Archive for the ‘GORDON BUAY MALEK’ Category

By Gordon Buay Malek, Washington DC, USA

Riek Machar and Pagan Amum signing the IGAD peace deal

Riek Machar and Pagan Amum signing the IGAD peace deal

June 21, 2016 (SSB) — I want Riek Machar’s Ansars to tell me how Riek Machar could appoint Yiey Dak as IO DG for internal security bureau while he is junior to Gen. Thoi Chany. Within the security officers who joined the SPLA-IO after December, 2013, the most senior person (a part from Keat Gang) who should hold the position of DG for internal security of the IO, is Thoi Chany. If Keat Gang is not appointed as the IO DG for internal security bureau, the next person in line as per military norms is Thoi Chany. This does not need a debate.

Why did Riek Machar set aside the military hierarchy and appointed Yiey Dak if it is not the obvious fact that he is from Dok? We know that Thoi Chany is from Gawaar that is why he was not appointed.

Dok Nuer fighters of the SPLM-IO are not more than 150, yet they controlled most of the positions in the IO security organs and the office of the FVP. During the fighting, the people in the frontline fighting us the government were not Dok Nuer but came from other Nuer clans. Now the food has come, the share of Dok Nuer within the SPLM-IO positions is more than the share of Jikany, Lou, Gawaar and Lak combined.


By Gordon Buay Malek, Juba, South Sudan

Arusha accord

President Kiir receiving the advance team of the G-10 in Juba, South Sudan

Dear all,

May 29, 2016 (SSB) — There are members of the Diaspora who want me to brief them about the status of the Arusha Agreement following the visit of South Africa delegation. Indeed, South African ruling party leaders visited Juba 20 days ago to speed up the implementation of the Arusha Agreement. In fact, the implementation of Arusha Agreement commenced in early January this year when the unified SPLM conducted an extraordinary Convention to pass the basic documents of the party.

What was supposed to follow the adoption of the SPLM Constitution and other documents, was the arrival of Dr. Riek Machar in Juba to assume his party position as the 1st Chairman of the unified SPLM. Until then, the SPLM leadership is waiting for Dr. Riek Machar to write a formal letter to the chairman of the SPLM expressing his willingness to assume his party role. Afterwards, the chairman of the party would issue a party Decree reinstating him to his previous position before the war.


By Amb. Gordon Buay Malek, Juba, South Sudan

new cabinet of TGoNU

new cabinet of TGoNU

May 1, 2016 (SSB)  —-  The appointment of Hon. Dak Duop Bichiok as the Minister of Petroleum has created a social media war between the supporters of Ezekiel Lol and Hon. Dak Dup. Lol’s supporters argued that he should have been the one appointed as a Minister of Petroleum to represent Jikany of SPLM-IO.

The supporters of Ezekiel Lol do not want to tell us why he is better than Dak Dup to represent Jikany of SPLM-IO. Any politically mature South Sudanese would agree with me that Dak Dup has executive and Leadership skills that Ezekiel Lol doesn’t have. Dak Dup was a Governor for eight years and a Minister for three years. His executive experience is unquestionable.


By Amb. Gordon Buay Malek, Washington DC, USA

Gordon Buay with President Kiir, December 2010, in Canada

Gordon Buay with President Kiir, December 2010, in Canada

September 10, 2015 (SSB)  —-  I think it is high time for us to discuss realpolitik, which is defined as “politics based on practical and material factors rather than on theoretical or ethical objectives” (political dictionary).

For those who understand realpolitik, there is no practical reason why known enemies of Chairman Kiir such as G-11 and SPLM-Ngundeng should be allowed back to the SPLM party as per the Arusha Agreement. I don’t see the practical benefits of allowing political viruses into the party to slowly infect the party and destroy the cells of the SPLM.

Late professor Jurgen Morgenthau defined practical politics as a political game based on the objective laws of human nature. Human nature includes many things not limited to jealousy, lust for power, competition, blackmailing, etc. In political world, not everybody saying that he believes in the SPLM Party can be said to be loyal to the Chairman. Only what the person does would tell whether they are loyal to the chairman of the party.


Pagan Amum arrives in Juba, being welcome by top government officials, including defense minister, Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk

Pagan Amum arrives in Juba, being welcome by top government officials, including defense minister, Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk

G10: From Nairobi to Juba

By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan

June 22, 2015 (SSB)  — It is now official the group of ten former detainees, dubbed the G10, will have their new headquarters shifted from the Kenyan’s capital, Nairobi, back home (Juba).

Congratulations. Maburuk because this our home and all of us have a hut to put our heads under during the rain or when it is extremely hot (sunshine). Maburuk alekum indeed because politics is not an international business.

You must first and foremost win the support of your electorates before seeking regional and international support. It was a political miscalculations to start shouting after being relieved from government positions and indeed after leaving the country.

Now that you are coming and you wanted to be taken seriously, and remain relevant to your supporter, don’t just secure cabinet posts and forget the reform you were talking about. Of course every citizens, including less ambitious ones like me and millions are entitled to public services but now it is your time.

If you don’t forget the necessity to end the era of looting public resources without little respect, restricted civil liberties of the citizens who are just going about their own business to meet end-needs and more importantly ending the war you described “senseless.”

I took my own time and invested a lot energy to understand the reformed you wanted in the government but found nothing rathering just being fired and replaced with non-SPLM die-hearts. That point is well taken because this country was liberated by the SPLM. But that doesn’t stop there.

The SPLM have the duty to fulfill the promises of taking town to the people not buying houses abroad. You have to build roads, not looting funds meant to build them. You have to build hospitals, schools but not seeking education, health services in Nairobi or India.

Because your opposition to President Salva Kiir and failure join Riek Machar has not convinced me of what alternative you have, I am left to wait and see.

But welcome back home. (I know after striking certain deals on power sharing with your comrades in the government, your headquarters will be home – Juba).

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB does reserve the right to edit the material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


By Gordon Buay Malek, Juba, South Sudan

Happy reunion of the former political detainees in Nairobi Kenya

Happy reunion of the former political detainees in Nairobi Kenya

June 22, 2015 (SSB)  — The Former Secretary General of the SPLM, Pagan Amum, is now in Juba to follow up the full implementation of the Arusha Agreement to reunite the party.

He is leading a delegation of former detainees including former Finance Minister Kosti Manibe, former Minister of Cabinet Affairs Deng Alor Kuol and former Justice Minister John Luk Jok.

They were accompanied by the Kenyan Minister of Defense, Rasho Amamu.

The spokesman of the government delegation to Arusha, Akol Paul Khordit, spoke to the media after the arrival of the team.

“The arrival of comrade Pagan this morning is the continuation of the agreement that we have signed on the 21st of January this year known as Arusha reunification agreement,” Mr Kordit said.

“The problem we have in this country is a South Sudanese problem and needs a South Sudanese solution; we have to own up the process of finding a lasting peace in our country.”

The delegation will hold a series of meetings with the SPLM political bureau and the National Liberation Council.

A civil society organization, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, has welcomed the visit of Mr Amum to Juba.

“I think it is a good gesture for peace, but our main concern that we have is that such move should involve updating the public, updating the citizens on what is going on because we have seen his colleagues came here secretly and went back secretly,” said Edmond Yakani, Executive Director.

Mr. Yakani urged the government, the former detainees and the SPLM in Opposition not to dishonor the Arusha agreement.

The Former Secretary General of the SPLM, Pagan Amum, is now in Juba to follow up the full implementation of the Arusha Agreement to reunite the party.

He is leading a delegation of former detainees including former Finance Minister Kosti Manibe, former Minister of Cabinet Affairs Deng Alor Kuol and former Justice Minister John Luk Jok.

They were accompanied by the Kenyan Minister of Defense, Rasho Amamu.

The spokesman of the government delegation to Arusha, Akol Paul Khordit, spoke to the media after the arrival of the team.

“The arrival of comrade Pagan this morning is the continuation of the agreement that we have signed on the 21st of January this year known as Arusha reunification agreement,” Mr Kordit said.

“The problem we have in this country is a South Sudanese problem and needs a South Sudanese solution; we have to own up the process of finding a lasting peace in our country.”

The delegation will hold a series of meetings with the SPLM political bureau and the National Liberation Council.

A civil society organization, the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, has welcomed the visit of Mr Amum to Juba.

“I think it is a good gesture for peace, but our main concern that we have is that such move should involve updating the public, updating the citizens on what is going on because we have seen his colleagues came here secretly and went back secretly,” said Edmond Yakani, Executive Director.

