the current civil war in South Sudan. The “Nuer Factor” can be expressed as follows: The fate of South Sudan is always bright and promising whenever the Nuer is contented, happy and supportive of the leadership of South Sudan; the fate of South Sudan is often dim and precarious whenever the Nuer is jilted, unhappy and against the leadership of the nation.

This is not so much a quest to repaying an ancient debt as it is about understanding and appreciating the role of the “Nuer question” in the fundamental root causes of the December 2013 crisis and the current raging civil war in the Republic of South Sudan – a befitting tribute, and contribution, to the civilized national debate inaugurated by Hon. Arop Madut Arop and Comrade Mabioor Garang de Mabioor.

The essence of the cultured national discourse initiated by Hon. Arop Madut Arop and Comrade Mabioor Garang de Mabioor is a clear demonstration of the fact that South Sudanese are capable of rising above the partisan bickering and tribal politicking by electing to partake in a civilized national debate devoid of vitriolic attacks, tribal pandering and slanderous name callings.

More importantly, it is crucial that the people of South Sudan should clearly understand and appreciate the fact that the proposed sharing of power and security arrangements under the revitalized ARCSS will not and cannot be a substitute to resolving the fundamental root causes of the December 2013 that ignited the present intractable conflict in South Sudan. (more…)

Memories shared are archived, not in big state buildings, but in our memories. It is for this very purpose that I occasionally flashback. In living memory of my comrades in arm, Dheiu Ajach (Guojum) and Chol Makuei Mabior (R.I.P)

By Mawut Mabior Chol, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, July 21, 2018 (PW) — Dhieu Ajach, nicknamed Guojum because of his bowed legs and arms. Very balanced, tough and fierce looking, is from Jieng de Apadang. Wickedly funny, but somewhat rebellious and subtly humane, he was a very complicated guy to deal with.

Initially, I treated him like any other member of squad, but that one day almost ended in exchange of fire. I had to devised a new approach to avoid the confrontation. Physically I couldn’t much him, but importantly, we were armed and in a war zone. I had to know him and he became one my best friends.

One bad thing about him was his addiction to tobacco. He could get up under a volley of bullets to go and borrow a smoke from someone whether farther away was not his problem. (more…)

South Sudan: from Lost Boys to leaders — REPORT from Jesuit Refugee Service

JRS scholars - This group of men are former refugees assisted by JRS in the 80s and 90s while they were in exile in Kakuma. Many were resettled or went on to attain higher education in Kenya. They have now returned to their home country to contribute back to society. (Angela Wells / Jesuit Refugee Service)

This group of men are former refugees assisted by JRS in the 80s and 90s while they were in exile in Kakuma. Many were resettled or went on to attain higher education in Kenya. They have now returned to their home country to contribute back to society. (Angela Wells / Jesuit Refugee Service)

Juba, 8 January 2016 – In the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, more than 20,000 boys and girls who fled Sudan’s second civil war lost their families along the way. For years the international community has called them the “Lost Boys”, but today they are no longer boys nor are they lost.

They are remarkable men and women, many of whom have returned home as skilled professionals to build South Sudan from the ground up.

As children, the “Lost Boys” struggled to survive – many falling sick or becoming victims of war. Most were recruited to fight as child soldiers. The fortunate few made it to Kakuma refugee camp in northeastern Kenya, first established in 1992 to house Sudanese refugees.

From 1995 until the mid-2000s, the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) offered scholarships for hundreds of unaccompanied minors to attend local secondary schools.

In addition to empowering the students themselves, the scholarship programme also raised the standard of education in the camp, says Sister Maureen Limer, the then-JRS Kakuma Education Scholarship Coordinator who helped launch the programme. (more…)

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

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Thursday, July 05, 2018 (PW) —The evolution and vanishing of flashy attacking animal locally named Nyan ne juan in Bor land during the 1980s still remained a mystery.