Mr. Yakani urged the government, the former detainees and the SPLM in Opposition not to dishonor the Arusha agreement.

The Newkush TimesTHE RETURN OF THE G10/ FD’s TO JUBA

June 23, 2015 —  After shamefully squandering the resources of their own people and country; after they were duly stripped of power from positions which they were using to steal service money of their own people and nation; they shamelessly begged foreign leaders of Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia to guarantee their safe sanctuary out of their own country and protection from their own government and kinsmen; running away to escape justice before the courts of law in their own country.

After propagating shamelessly against their country and people; spreading lies and defamatory statements about their country, government and people, they are brought back by their newly found guarantors – foreign Ministers of South Africa, Tanzania and Rwanda.

The implementation of the Arusha SPLM Reunification Agreement with SPLM’s Former Detainees was finalized in Juba today 23rd June 2015. The South Africa’s ANC and Tanzania’s CCM ruling parties mediated the reunification of an utterly divided South Sudan’s SPLM ruling party of four (4) factions; namely: SPLM led by President Salva Kiir Mayardit, SPLM-IO led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny and SPLM-FD/ G10+ of Pagan Amum Okiech. The only faction excluded from Arusha Reunification agenda is SPLM-DC of Dr. Lam Akol Ajawin.

The impact of the return of FD’s on the peace process is very insignificant. In the first place, they don’t have any armed groups or forces on the ground. The war is being executed by naturally rebellious Nuer forces under the lose command of Dr. Riek Machar Teny. Neither the FD’s/ G10+ nor South Africa, Tanzania and Rwanda who brought them as peace dividends are effectively having influence over Riek and the Nuer rebel forces. Even when Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit is bluffed by the African heads of States of South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda to reinstate them into their previous positions both in the government, purging them of crimes of corruption; crimes against humanity as they planned, plotted and incited the execution of 15th December 2013 war (see speech delivered at the rally on 6th December 2013) and their refusal to attend SPLM Conference on the 15th December 2013.

How will their coming back into the Party result into Peace or influence the cessation of hostilities or even stop the fighting forces of Riek Machar when they are not one group? How will their joining GRSS Change IGAD, Troika, EU, UN agenda of regime change in Juba? Or what influence does South Africa, Tanzania and Rwanda have on UN sanction scheme on the warring parties and on leaders who have committed crimes against humanitarian law; criminals who have committed violence against civil population; rape against women; child abuse; destruction of properties or forced innocent populations into exile or refuge which have caused human sufferings and destabilization in the region as well as to the world community?

How will the return of the FD’s/G10+ transform the party image in bad governance for which they were the architects and managers from 2005 till 2013?

How will the return of the criminals as they were charged of corruption and dismissed from their government ministerial positions endear them to the people they cheated?

The people of South Sudan are more concerned and distressed by what these scrupulous corrupt and insensitive leaders of SPLM will do to effect armed rebellion they did not do well in December 2013. They are coming back to cover up the rampant corruption.

The public is apprehensive of their maneuvers against an elected leader and mismanagement of resources. All fingers are pointing at them because of the multitude of innocent people slain in a barbaric manner in the cause of usurping power through armed power struggle. They do not believe in the principle of democracy because of knowing who they are in the society.

May God help South Sudan!
Long live the Republic of South Sudan!

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB does reserve the right to edit the material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.

By Gordon Buay Malek, Washington DC, USA
Mabior Garang and Madam Nyandeng in Arusha, Tanzania

Mabior Garang and Madam Nyandeng in Arusha, Tanzania, during the SPLM reunification talks

June 6, 2015 (SSB)  —   I am glad to read a Facebook comment of Mabior Garang Mabior supporting the going of G-10 to Juba. However, I am caught off guard to read something from Mabior admitting that “there are people around Riek Machar who don’t want peace”. Should we conclude that Mabior and Mama Nyandeng (I called her as such if she is joining our government) will abandon Riek Machar and return to “Garang’s boys”?

If so, then, the Nuer rebel-terrorists in Pagak will be licking their wounds because they were used in December, 2013 as tools of destruction but they are now being discarded like a human waste.

The current political developments between the SPLM Party factions can tell you that the Nuer supporters of Riek Machar suffer from intellectual disabilities because their understanding of politics is based on tribal emotions. But politics, as defined by Prof. Morgenthau, is based on the objective laws of human nature.

When I told the people of South Sudan in January, 2013 that Riek Machar was planning a coup, there were people who called for a psychiatrist to see me. But when in fact the coup took place in December, 2013, the same people who ridiculed me began asking question, “How do you know?”.

I knew it on December, 20, 2012 that something was cooking after talking to Ezekiel Lol. I knew that Lol Gatkuoth and Taban already started mobilizing “Garang boys” on what they termed as “transformation of the SPLM leadership” which, in practical politics, means removal of President Kiir from power.

When I analyzed what Taban and Lol were talking about, I automatically concluded that they would recruit Riek Machar and use him as a tool to effectuate their objective. My conclusion was based on a precedent. In 1991, Riek Machar was recruited to accept the idea of “Why Garang Must Go Now”. It was not his idea to topple Garang in 1991 as Adwok Nyaba said in his book.

When I talked to Ezekiel Lol in December, 2012, I automatically knew that the war was coming because “Garang boys” would recruit Riek Machar to their program without any difficulty because Riek is a power maniac.

I studied Riek Machar very well and came to conclusion that politically he is not creative and he is not a shrewd politician like Lam Akol, who can calculate even the chemicals of the water he wants to drink.

Now that G-10 returned to Juba for the implementation of the Arusha Agreement, Riek Machar is caught between the deep blue sea and the devil. If he accepts the Arusha Agreement, the Nuer rebels will kill him. He will be disowned by the warlords and Taban Deng will side with the warlords to take over the leadership of the SPLM-IO.

If he rejects the Arusha Agreement, the African countries, under the influence of G-10, will brand him as a negative force. Taban Deng Gai and Ezekiel Lol, when realizing that Riek Machar is being isolated regionally, will join G-10 in the name of “SPLM reunification”.

Now that Mabior Garang is praising G-10 for going to Juba, one does not need to be a rocket scientist to reach a conclusion that he and his mother will follow G-10 because G-10 are actually the children of Nyandeng.

For those who are politically conscious, the comment of Mabior Garang on his Facebook page opens a Pandora Box of Arusha Agreement. The Garang’s family and their children (G-10) will return to Juba leaving behind the vicar of Ngundeng in the wilderness.

The Nuer rebels who were fooled by distorted Ngundeng’s prophecies will have to go to Dak Kueth to explain to them the implications of Arusha Agreement. The only problem is whether Dak Kueth will understand international politics properly for him to interpret the political moves of G-10.

One can conclude that what happened to Riek Machar in 1990s is now repeating itself. The return of G-10 to Juba is creating a political storm that will disintegrate the SPLM-IO because Riek Machar and his Nuer warlords will now be isolated regionally if they reject the SPLM Reunification based on Arusha Agreement.

The rebels will breakup into factions as it happened in 1990s and each Nuer clan faction will end up signing a peace deal with the Government in Juba separately. The Equatorian rebels have already started negotiating with the Government secretly as Equatorians. Soon they will breakaway from Riek Machar and return to Juba. After the Equatorians left, the SPLM-IO will be reduced to Nuer rebel Movement because contacts with Dau Aturjuong already started.

After the Nuer are isolated, each Nuer clan will seek to negotiate with the Government separately as it happened in 1990s. In 2001, Taban Deng and the rest abandoned Riek Machar and returned to Dr. John Garang. Riek Machar signed Nairobi Declaration with Dr John Garang alone.

The return of G-10 to Juba is bringing back the scenario of 1990s when Riek Machar’s Movement disintegrated. G-10 who recruited Riek Machar in 2013 abandoned him. Either he will follow them in Juba or he will end up being considered as a terrorist regionally.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB does reserve the right to edit the material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


By Gordon Buay, Washington DC, USA

Isaiah Chol Aruai and his colleagues (Mading Akueth, and Aleer Longar) speaking to reporters on their arrival in Juba after two days in captivity

Isaiah Chol Aruai and his colleagues (Mading Akueth, and Aleer Longar) speaking to reporters on their arrival in Juba after two days in captivity

February 6, 2015 (SSB)  The kidnapping of Dr. Chol Aruai, the Chairperson of National Bureau of Statistics and two workers of the international organizations by the rebels, was an act of terrorism which should be seriously condemned by the international community. The two persons who were kidnapped by the rebels are: 1. Mr. Mading Akueth (worker of Lutheran World Federation) and 2. Mr. Jacob Alier (worker of WFP).