As the saying goes there is time for everything; in the middle of 1980s after the Bor mutiny and few years before the children were sent to Ethiopia for their grooming into the Liberation movement came a mysterious dwarfed and swift attacking creature nick named Nyan ne juan by the locals.

Nyan ne juan in its simplest form to English mean a girl wearing an underwear, the dwarf creature was known for its flashy attacking style mostly on young children, it targeted bodily parts such as the eyes, ears and mouths. (more…)

One is always known for what he does, a prolific peek on Magot Khot; the latest and fieriest South Sudan Wrestler.

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

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Thursday, June 28, 2018 (PW) — Simba-Khordit known by his family name as Magot Khot Ajak hails from Abiong section of Ajuong community of Twic East in Jonglei State.

He is at his youthful age of 30 and has so far been christened as the fieriest attacker in the wrestling history of South Sudan. Blessed with corporeal fitness and lion jerking style, Magot-Simba-Khordit as he is popularly known has so far wrestled down or drew with all the challengers that he had a match with. (more…)

“We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing”

Prepared by the Editorial Team

PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB): The Best Articles, Writers, of the Year 2016

December 31, 2017 (SSB) — Last year 2016, we highlighted and celebrated our writers by showcasing their writings for the year 2016. As part of that tradition, we bring to your desk/screen the best of 2017 as featured on PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese bloggers (SSB) website.

The year 2017, in some hours, will dwindle into the past, and the people of South Sudan, along with the rest of the world, will welcome 2018. Every New Year is a joyful festival, a celebration of the last year achievements, accomplishments that include being alive and healthy, recognizing the selfless young leaders, whether in journalism, governance, or other important issues such as women’s rights issues, economic growth, conflicts and peace.

This year, our country, with its suffering population, has been featured hundreds over hundreds of websites all over the world, mostly in a bad light. However, PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese bloggers (SSB), our own website, occupies the central stage in publishing opinion articles and analysis featuring ordinary South Sudanese, which make sense of the dire situations in our beloved country.

It is also an instrumental informant to South Sudanese worldwide because it publishes writings from South Sudanese, both within and outside the country. These opinions explain the general and specific lives and situations of South Sudanese in countries such as Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK, EU and many other places where South Sudanese are taking refuge.

Instead of being constrained by the ritual of the “top 10” best opinion articles and writers, we have elected to showcase the rich compilations of the best writings from the best opinion writers and sociopolitical and economic analysts. By “best” we simply have in mind a piece of writing that best highlight the horrors of the civil war and economic crisis that our people are enduring in dignified humiliation; a piece of writing that best capture and present not just a constructive criticism of our leaders from all sides of the political, economic and conflict divides, but also a feasible resolution of the ills that has been ailing our country since the advent of the CPA and into independence.

Today, PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese bloggers (SSB) is celebrating the diverse and excellent articles and news analysis of our best writers and acknowledging the work of other hundred contributors, columnists and opinion-writers whose names or works won’t appear in this article. We got lots of writers on our website, and it is imperative to motivate and encourage them with something unique to mark the end of the year 2017 and the commencement of a happy – prosperous and peaceful – New Year 2018:

Here is the 2017 review:


Here are the top South Sudanese students in Kenya who scored above 400 marks for the 2017 KCPE results. Nine (9) girls to eight (8) boys. GIRL POWER in action.