On Tuesday, the UNWFP helicopter left Kongor to drop food in Uror and other rebel controlled areas before proceeding to Juba as per the agreement signed in Addis in 2014. According to the Agreement of Access to Humanitarian Assistance signed in Addis in 2014 by the Government of South Sudan and the rebels of Riek Machar, article two states that “no party to the conflict can commandeer, hijack and search vehicles and planes of the UN organizations in the process of the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the needy”.

On Tuesday, Riek Machar’s terrorists at Jiech Payam in Ayod County briefly detained the UNWFP helicopter and searched it in violations of the Agreement of Access to Humanitarian Assistance signed in Addis in 2014. After detaining the helicopter, they forcefully removed Dr. Chol Aruai, Mr. Mading Akueth and Mr. Jacob Alier in violation of the international norms, including the STATUS OF FORCES AGREEMENT signed by the UN and the Republic of South Sudan in August, 2011.

The SOFA is what governed the relationship between UNMISS and the Republic of South Sudan. Article 11 of SOFA does not allow any armed group in South Sudan to enter by force into UN compounds or seize UN vehicles and planes. What the rebels did by detaining the UN helicopter and forcefully removing three persons were not only the violations of humanitarian laws but also the SOFA signed in 2011.

If we consider the rebels of Riek Machar as terrorists who are not bound by SOFA signed in 2011, what about the humanitarian laws which prohibit kidnapping, hijacking and seizure of UN vehicles and planes? There is no question that the brief detention of UN helicopter was an act of terrorism. Besides, forcefully removing persons from UN helicopter is another act of terrorism that violates the international humanitarian laws.

The kidnapping of Mading Akueth and Jacob Alier who work for Lutheran World Federation and WFP respectively demonstrates that they were targeted because they are Dinka. These two men are not officials of the Government of South Sudan. They work for international organizations and there was no justifiable reason for the rebels to kidnap them, apart from the fact that they are Dinka. Since targeting UN workers based on ethnicity is a violation of international laws, the UN must condemn the rebels for targeting the two workers because they are Dinka.

The world can attest that the Government of South Sudan has been observing all humanitarian laws since July, 9, 2011. For instance, the Government of South Sudan has never entered into UN compounds in the country to arrest Riek Machar’s loyalists, who participated in the coup of December, 2013. This is because the Republic of South Sudan signed SOFA agreement with the UN in August, 2011.

What the UN should do, in order to punish the rebels for not observing humanitarian laws, is to indict the rebel commander, Gabriel Duop Lam, as a terrorist that must face international criminal law. Warlord Duop Lam is a well-known terrorist, who killed seven civil servants in cold-blood in Bor town in December, 2013. He began his rebellion by shooting two police officers because they happened to be Dinka.

The UN should not condone the kidnapping of international organizations’ workers by the rebels because of their ethnicity. The kidnapping of Mading Akueth and Jacob Alier should not go unpunished. Riek Machar’s terrorists commanded by warlord Duop Lam must be severely punished by the international community.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


Posted: January 24, 2015 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in Commentary, GORDON BUAY MALEK, Junub Sudan

By Ambassador Gordon Buay

January 24, 2015 (SSB) — This is to inform the people of South Sudan that Maj. Gen. Peter Gatdet Yak broke away from Riek Machar today on January, 24, 2015. He just finished meeting his officers two hours ago and they all agreed that they are not part of Riek Machar starting from today.

The reasons for his brake away are as follows:

1. He said Riek Machar violated Pagak Resolution of December, 2014 and signed Arusha Agreement without consulting them;

2. He said it is now clear that Riek Machar is killing South Sudanese for the sake of power. He said Riek Machar could not stage a coup and killed tens of thousands of people just to return to SPLM Party as the 1st Vice Chairman, the same position he held before December, 15, 2013;

3. He declared that he would form a new rebel Movement that will negotiate with the Government via IGAD. The new Movement will present their positions to the international community.


As we told the international community that Riek Machar has no control over the rebel commanders fighting us, Jikany rebel commanders headed by Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth met on Saturday night in Khartoum and rejected the Arusha Agreement based on the following reasons:

1. They argued that Pagak Resolutions of December, 2014 did not authorize Riek Machar to sign a deal for the reunification of the SPLM.

2. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that Riek Machar was authorized last December by all rebel commanders to negotiate only through IGAD.

3. The Jikany commanders said that SPLM reunification does not concern them and was not the reason for their rebellion.

4. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that they will call a meeting that would include all Nuer rebel Generals to establish a new Movement with a new name that will negotiate with the SPLM-led government through IGAD.

5. The commanders said that the rebels cannot use the name SPLM/SPLA since the Arusha Agreement united the SPLM factions as one. They agreed to create a new name for their rebel Movement that will negotiate with the unified SPLM via IGAD.


Dear all,

The rebel forces in Wadakona split into two on Sunday between forces loyal to Riek Machar and forces loyal to Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang Chol.

The forces loyal to Gordon Koang, commanded by Maj. Gen. Joseph Ruot, moved to Amer in White Nile as per the orders of their commander.

The forces loyal to Riek Machar, commanded by Maj. Gen. Chigai Galuak, remained in Wadakona. However, their number is less than 800 after the forces loyal to Gordon Koang left.

Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang declared on Sunday that his forces shall be called South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF). Their political wing will be announced soon.

Lt. Gen. Gordon Koang chose Maj. Gen. Biel Torkech Rambang as the one who will lead the political wing of SSDF that shall be announced soon.

Maj. Gen. Biel Torkech is currently in USA. He was contacted by Gordon Koang on Sunday night to lead the new Movement. According to the sources close to Gordon Koang, Biel Torkech accepted the offer and will soon fly to Khartoum to call a Press Conference.


Dear all,

My informer in Akobo town revealed that Gen. Simon Gatwec Dual, the chief of staff of rebels, called an emergency meeting of all Lou Nuer military officers.

The meeting will take place on Sunday, January, 25th, at 9:00 AM. The topic that will be discussed is the Arusha Agreement signed by Riek Machar.

According to my informer, majority of Lou Nuer, including Gatwec Dual, are opposed to Arusha Agreement because, according to them, it violated Pagak’s Resolutions of last year December that were agreed by the majority of the rebel Generals.

I will inform the public about the outcome of the meeting tomorrow.


The Lou Nuer consultative meeting on Arusha Agreement took place on Sunday. The meeting was chaired by the rebels’ chief of staff, Simon Gatwec Dual, and was attended by all Lou Nuer rebel commanders.

The Lou Nuer rebels unanimously rejected the Arusha deal and strongly condemned Riek Machar for signing it without consulting the rebel Generals.

The rebel Generals made it abundantly clear that they would not support the Arusha Agreement nor will they support Riek Machar to continue as the Chairman of the rebels.


As we told the international community that Riek Machar has no control over the rebel commanders fighting us, Jikany rebel commanders headed by Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth met on Saturday night in Khartoum and rejected the Arusha Agreement based on the following reasons:

1. They argued that Pagak Resolutions of December, 2014 did not authorize Riek Machar to sign a deal for the reunification of the SPLM.

2. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that Riek Machar was authorized last December by all rebel commanders to negotiate only through IGAD.

3. The Jikany commanders said that SPLM reunification does not concern them and was not the reason for their rebellion.

4. Maj. Gen. Gathoth Gatkuoth said that they will call a meeting that would include all Nuer rebel Generals to establish a new Movement with a new name that will negotiate with the SPLM-led government through IGAD.

5. The commanders said that the rebels cannot use the name SPLM/SPLA since the Arusha Agreement united the SPLM factions as one. They agreed to create a new name for their rebel Movement that will negotiate with the unified SPLM via IGAD.

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to SSB do reserve the right to edit material before publication. Please include your full name, email address and the country you are writing from.


By Amb. Gordon Buay, Canada

Gordon Buay with President Salva Kiir, 2010

Gordon Buay with President Salva Kiir, 2010, in Canada

January 6, 2015 (SSB) — I  want to dispute the propaganda of the rebels in North America who are telling lies about the Nuer who died in Juba on December, 15, 16, 17 and 18.

There are two groups of Nuer who died in December, 2013. The first group is composed of those who participated in the fight of Riek Machar to topple a democratically elected President. The second group is composed of civilians who were killed by looters and criminals.

The Nuer who died as part of the group that wanted to topple the government should not be mourned because they died in the fighting. Anybody killed in the process of attempting to topple a democratically elected President deserved to die. This does not need any debate.

The Nuer civilians killed by looters and criminals in Juba are the people whose deaths are being investigated by the Government of South Sudan along with the civilians killed by the White Army and other criminals allied to the rebels.

President Kiir did not order any soldier to kill civilians in December, 2013. The allegations brought against the leadership of the Government of South Sudan are based on lies and concoctions from anti-peace elements.

It should be recalled that the bodyguards of President Kiir saved 230 Nuer on December, 16, 17 and 18 from criminals and looters in 2013. The leader of Presidential Guards, Brig. Gen. Akok Noon Akok, saved more than 200 Nuer during the crisis. It was President Kiir who ordered his bodyguards to rescue any Nuer in danger during the crisis. Any accusation against President Kiir is a baloney.

The SPLA court-martialed ten soldiers on December, 15, 2014 for targeting civilians in December, 2013. The Government of South Sudan is looking for evidence to bring more looters and criminals to justice.

I call upon Riek Machar to prosecute those who killed Dinka civilians in Bor, Akobo, Bentiu, Malakal and Baliet like what the SPLA army did in December, 2014. Riek Machar should bring the Nuer criminals who committed crimes in those cities to justice as soon as possible.


Ambassador Gordon Buay in the foreground

Ambassador Gordon Buay in the foreground

There must be a clear distinction between Nuer who support Riek Machar’s terrorism in the name of avenging their loved ones who died in 2013, and the Nuer seeking justice without supporting terrorism.

The Nuer who support terrorism as a means to revenge are criminals not only in South Sudan but also internationally. President Barack Obama, in January, 2013, rejected any attempt to topple a democratically elected President of South Sudan.

For the Nuer who are seeking justice without supporting rebellion, we have an answer for you. The Government of President Kiir is pursuing two mechanisms of bringing justice.

First, we have domestic courts to bring to justice SPLA soldiers who targeted the Nuer in 2013 either because of looting or criminal acts. On December, 15, 2014, the SPLA Army’s justice system court-martialed ten soldiers to death and life imprisonment.

Second, the Government of South Sudan invited AU Investigation Panel headed by former Nigerian President to investigate all killings in South Sudan. That AU investigation is still ongoing.

The Government of South Sudan is the only Government in Africa which allowed AU external body to investigate crimes committed in its territory. The reason we did that is to show to the world and Africa that we have nothing to hide, that is, we are being transparent.

The Nuer who are supporting Riek Machar’s terrorism, in the name of avenging their loved ones, are criminals like the rebels fighting the democratically elected government. The only thing we can do, as a government, is to defend the civilians and their properties from terrorists who are supporting rebellion.

For Immediate Release
January, 4th, 2015
Ambassador Gordon Buay in the foreground

Ambassador Gordon Buay in the foreground in light blue suit, swearing in ceremony for Ambassadors

January 4, 2015 (SSB) — I want to alert the public about the hoax published by a rebel website of Upper Nile Times which alleged that “Juba Ambassador denounces his government”.
Such a hoax was fabricated by the rebel-terrorists of Riek Machar running the to inflict mental anguish among the supporters of the government.
The public should to know that the rebel-terrorists of Riek Machar are prone to cheap propaganda which has no meaning simply to quench their thirst for terrorism.
Commonsense has it that there is no Ambassador that can denounce the Government he is representing.
For Contact:
Amb. Gordon Buay

Juba dismisses ambassador’s role in alleged coup plot

January 4, 2015 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese presidency has dismissed as “untrue” and “unfounded” reports alleging ambassador Gordon Buay and the Ulang county commissioner, Gatkouth Bim Nyoak plan to overthrow the Juba regime.

Buay and Nyoak reportedly described president Salva Kiir’s government as a private tribal entity and that the South Sudanese leader was “illiterate” and incompetent.

“I think this is not true. Ambassador Gordon Buay is a staunch supporter of President Salva Kiir and he cannot work against him. Instead he is working for his success. He cannot work for the downfall of the president. What is reported is just a misleading propaganda to cause confusion”, the presidential spokesperson Ateny Wek Ateny told Sudan Tribune on Sunday.

Ateny said Buay was in Canada on a family visit and would return for his duties at the foreign affairs and international cooperation ministry.

“Gordon Buay is currently visiting his family in Canada and he would return to resume his duties. All that has been said and attributed to him is a lie. There is no truth for anyone to accept”, he clarified.

An undisclosed source in Canada quoted Buay to have branded president Kiir a “lucky” leader, who was in power because of allies.

“If it weren’t because of luck, he [Kiir] wouldn’t have become the president. In addition, without me, Kiir would have lost his legitimacy a long time ago. But I happened to be his sharp critique and protect the constitution of the country, which is what has become the shell to him internationally,” Buay allegedly remarked.

“I have to do this because he can be fooled until he is finished so that he can go to ICC [International Criminal Court] for killing innocent civilians in Juba”..

The envoy, according to the source, also vowed to ally with the army’s chief of staff to take over the leadership should Bor, the capital of its largest state, fall to the rebels.

In the said interview, ambassador Buay and commissioner Nyoak allegedly admitted thousands of Nuer civilians were killed in December, 2013 in Juba by presidential guards and have they evidences showing more than 20,000 people have so died.


But ambassador Buay said the allegations were a concoction by the rebels in an attempt to discourage diaspora communities and those at home from supporting government as some Nuer community members have started abandoning rebellion to join the Juba establishment.

“There is no truth in what has been reported. It is just a concoction. This is not the first time. They have been doing it to cause confusion. The website which reported these fabricated allegations has allegiance to the rebels. Those who run it are supporters of the rebels,” he told Sudan Tribune from Canada.

“What the rebels need to know is that I am the government and the state of South Sudan. If you see me, then, you see Salva Kiir Mayardit,” added Buay, who likened his relationship with president Kiir to that existing between Jesus Christ and Jehovah.

Gordon Buay with President Salva Kiir, 2010

Political activist, Gordon Buay Malek, with South Sudan President, Salva Kiir Mayaardit @2010

By Gordon Buay

November 12, 2013 (SSB) — We need to be honest to history if we want to shape the future. Riek Machar started his leadership as a Nuer leader in South Sudan, and he is believing in that. The grassroots support you talked about is based on Ngundengism, a belief promoted by Riek that his leadership was predicted by Ngundeng. Before South Sudan independence, the Nuer in the villages were made to believe that Salva Kiir would be slapped to death in Khartoum and Riek Machar would take over as the president. When that happened, Dinka would be slaves forever.

When Salva Kiir did not die before 2011, Riek Machar came up with a new propaganda that Salva Kiir would die like John Garang and his deputy (Riek Machar) would take over. Riek Machar is not the vice-president right now, and the new propaganda among the Nuer is that he would defeat Salva Kiir in the SPLM Convention and the Dinka would prevent him to lead the SPLM party creating a war between the Nuer and Dinka. Riek Machar’s supporters believe that in 2015 election, a war would take place between the Nuer and Dinka if Riek Machar does not become the President.

They said that “prophet Ngundeng predicted that the war”. They believe that after the war, the Nuer will win, and Riek Machar would be crowned as a leader for life. When you see Riek Machar talking about democracy within the SPLM, he is talking about it in the context of Ngundengism. He believes that once he fails to achieve the chairmanship of the SPLM party, then, his supporters will start a war. That is what Riek Machar believes in. Read The Nuer Prophet by Douglas H Johnson to know that what I am talking about is true. Also read THE NUER DILEMA by Sharon Hutchinson to know how Riek promoted his version of Ngundengism to use the Nuer in 1990s to kill the Dinka.

You are not a Nuer, and you don’t know the political debate within the Nuer community right now regarding the future of South Sudan. Are you aware that Riek Machar’s great grandfather is a Dinka of Hol from Duk who migrated to Gawaar Nuer? His great grandfather moved to Gawaar territory and married a Nuer woman and gave birth to his son Puot. Nyuon, his great grandfather, is a Dinka from Duk. It was Puot who moved to Dok Nuer territory. Puot had a witchcraft called Teny-dhurgon that made him rich because people with problems visited him with cattle. He acquired a lot of cattle among Dok Nuer and married Dok girl. Puot was killed by Dinka Malual after leading 600 Nuer youth to raid the Dinka. His witchcraft failed to protect him. Maybe Dinka Malual had a more superior witchcraft than Puot.