  1. Jonathan Kiri Lomole (M) scored 435 out of 500
  2. Abuk Nyang Deng (F) scored 431 out of 500
  3. Winnie Arek Garang (F) scored 429 out of 500
  4. Ngor Deng Ngor (M) scored 428 out 500.
  5. Samuel Chirbek Manyang (M) scored 428 out of 500
  6. Nyankiir Ezra Majok Chol (F) scored 424 out of 500
  7. Nyanut Maluach Kuot (F) scored 421 out of 500.
  8. Stephen Lotiam (M) scored 418 out of 500
  9. Abuk Gabriel Jok Riak (F) scored 417 out of 500.
  10. Abuk Jeremiah Deng Akol (F) scored 416 out of 500.
  11. Adut Philip Aguer Panyang (F) scored 415 out of 500
  12. Nyanwut Lem Chan (F) scored 413 out of 500
  13. Rhoda Kwong Dhanier (F) scored 413 out of 500
  14. Magot Thuch Ayii (M) scored 413 out of 500.
  15. Wei John Thokwath (M) scored 412 out of 500.
  16. Gieu Yiik Ajak (M) scored 412 out of 500
  17. Liol Madhang Majok (M) scored 410 out of 500


Abuk Nyang Deng

Copyright © 2017 The National Courier

The Republic of South Sudan marks the 62nd anniversary of the historical and popular Torit uprising on the 18th of August, 1955

By Arop Madut Arop, Nairobi, Kenya

Torit mutiny

The 61st anniversary of August 18, 1955, Torit Mutiny that launched the 50 years revolutionary struggle of South Sudanese against Khartoum, culminating in the independence of South Sudan in July 2011

August 16, 2017 (SSB) — As the people of the Republic of South Sudan mark and celebrate the 62nd anniversary of August 18th, 1955 Torit uprising, it would extremely be important to recall the events that ushered in the protracted armed struggle between the Sudan’s two regions. The object of that liberation struggle was for the people of South Sudan to achieve dignity, freedom and self-esteemed denied them for decades. When people mark an occasion like the 62nd anniversary of our armed resistance struggle, it is always natural to remember the huge sacrifices the pioneers of our political struggle under went in their fight to liberate their people.

Besides reminding ourselves about the issues that surrounded South Sudan treacherous journey to peace and independence, this important occasion, is intended for the benefit of our younger people and future generations, who may have not lived the events described in this piece. Importantly, August 18th, the anniversary is very vital to celebrate because it marked the starting point for the people of the South Sudan long tedious and treacherous journey to permanent peace and prosperity.

On the top of the martyrs that we should remember as we celebrate this important memorable occasion include: General Emidio Tafeng Lodongi, who was a lead organiser of the uprising, Corporal Saturnino Oboya who ignited the uprising and last but not least, Private Latada who single-handedly kept the liberation torch alight on the top of his Latada Hill outside Torit Town, until the entire South Sudanese people joined him and fought two wars to successful end.

Below are excerpts which depict what happened on the 18th August over six decades ago (read more).


“I am forced to abandon my profession by those who think too much about ruling us and believe very little about the survival of the citizens” Nhial Bol Aken

By Nhial Bol Aken, Juba, South Sudan

Nhial Bol Aken1

Nhial Bol Aken is the former Chief Editor of the Juba-based Citizen Newspaper

August 2, 2017 (SSB) — Fellow citizens, friends, and relatives have been repeatedly questioning me about why I left journalism and also why I joined IO and later on resigned from it. Honestly, I will deal with the first part, journalism. The issues which pushed me out my profession are related to my relations with authorities especially with the circle of the ruling elites.

My crisis started in 2013, few months before the alleged court of 2013. It happened that the former chief administrator in the office of the President paid a visit to my office and suggested he is considering that I should accept with to work with them, I promptly asked who are they (them) he wanted me to work with.

He replied, the office of the President. I looked at him and politely suggested that we put off the issue for another time because it is approaching evening hours and I am alone to do editing but he insisted that I should agree with him so that he could push for the post. When I asked him what job he thought I will take, he said, “the media”.


The 12th Anniversary of Dr. John Garang’s death: Return in Peace (R.I.P) Dr. John Garang de Mabioor

By PaanLuel Wël, Juba, South Sudan

The Late SPLM/A Leader, Dr. John Garang de Mabioor Atem Aruai.