I am writing a biography of Riek Riek Machar that will be published next year. Riek Machar has a Dinka blood. He is just cheating the Nuer like when his grandfather took the Nuer to raid Dinka Malual. Riek’s father is not a Nubian. The allegation was created by his commanders who fell out with him in 1990s. But the great grandfather of Riek is a Dinka immigrant. You need to differentiate between his father Machar and his great grandfather Nyuon. His name is RIEK MACHAR PUOT NYUON. It is very important for the people of South Sudan to know how they are related so that we fight tribalism.

The following Nuer leaders have Dinka blood: 1. Riek Machar 2. William Nyuon 3. William Abdhalla Chuol 4. Gatluak Deng 5. Dr. Riek Gai Kok; Statistically, 30% of Nuer have Dinka blood I am a liberal thinker who doesn’t believe in twisted Ngundengism to kill the Dinka as Riek Machar wants the Nuer to believe. I am an independent thinker and a non-conformist. If I were to be a conformist, then, I would have supported what the foolish cattle-camp majority are saying. I am a fighter against all forms of tribalism, be it Nuer tribalism or Dinka tribalism.

I will never allow Riek Machar to use the Nuer as tools of destruction like he did in 1991. The priority of any government is to maintain law and order. If Riek Machar Puot wants to start a tribal war, I have a national duty to stop him. A country called South Sudan is more important than Riek Machar and I am required by the Constitution and the people of South Sudan to protect it from tribal bigots. I want to tell the people of South Sudan that the threat to our unity is Riek Machar. The man believes in destruction, war and Ngundengism which are contrary to democratic principles.


Do I have time debating with a cattle-camp Nuer who erroneously believes that “Riek Machar was the chairman of CPA”? I cannot waste my time debating with a Neanderthal who is mentally from a different political planet.

This cattle-camp Nuer said to me in his original posting that “all you have been saying about Riek are facts and undeniable”. OK, if everything I have saying about Riek Machar are “facts and undeniable” as he said, when did I become a “liar”? Logically, is there a “liar” who can say things which are “facts and undeniable”? Can this cattle-camp Nuer tell us the meaning of “undeniable”? The cattle-camp Nuers support Riek Machar because he is an anarchist who likes killing people.

The Nuer elder, John Chuol Ruei (aka John Kadhok), told the Nuer in Juba in August at the resident of Paulino Matip that “Riek Mahar’s grandfather once took 600 Nuers to loot Dinka Malual cattle but was killed in the process”. He told the Nuer that “killing is in the DNA of Riek Machar”. The cattle-camp supporters of Riek Machar want a tribal war because they missed the time of anarchy Riek Machar granted to them in 1990s. They think that the world would allow them to enjoy anarchy and loot the cattle of their neighbors with impunity.

Since Salva Kiir does not accept anarchy to reign supreme in the cattle camps, they need the man who has a DNA of killing to lead the SPLM to create anarchic system run by Neanderthals. In that world, reasoning is the first casualty and the cattle camp Nuers believe that Riek Machar would appoint them as ministers. There is something truth to that because if you look at the Nuers who surround him now, 98% are cattle camp people. Of course, it is true that Riek Machar is the leader of cattle-camp anarchists. In a country led by Riek Machar and his cattle-camp supporters, the Dinka would be fourth-class citizens, the Shilluks second-class and the rest would be treated as third-class citizens. This is what the Nuer tribalists like Kueth Yul are dreaming about.

To me, it is better for heaven and earth to end than to see Riek Machar in a presidenial palace to destroy my country. If I have chemical weapons, this is time I can use them against Riek Machar. Riek Machar is a true anarchist. In 1993, three Nuer gunmen shot at his boat at Maker in Greater Nasir area. His bodyguards captured the men after an hour and brought them to him. He ordered the soldiers to release them arguing that “they were hungry”. How could “hungry” men shoot at his boat?

Riek Machar is mentally blind that when you tell him that the sky is blue, he would argue that it is yellow. When the eastern Nuer villagers started fighting among themselves, William Nyuon told him that he would stop the fight by arresting the instigators on both sides. Riek Machar refused arguing that “the fight was predicted by prophet Ngundeng to happen”. When he ordered his forces and the White Army to attack Bor, he also argued that ” Ngundeng said that independence would be achieved after Dinka Bor are killed”. He is now dreaming that he would lead South Sudan to declare himself as Ayatollah Khomeni of Nuers who would be regarded as a vicar of Ngundeng on earth.

When you talk to cattle-camp Nuers, they think that Riek Machar will start a war against Dinka in 2015 to become the president. According to that myth, “so many Dinkas would be killed and Riek Machar will become the leader for life”. I have to honest to the world that I would advise President Kiir to use atomic bombs to prevent Riek Machar from destroying South Sudan. Uncle John Kadhok is right that “Riek Machar has a DNA of killing”. The people of South Sudan must unite to deal with this tribal bug called Riek Machar.

The supporters of Riek Machar are so primitive and uncivilized that if we give them power, they will destroy South Sudan in the air before they land in presidential palace.

Freedom of speech and expression is defined by Nuer bigots as freedom to criticise the Dinka. When you touch Riek Machar, they consider it as blasphemy. These days, the Nuer tribalists do not want you to say that Riek Machar has a lust for white women. Of course, it is true that Riek married late Emma McCune and current BeckyMachar. But they think it is a crime to mention that Riek  Machar is a polygamist. Well, the man has three living wives. Is that a secret?

Riek’s supporters think that it is Ok to attack Salva Kiir but a crime to mention the number of people killed by Riek Machar. When a Nuer like me criticizes Riek Machar, they claim that “I am bought by Dinka”. When a Dinka supports Riek, the Nuer tribalists consider him as ” a good person”. But a Nuer on the side of Salva Kiir is considered as “a traitor”. Do you think that South Sudan would be a country under Riek Machar and his tribalists? I will use atomic bombs to prevent tribalists from destroying South Sudan. Riek Machar is a moderate Adolf Hitler who is promoting a very dangerous form of tribalism in our country. I have to stop him. I promise the people of South Sudan that I would protect the country from tribalists, criminals, bigots and genocidaires.

Tell Riek Machar to form his party to face us in the next general election. We will see if Nuer’s vote alone will bring him as a president of South Sudan.

Since he is now the candidate of Nuer supremacists, let him form his tribal party and face us in 2015. I have never heard that a single tribal party can be elected to power in Africa. In 1989, the TPLF of Meles Zenawi joined forces with other tribes to form a coalition rebel movement called EPRDF. They won the war in 1991 because they united with other tribes. Let me tell you that it is illegal in South Sudan to form a tribal party. South Sudan Political Party Act requires any party to have members in seven states before being registered legally.

Nuer are found only in three states. That means, Riek Machar will look for a state where there are Dinka. Even if he gets members in three states of Equatoria, still he needs one in Greater Bhar-el-Ghazal. Only Nuer tribalists who have no political consciousness cannot acknowledge that Riek Machar has NO political future in South Sudan. If he takes up arms to return South Sudan to 1991, we will arrest him. If he runs to any country, the ICC will find him. If Riek Machar does not want to spend the rest of his life in jail, let him form his own party which is not a tribal based. If he does that, then, he can compete with President Kiir in the next election.

Riek Machar needs to abandon the concept of using tribal war to achieve his political objective. If he wants to become a president, he will get it through peaceful means, NOT the use of Nuer supremacists to bring him to power by annihilating Dinka. The people of South Sudan need to know whether Riek Machar is a Nuer prophet or a South Sudan politician. He is now the custodian of Ngundeng’s dang and he refused Dang to be handed over to the family of Ngundeng.

That shows that Riek still believes in the concept of war against Dinka to come to power as he believed in 1991 that the killing of Bor was prophecised by Ngundeng. If Riek is a South Sudan politician, let him forget Ngundeng’s dang. But if he chooses to be a Nuer prophet, then, let him move to Bieh of Ngundeng to start practicing as a Nuer prophet.


Cde Salva Kiir will defeat Riek Machar in the SPLM Convention in a broad daylight. If Barack Obama wants to observe the SPLM Convention to witness the defeat of Riek Machar, we will send him an invitation. What we want from you the supporters of the vicar of Ngundeng is to counsel him psychologically to accept the defeat peacefully.

What concerned me much is his mobilization to introduce anarchy when he loses in the Convention. If he will retire peacefully after the defeat, we will give him retirement money. But if he is going to ignite a tribal war, that is what we don’t want. We all must advise him to honor the refutation of his own kids in South Sudan because another war in South Sudan in the name of Riek Machar will completely destroy the future of his children.