July 30, 2017 (SSB) — Dr. John Garang, the former SPLM/A leader, was killed on Saturday, 30 July 2005, near the town of New Cush in Eastern Equatoria state, in a helicopter crash on his way back from Rwakitura, Mbarara district in western Uganda, to New Site, Eastern Equatoria state, South Sudan, after paying a two-day private visit to his longtime friend, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.

Among those killed onboard the M1-172 presidential chopper were Dr. John Garang and his aides: Lt. Col. Ali Mayen Majok, Lt. Col. Amat Malwal, 1st Lt. Deng Majok Kuany, 1st Lt. Mayen Deng Mabior and 1st Lt. Oboki Obur Amaybek on the Sudanese side; on the Ugandan side were: Chief Pilots Col. Peter Nyakairu and Captain Paul Kiyimba; Flight Engineer Major Patrick Kiggundu; a Protocol Officer at the Presidential Palace, Samuel Andrew Bakowa; the helicopter’s Jet Officer Lt. Johnson Bahebya Munanura; a signaller with the Presidential Escort, Corporal Hassan Kiiza; and a flight hostess on the helicopter, Lillian Kabaije

On this 12th anniversary of Dr. John Garang’s death, the following articles—and poems—might help us to make sense of his untimely demise and, more importantly, to commemorate his illustrious life as one of our revolutionary fighters in the cause of the liberation of South Sudan.


As South Sudan was preparing to celebrate the first anniversary of its independence in July 2012, I penned an opinion article for a discussion on the BBC, on whether or not the world’s newest country had, then, lived up to the hype of independence–the promise of the liberation struggle.

  1. Viewpoint: South Sudan has not lived up to the hype

On the 5th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence, Amer Mayen Dhieu and I co-authored an opinion article, one that was much more optimistic than the former, to mark the fifth anniversary of our independence. It was posted on the very day that guns were blazing at J-1.

2. July 9th and the beckoning of civic duty in South Sudan

As we commemorate the 6th anniversary of South Sudan’s independence, we ought to remind ourselves of the painful journey, the era of armed liberation struggle.

First, let’s pay solemn tributes to the martyrs, their families and survivors of the 1992 Juba Massacre, after the failed SPLM/SPLA Operation Jungle Storm (OJS) on Juba in July 1992.

Secondly, let’s commemorate also the momentous and triumphant arrival of Dr. John Garang in Khartoum, the video above, on the 8th of July, 2005, to mark the commencement of the implementation of the CPA.

Thirdly, to all South Sudanese young men in uniform, from both sides, who lost their lives on July 8th during J-1 fighting: we salute you and MALESH.

Lastly, happy sixth anniversary to the Republic of South Sudan!!!!
By PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan


6th anniversary of July 9th

By Malual Jangdit Garang, Juba, South Sudan


June 12, 2017 (SSB) — Post-Conflict Trauma is a hurtful feeling occurred as the outcomes of traumatic experience that one encountered or witnessed during the protracted civil war or ethnic violence in the post-conflict settings. In essence, the majority of South Sudanese population developed post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, anxiety and memories of trauma persist for a long period of time and interfere with one’s thinking to function in life.

In South Sudan, it is indisputably that, the majority of the SPLA former soldiers known today as the SPLA Veterans are traumatized and this emotional and mental disorder is seen as a main reason that compels President Salva Kiir Mayardit to fire those who disagreed with him despite their commitment, steadfastness and loyalty to the SPLM/A party.

I argue that, the mental health problem is a main factor that leads to President Salva Kiir’s fiasco, fear, and mistrust in which he resorts to issue Presidential Decree of Relieving His Opponents and Appointing His Cronies. Hence, Presidential Decree is translated as an outcome of his past traumatic experience according his mistrust, and fear of being toppled by those who disagreed with him.


Comparative News Analysis of Press Coverage of South Sudan’s Crisis

By Arop Madut Arop, Nairobi, Kenya

Journalism in South Sudan

June 6, 2017 (SSB) — In accordance to the established tradition of news analysis worldwide, one is expected to compare the treatment of news coverage by different newspapers or media organisations. In their analysis, experts are expected to observe biases, honesty and objectivity of the news organisations coverage of the event breaking. They are also expected to answer which of the newspapers, being analysed, give fair treatment of news that affects the majority of society in which they lived.

Equally, they are expected to strictly observe, which of the newspapers news coverage, in their judgement, is influenced by cultural, ideological or political interests. Another fact which I feel is worth taking note of has also to do with the reason why some people write opinion articles for publications in the newspapers and most recently in the social media.

Fundamentally, there are people who write with the aim to influence the corrections of the affairs in the public domain in their country. There are also some, who do write opinion articles or commentaries in effort to lobby for a cause they believe, is for public’s interests. Other rather malicious writers do so to campaign in effort to shame others or write with an aim to destroy things for their own personal glory or for the interests of their paymasters. Whichever reason, people who write, have something in mind to achieve good or bad, safer or harmful.

It will, therefore be, in this setting, that I am going to give a comparative analysis of four media organisation about their news coverage about the current grinding conflict in the South Sudan, which all the peace loving people are yearning to come to a halt sooner than later. To guide us through our analysis, it would be instructive to comment briefly by giving backgrounds of the webs that publish news about the current senseless conflict in South Sudan.

As a matter of demonstration I have selected four news media organisations namely: Gurtong Peace Trust, Sudan tribune, Radio Tamazuj and PaanLuel Wël Bloggers.


Dr Riek Machar Teleconference with the UN Security Council (PDF)

Riek and Emma

Riek Machar and Emma McCunne

A missed opportunity! Assessing the viability of the republican order no. 08/2017 for the reconstitution of the national dialogue steering committee, 2017, in bringing peace in South Sudan (part 1)

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda


April 30, 2017 (SSB) — The Republican order no. 08/2017 for the reconstitution of the National Dialogue Steering Committee, 2017 A.D. was issued on 25th April, 2017 to appoint numerous persons to lead the National Dialogue in South Sudan. The purpose for the National Dialogue is to bring lasting peace in bringing the war to an end in South Sudan. That war which was begun on December 15, 2013 proved to be a disaster for the country. It is said to have killed over three hundred thousand (300,000) people and internally displaced millions of people. Also, about million of citizens have sought refuge in the neighbouring countries, notably, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) and the Centre for Peace and Development Studies (CPDS) projected that the intensity of the conflict may cost South Sudan of about between US$22 billion and $28 billion if the war continues unabatedly. In addition, (CECORE) and (CPDS) pointed out that if the action is taken now to achieve peace, then the international community, particularly Western donors, may save about US$30 billion by reducing expenditure on peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance. It concluded that this scenario would also mean that the neighbouring economies of Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda could collectively save US$53 billion.


A Comment on Hon. Aldo Ajou Deng’s article: “President Kiir should use Dr John Garang’s precedence to unite the Mother SPLM

By Truthhurt, Juba, South Sudan

Garang, Kiir, Riek and Wani

John Garang, Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and James Wani Igga

April 30, 2017 (SSB) —- Reading through Hon. Aldo Ajou Deng’s article posted on PaanLuel Wël’s, which dated April 28th, 2017 and titled “President Kiir should use Dr John Garang’s precedence to unite the Mother SPLM”, I couldn’t agree more with him on this because the Bible says (Ecclesiastes 8:3) “There is time for everything … a time for war and a time for peace”.

And without any doubt this time is a time for peace in South Sudan because we have already witnessed destruction of human lives, displacement of millions of citizens from their homes, insanity prevailed for so long, political class inability to resolve their differences amicably & peacefully and the list goes on.

Therefore, Hon. Ajou’s call for President Kiir to use Dr John Garang’s precedence not only to unite the Mother SPLM but to also bring lasting peace in South Sudan is right. However, the question is will President Kiir listen to the voices of peace this time around Or will he stick to his usual way of a none compromise strategy which he has been using for quite sometimes now, is yet to be seen?