You people must tell him to accept the imminent defeat. Should he have emotional difficulty to cope, we may ask Americans to provide counselors. The most important thing is for Dr. Riek to prepare himself for retirement should he lose in the SPLM Convention. If he doesn’t want to repeat his past, then, he will peacefully retire when he is defeated.

Chairman Salva Kiir Mayardit exercised powers conferred upon him by the SPLM Constitution of 2008. It is true that the mandate of Political Bureau and National Liberation Council expired in May, 2013. The Chairman of the SPLM has to exercise his constitutional powers to reconstitute the structures of the SPLM as per the vision and the program of the party.
If anybody is resigning because the Chairman of the party exercised his duties, that person has the right to self-determination. But the majority of the people of South Sudan would still remain as the backbone of the SPLM party. Dr.  John Garang said in 1992, after Riek Machar’s coup, that “people can leave the SPLM/A but the Movement would still move on with strength and it will never collapse because individuals left”.
The words of late Dr. John Garang in 1992 are true today because if there are individuals who want to leave the SPLM because chairman Kiir Mayardit is exercising his constitutional duties, they are free to go. However, those individuals will return to the SPLM party like when Riek Machar returned to the SPLM/A in 2001. To paraphrase Dr. Garang, SPLM under Cde Salva Kiir Mayardit will still move on with strength and will never collapse.
If Riek Machar wants to form his party, he is welcome and should leave the party quietly without making too much noise. The SPLM party will never fail or collapse because Riek Machar left. The same Riek Machar left in 1991 and the SPLM never collapsed. So, what is new about him in 2013?
* It was Riek Machar in 1991 who spearheaded the split of the SPLM/A along tribal lines that resulted in the loss of innocent lives in Bor.
* It was the same Riek Machar who expelled Lam Akol in 1994 over dispute of policy and direction of Nasir faction.
*It was Riek Machar who signed the so called Khartoum Peace Agreement on 21 April, 1997 which never materialized. Afterwards, he was converted to Islam secretly by Dr. Hassan Turabi.
*It was Riek Machar who nominated Bashir as the Chairman of the NCP in the party convention in February, 1998. In the NCP hierarchy, he was number 4.
*It was Riek Machar who killed William Nyuon Bany in January, 1995 because he joined the SPLM/A of Dr. John Garang.
*It was Riek Machar who said that he would never return to SPLM/A except over his dead body.
*It was the same Riek Machar who surrendered to Dr. John Garang in 2001 despite his sworn testimony in 1995 that he would never return to the SPLM Movement led by John Garang.
*It was Riek Machar who claimed in 2012 while addressing public rally in Rumbek that the SPLM led Government and officials never stole any public monies and now he is accusing the same people of stealing $4.5 billion dollars because he is out of power.
*In my humble opinion, Riek Machar can be described as a political prostitute who can never and should never be trusted with the leadership and future of our country and that of our children.
I want to advise the people of South Sudan in general and the Nuer and Dinka in particular to know that there is no country in the world that can have two presidents. For any system to function, there must be only one president.
Since 2005, South Sudan has been in a cold war because Riek Machar consistently worked to undermine the leadership of an elected President, Salva Kiir Mayardit. While the people of South Sudan elected Salva Kiir in the 2010 election as their president, Riek Machar’s message to the Nuer was that he is the “real” president predicted by Ngundeng to take over from Salva Kiir. For all the years that he was the Vice-president, the only message he gave to the Nuer is that he would take over from Salva Kiir anytime as “Ngundeng predicted”.
Riek Machar made the Nuer to believe that he is the Messiah who would take over the presidency from Kiir via divine intervention. For that reason, Riek was not actually a Vice-president of Salva Kiir, but a president-in-waiting. That was the reason why he wrote a letter to President Kiir this year asking him to rescind the presidential decree that removed Taban Deng Gai from governorship.
Riek made an impression that if removed from the position of the Vice-president, a war would breakout between the Nuer and Dinka. In his letter that he wrote to President Kiir requesting him to reinstate Taban Deng Gai, he mentioned that “failure to reverse the decision would lead to instability”. Who were the people that he was referring to that could ignite instability if not the Nuer tribe? On the contrary, the Nuer didn’t fight for him when he was removed on July, 23rd. I told everybody in this form in March that the Nuer of 2013 are not the Nuer of 1991 and they would never, never fight for Riek Machar’s political ambitions. Everything I said has become true today.
I was in Nasir in 1991 when Riek Machar used to persuade the Nuer to fight for him on the basis of Ngundengism. But the current Nuer generation does not pay much attention to Ngundengism more than scientific thinking. Riek Machar didn’t realize that the Nuer have changed because he is a slow learner by nature. The generation of 1991 that revered Ngundeng is now the minority in Nuer community. The present Nuer generation cannot fight because of a religious myth. The feelings of Nuer in 2013 are the same like the feelings of every South Sudanese and they cannot fight for Riek Machar on the basis of Ngundengism.
I remembered what Riek Machar told me and Prof. David Dechand in his resident in Khartoum in January, 2008, few months before the SPLM Convention. He told us that “the Nuer should join the SPLM party because a Nuer man will one day take the leadership of the party when the Dinka are exposed to all tribes of South Sudan as bad people”. Riek told us that “all the tribes of South Sudan have begun to learn that the Dinka are bad people who love only themselves”. He continued saying that “the Nuer will take the SPLM leadership in the long run because all the tribes will unite against the Dinka based on the way they mistreat other tribes under Salva Kiir”.
Riek Machar believes that he can take the SPLM leadership from Salva Kiir on assumption that the Equatorians and other minorities in the South would support him because of “hatred against the Dinka”. He might be shocked by now to discover that in fact Salva Kiir is more popular than him in Greater Equatoria. According to the poll conducted by the NDI in August this year, Salva Kiir is still commanding 70% support from all the people of South Sudan Nuer included.
The South Sudan veteran politician, D.K. Mathews, said in 1995 that “all unmarked Nuer boys in the world will learn except Riek Machar”. The prophetic words of D.K. Mathews are true today because Riek Machar has not learned from the past and he will never learn anything. He doesn’t know that the people of South Sudan still remember his coup of 1991 and his apology of 2011 for massacring Dinka Bor. Unless he is insulting the intelligence of the members of the SPLM, there is no way members of the SPLM can vote for him in the Convention to become the chairman of the SPLM that he attempted to destroy in 1991. He himself said in 1994 that he “he would return to the SPLM/A over his dead body” (read the book of Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba, The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan: An Insider View).
I want the people of South Sudan to tell me how somebody who preferred to die rather than returning to the SPLM could really work for the welfare of the SPLM party if he becomes its chairman. I want to know whether Lucifer would really work for the Kingdom of God if he becomes the CEO in heaven. These questions are pertinent because Riek Mahar, who tried everything to destroy the SPLM in 1990s, could not feel ashamed to think that he would be elected as its chairman. I want to know the position of Rebecca Nyandeng Garang on this because when Riek Machar was fighting John Garang in 1990s, the one who stood firmly defending Chairman Garang was nobody other than Salva Kiir Mayardit. If historical records are important to inform us, we need intellectual inquiry into the claims made by Riek Machar that he is even fit to become the chairman of the party.
I laughed for five hours when I read the statement of Riek Machar requesting Cde Salva Kiir to “resign from the SPLM”. How could a returnee to the SPLM ask the defender of the Movement to resign? In 1995, Riek Machar changed the name of the SPLM/A-United to SSIM and told everybody that “the name SPLM/A is an insult to the people of South Sudan”.
We need to be honest to ourselves we the people of South Sudan. The SPLM/A brought the independence of South Sudan unlike SSIM of Riek Machar. It is a fact that Riek Machar’s Khartoum Peace Agreement did not lead to our independence. But the Machakos Protocol signed by Salva Kiir in 2003 brought our independence.  It would be a complete intellectual dishonesty to deny this fundamental truth. The people of South Sudan must advise Riek Machar to form his SSIM again to run in 2015 election because he disowned the name “SPLM” in 1995 when he changed the name of his Movement to SSIM.
It is really funny that he could request Salva Kiir to leave the SPLM that he defended when Riek Machar joined forces with Omer Bashir to destroy the SPLM Movement. Is it not a joke, comrades, that a man who attempted to kill the SPLM/A is now claiming to hijack it?  Jesus Christ warned his followers in the Bible to be aware of false prophets who would come claiming to be representatives of Christ. Members of the SPLM too must be careful when Riek Machar claims to be a member of the SPLM.
It is 100% true that Riek Machar is working very hard to return the South to 1991 as he is now demonstrating. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to realize that Riek Machar wants to create a political crisis to ignite a war between Nuer and Dinka.
But the Nuer refuse to listen to him particlularly the Nuer in the army. When he was removed on July, 23rd, Riek Machar secretly met with some Nuer army officers in Juba and discussed the possibility of war with Dinka. All the Nuer officers who attended the meeting refused his call for war. After few days, he went to the media pretending that he didn’t want war. The truth is that the Nuer rejeceted his call for war.
My advice to Equatorians is that you should distant yourselves from warmongering politics of Riek Machar. We the Nuer know how to handle him. I can swear before the people of South Sudan that we the Nuer will arrest Riek Machar if he attempts to start another war like in 1991 because of power.
The Nuer are tired of Riek Machar causing wars every ten years in South Sudan. He wants to call a press conference next week to “dismiss Salva Kiir from the SPLM” hoping that the Nuer will support him to start a war. But I will arrest him myself if he attempts to ignite a tribal war in our country.
Riek Machar is not a nationalist but a Nuer prophet who thinks that Ngundeng’s rod will take him to power. We all know him very well as a tribal warlord who apologized in 2011 for massacring people. What change will he bring to South Sudan?
There is no change Riek Machar will introduce except the slogan he is now preaching that “it is a Nuer’s turn to eat”. The Equatorians, Shilluks, Dinkas and other minorities will be treated as second class citizens if Riek Machar happens to take power by force as he is looking for. The man thinks that he is a tribal messiah who is promised by Nuer prophet to lead the South for life. He has no agenda for the people of South Sudan.
Riek Machar does not believe that an Equatorian can become the president of South Sudan. If he is really for change, let him follow another Equatorian politician instead to declare himself as Nuer Imam whose followers are Ansars. When he talks about change, he is saying that he should be the president, not another person. If an Equatorian wants to become the president of South Sudan, the first person who will oppose that is Riek Machar because he only believes in himself to bring change to fulfill Ngundeng’s prophecies.
Riek Machar is not a democrat but a vicar of Ngundeng who thinks that he is ordained by the Nuer prophet to rule the South for life. He is not somebody who can support an Equatorian to become the president. He thinks that he is a Nuer messiah for the rest of the people.
Let me advise those calling for the illegal removal of our elected president to stop doing that because it is a crime calling for the overthrow of a democratic president. The definition of the crime of treason includes mobilizing people to overthrow an elected president. Such a call in the discussion forum is not protected by the freedom of speech doctrine enshrined in the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan. No one has a freedom to mobilize people to overthrow Salva Kiir. That is not a freedom of speech and expression but a crime of treason punishable by death.
You can criticize President Kiir within the parameters of freedom of speech and expression. But when you call for his removal via illegal means, then, you are committing a crime of treason. Unless one is saying that President Kiir should be removed via election, a call to take up arms against a democratically elected President is not a freedom of speech— it is a treason punishable by death.
David Yau Yau can call for President Kiir to be toppled because he is a rebel. But when he signs peace with the government, he will be granted amnesty to protect him from criminal prosecution. The amnesty granted by President Kiir in April does not protect supporters of Riek Machar from criminal prosecution if they commit a crime of treason by mobilizing people for war.
The supporters of Riek Machar need to know that their Imam has not declared himself as a rebel. Any call to overthrow the government of South Sudan via illegal means is punishable in the court of law. My advice to Ansars of Riek Machar is that they need to know the line that separates legitimate criticism and treason. Amnesty of April, 2013 was granted to South Sudan rebels like SSLA, Gordon Koang’s group, Ayuok Ogot’s group and David Yau Yau’s group.
Riek Machar’s Ansars calling for war are not immune from criminal prosecution because what they are actually doing is a crime, NOT a freedom of speech. The Ansars of Riek Machar should stop calling for war to overthrow the government in this forum because it is a crime of treason punishable by death as stated in South Sudan Penal Code.
You need to differentiate SPLM internal politics from a crime of treason. Riek Machar’s Ansars who mobilized people to overthrow the government of President Kiir violently are committing a crime of treason punishable by death via either lethal injection or firing-squad.
There are people in the Diaspora who engage themselves in mobilizing and calling for the Ansars of Riek Machar to overthrow the government. Those individuals must be advised that what they are doing is a criminal act punishable by death. People need to understand the limits of free speech. If you call for the removal of President Kiir via a revolution or a tribal uprising, that is a crime of treason publishable by death.
There will be a time when South Sudan police and the Ministry of Justice will prosecute in the criminal court Riek Machar’s Ansars who are now calling for the government to be toppled. Internal politics of the SPLM or political differences between Riek and Salva Kiir, don’t give Riek’s Ansars a right to commit a crime of treason to mobilize people for war.
Riek Machar’s Ansars need to respect the laws of South Sudan and acquaint themselves with South Sudan Penal Code which clearly states that calling for the overthrow of the government is a treason punishable by death. Riek Machar himself must advise his supporters to respect laws of South Sudan if he doesn’t want to go to jail.
If Riek Machar thinks that his supporters should mobilize for war to topple the government, he himself will face criminal charges for aiding and abetting a rebellion in South Sudan. I discovered that Riek Machar is engaged in mobilizing his supporters in USA to talk to their relatives in the army to start a tribal war in South Sudan. If that evidence is produced before a criminal court, Riek Machar will be in legal trouble.

Why Gordon Buay Malek be best Juba ambassador to Washington DC?

Posted: September 24, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in GORDON BUAY MALEK

By Davud Aoloch Bion

A week ago,  President Salva Kiir has appointed  Gordon Buay Malek as an ambassador in South Sudan  Ministry of Foreign . Was this good decision or evil one ?  Indeed, it was good decision because, Mr Buay is enthusiastic man who discharges   his state assigned duties in black and white philosophy  which is lynchpin   of modern politics.

South Sudan is the only country who have ambassadors who are either worst or ignorant of their duties or both in the World.  Why South Sudan is is the only country that have ambassadors who are worst or ignorant of the duties or both?

The first duty of any ambassador is being spokesperson of his Government in the country she /he is representing his country in . if there is any political development back home , it is the duty of the ambassador to explain to the foreign government

Thus , when fighting broke out on December 15, 2013 in Juba , there was no any single ambassador of South Sudan , who speaks to BBC Word Service to explain what happened . If South Sudan ambassadors knew their first duty  as the spokespersons of their Government they would have called the media and addressed then .

Specially, the South Sudan ambassadors to Washington  and London would have explained what happened on  December 15  to the superpowers , the United States of America and United Kingdom  No ambassador acted as the spokesperson of the Government therefore, they are the worst or ignorant of their duties .or both .

In International relations , there are five   instruments use in foreign policy , these include , diplomacy, sanctions , propaganda , use of forces and economic power  .  Gordon Buay is good in propaganda. this make him  the right man for job  to Washington DC

Buay will do enough to explain the negative motives of the SPLM/A O  to the Western World. He explain better the intention to disintegrate South Sudan through of series of annexation by the Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya as the plan B of Rebells.


Posted: August 1, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in GORDON BUAY MALEK, Press Release

For Immediate Release

August, 1st, 2013

The Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs, Gen. Kuol Manyang Juuk, introduced new weapons to the SPLA army to defend peace and the constitution. After Martyrs Day celebration on July, 30, the Minister of Defense unveiled new weapons to consolidate peace in South Sudan. Since the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities on January, 23rd with renegade Riek Machar, the rebels have been repeatedly violating the agreement. On July 20 and 21, the rebels attacked Nasir and Ayod respectively in violation of the CoH signed in Addis Ababa. The international community, including the UN Secretary General, condemned the rebels for violating the CoH and advised the government of South Sudan to protect the civilians from anti-peace elements.

On July, 31st, the Minister of Defense introduced new Kalashnikov rifle known as AK-103 which is a rocket launcher. AK-103 is different from AK-47 the SPLA forces used before because it doubles as a rocket launcher. The SPLA forces in Nasir, Ulang, Maiwut, Longichuk and Malakal are the first to receive it. The rest of the SPLA forces will receive it in a week.
The Minister of Defense also unveiled amphibious tanks to handle the Sudd and swampy areas of Greater Upper Nile Region. Since most areas of the Greater Upper Region have no roads, the ideal tank for South Sudan is Amphibious Attack Vehicles (AAVs) that can be used in the land and water. Each Amphibious tank carries twenty soldiers and it can travel for 200 miles without refueling. Given the impassibility of South Sudan, the amphibious tank is the best weapon to defend peace and to protect the civilians from the anti-peace elements who don’t want to respect the Cessation of Hostilities.