By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda


April 23, 2017 (SSB) — In recent time genocide has become common term used recklessly and selfishly during the war.  According to The Politics of genocide an excerpt from the book by Edward S. Herman & David Peterson, the word “genocide” has increased in frequency of use and recklessness of application, so much so that the crime of the twentieth century for which the word originally was coined often appears debased. Thus, this work is an attempt to assess the meaning of genocide in brief, the purpose for which it was coined, to further explain the politics of genocide, that is, how the meaning of genocide has highly been distorted to suit political interests, which, as a result, has resulted into its failure to protect human rights and how this understanding of genocide has affected its effective application in South Sudan and then I conclude.

The overall argument of this article is that genocide has become highly political to the extent that it has lost its real meaning and purpose for which it was invented and because of that it has become ineffective in protecting human rights due to the fact that it is embroiled in political debate. Hence, genocide is not applied in the context of which it was originally meant as it was in 1970s and 1980s but it has taken political connotation which has made it become very discriminative and ineffective. In that regard, I argue that the term genocide was purposely invented to protect innocent and “bonafide civilians” who are being killed due to their nationality, ethnicity, race or religion. I used the term “bonafide civilians” to show that such civilians are completely innocent and are not part of conflict in any manner whatsoever though they are trapped among rebels. Thus, I begin in the order as I have given above.


Reposted from Breitbart news


Kiir and Garang, liberation day

Dr. John Garang and Commander Salva Kiir Mayaardit, during the liberation era

April 22, 2017 (SSB) — In late March, speaking with barely controlled anger, Dutch Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation Lilianne Ploumen told Dutch TV, “The leaders of South Sudan are bastards who starve their own people!” Ploumen is justified to feel passionate about African babies dying from hunger. Australia’s SBS on March 31 declared the minister “isn’t one for holding back.”

But Ploumen chose to not hold back on the wrong target in South Sudan’s so-called “civil war” that has devastated the nation and its prospects for the past three years. The minister was primarily referring to the democratically-elected President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, omitting criticism of rebel forces causing displacement of populations and exacerbating a famine by preventing adequate access for humanitarian agencies.

U.S. and other politicians, journalists, and humanitarian organizations usually mutter diplomatically that “both sides are at fault” or “all players in the conflict commit atrocities,” while privately condemning President Kiir’s administration and the South Sudan Army. Ploumen, though, didn’t even try to pretend to see any moral equivalence. The Big Man in his cowboy hat from W (fairly certain Kiir has cast off the hat that former Secretary of State Kerry, that old Texas cowhand, gave him to displace deliberately the Bush hat) was in her sights.


UK Says Killings in South Sudan Conflict Amount To Genocide: Assessing Its Validity

By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda


The Late Gen. Abraham Jongroor

April 15, 2017 (SSB) — Not every killing in large numbers amounts to genocide and not every action of the authority that prevents us from knowing the truth concerning the killings is evidence of genocide. As shall be understood in its definition shortly, genocide is special kind of killings that has special requirements which must be proved before it is concluded that genocide has taken place or it is taking place.

Thus, genocide is defined as intentional action to destroy a people or an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group in whole or in part. Genocide means act of killing. In addition, the United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.

The term genocide was coined in a 1943 book (see; William Schabas, Genocide in international law: the crimes of crimes. — Cambridge University Press, 2000). After its invention, it has been applied to various killings such as the Holocaust and many other mass killings, which include the Armenian genocide, the genocide of indigenous peoples in the Americas, the Greek genocide, the Assyrian genocide, the Serbian genocide, the Holodomor, the 1971 Bangladesh genocide, the Cambodian genocide, the Guatemalan genocide, and, more recently, the Bosnian Genocide, the Kurdish genocide, and the Rwandan genocide.