The SPLA forces in Nasir received three amphibious tanks; the SPLA forces in Ayod obtained two while the SPLA forces in Unity State are equipped with five to protect oil installations from the rebels who do not observe CoH.

As Gen. Kuol Manyang said, the introduction of AK-103 rocket launcher and amphibious tanks is to consolidate peace in South Sudan. The SPLA army was ordered by the Commander in chief to observe the CoH and the only thing the SPLA is obliged to do is to defend themselves when attacked. As witnessed by the IGAD’s Verification and Monitoring Team, the rebels of Riek Machar are responsible for the violations of the CoH. Since the signing of CoH on January, 23rd, 2014, the SPLA army has never violated the agreement. The IGAD confirmed that the SPLA strictly observed it. The SPLA has been defending itself from the rebels who made it clear that they are not bound by any agreement.

For Contact:

Gen. Gordon Buay
Member of Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
Washington, D.C.


Posted: July 26, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in GORDON BUAY MALEK, Press Release

For Immediate Release
July, 24, 2014
The Constitutional army of the Republic of South Sudan, the SPLA, sent a reinforcement to Nasir after the rebels of warlord Riek Machar violated the Cessation of Hostilities signed in Addis Ababa on January, 23rd, 2014. The international community was shocked on July, 20, when the rebels of Riek Machar attacked Nasir town while the IGAD forces were being deployed to eight points as agreed by the Government and the rebels in Addis Ababa on May, 9 and June, 10 agreements.
The SPLA Chief of General Staff, Gen. Paul Malong Awan and the Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. James Ajongo Mawut, flew to Malakal on Wednesday to oversee the deployment of new forces to Nasir. Before their departure for Nasir, Gen. Paul Malong Awan explained to the SPLA forces that their job in Nasir is self-defense and urged them to respect the Cessation of Hostilities signed between the Government and the rebels in Addis Ababa. Gen. Malong seriously advised them to only exercise the right of self-defense if under attack from the rebels and no SPLA force should launch any offensive against the rebels as per the agreements signed in Addis Ababa to cease all the hostilities.
After finishing the briefing from the Chief of General Staff, 1,200 SPLA forces were transported to Nasir on Thursday by three cargo planes, four transport helicopters and one helicopter gunship. The new SPLA forces were warmly welcomed by the Chiefs loyal to the Government. The Paramount Chief of Nasir County congratulated the commander of SPLA forces in Nasir, Brig. Gen. Peter Wiyual Khor for treating well the civilians.
For Contact:
Gen. Gordon Buay
Member of the Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
Juba, South Sudan


For Immediate Release
July, 26, 2014

The SPLA Chief of General Staff, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, flew to Nasir on Friday to boost the morale of the SPLA soldiers. The SPLA soldiers danced and sang the songs of the liberation struggle when Gen. Malong stepped out of helicopter. Gen. Malong himself started singing the song of Tiger Battalion in Nuer language saying “Nasir shall be liberated”. The song was composed in Nuer language by late Captain Tut of Tiger Battalion in 1983. Unfortunately, Captain Tut was killed by the forces of Riek Machar in Nasir in 1992 because he was protecting Muolana Manyuon and Commander Kim Aluong from being killed after Riek Machar gave orders for their executions.

Gen. Paul Malong and the Deputy Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. James Ajongo Mawut, flew to Malakal on Saturday morning after spending the night in Nasir town with SPLA forces. The Chief of Staff met with all the SPLA officers to sensitize them about the Cessation of Hostilities signed on January, 23rd. Gen. Paul Malong Awan explained to the SPLA forces that their job in Nasir is self-defense and urged them to respect the Cessation of Hostilities signed between the Government and the rebels in Addis Ababa. Gen. Malong seriously advised them to only exercise the right of self-defense if under attack from the rebels and no SPLA force should launch any offensive against the rebels as per the agreements signed in Addis Ababa to cease all the hostilities.

The Constitutional army of the Republic of South Sudan, the SPLA, sent a reinforcement to Nasir after the rebels of warlord Riek Machar violated the Cessation of Hostilities signed in Addis Ababa on January, 23rd, 2014. The international community was shocked on July, 20, when the rebels of Riek Machar attacked Nasir town while the IGAD forces were being deployed to eight points as agreed by the Government and the rebels in Addis Ababa on May, 9 and June, 10 agreements.

For Contact:
Gen. Gordon Buay
Member of the Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
Juba, South Sudan


Posted: July 22, 2014 by PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd. in GORDON BUAY MALEK, Press Release


For Immediate Release

July, 22/7/2014

The rebels of Riek Machar once again violated the Cessation of Hostilities and attacked Ayod town at 8:30 AM. The attackers were White Army commanded by renegade Duop Lam, former Minister of Law Enforcement in Jonglei State from 2009 to December, 15, 2013.

The SPLA forces repulsed the attack within one hour and inflicted heavy casualties on the marauding White Army. The SPLA forces, after conducting searches, found 64 dead bodies of the rebels most of whom are young boys below the ages of 18.

As it is now obvious that Riek Machar’s rebel-terrorists declared war against the government in a blatant violation of the Cessation of Hostilities signed in Addis Ababa, we request the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to dismiss Riek Machar from Ethiopia. The purpose Ethiopia hosts Riek Machar in hotel in Addis Ababa is to facilitate negotiations between the Government and the rebels. But since Riek Machar is not interested in peace, the Ethiopian Government must dismiss him from Addis Ababa.

It came to our attention that the wounded combatants of Riek Machar are being treated in Gambella, Ethiopia. After the SPLA defeated the rebels in Nasir on Sunday, the wounded rebels found their way to Gambella town. More than 54 wounded rebels are being treated in Gambella right now.

The Government of South Sudan is appealing to Ethiopian Government to ensure that wounded rebels are not treated in their territory. The Government of South Sudan signed border security agreement with the Government of Gambella region in 2011 so that no rebel is allowed to destabilize the border. The Government of South Sudan has so far deported 25 Ethiopian rebels to Addis Ababa to ensure that Ethiopian rebels do not use South Sudan territory to destabilize Ethiopia. Therefore, Ethiopian Government must implement the agreement by preventing wounded rebels to have access to hospitals in Ethiopia, particularly Gambella region.

For Contact:
Gen. Gordon Buay
Member of Other Armed Groups Integration Committee
Juba, South Sudan

SPLA Completed Mopping-up Operation Near Nasir Town

For Immediate Release

July, 21, 2014

Gordon Buay with President Kiir, December 2010, in Canada

Gordon Buay with President Kiir, December 2010, in Canada

The SPLA forces launched a mopping-up operation on Monday morning by attacking the rebel-terrorists who assembled at Ketbek (2 km from Nasir town). After they were chased out of Nasir on Sunday, the rebels moved to Ketbek hoping to attack the town again. However, the SPLA Mechanized Platoon, supported by two helicopter gunships, attacked the rebels at 9 am and flushed them out of Ketbek. The SPLA inflicted heavy casualties and captured 10 PKM rifles, two 12.5, and 20 AK-47s. The SPLA forces counted 75 dead bodies of rebels at Ketbek.

The Government of South Sudan is very saddened for the loss of young kids deceived by Riek Machar to fight the SPLA forces that are equipped with tanks and helicopter gunships. The fighting in Nasir is the most deadly one since Riek Machar declared himself as a rebel leader last year to topple a democratically elected Government. Within two days of fighting in Nasir, the White Army lost over 1,300 kids who should have been in school. This is a great loss to the Nuer in particular and the people of South Sudan in general. Most of the White Army who are now dying are between the ages of 14 and 18. These kids are the future of South Sudan but Riek Machar is killing them for his own parochial political ambition.

The Government of South Sudan is appealing to Jikany Nuer to save their children from Riek Machar. The number of the White Army killed in Nasir within two days is seven times greater than the number killed in Malakal fighting from December, 2013 to May, 2014. The commander of SPLA forces in Nasir shed tears when he saw the dead bodies of 14 years old kids who are supposed to be in school.

Riek Machar is an evil incarnate who wants to finish the Nuer younger generation. The Nuer intellectuals, elders and chiefs need to sit down to save their tribe from somebody like Riek Machar. The people of South Sudan are mourning the deaths of young Nuer kids deceived by the vicar of Ngundeng. What Riek Machar is doing to Nuer is a crime against humanity.

As a Government, we are appealing to Nuer to save their community from Riek Machar. The death toll of the White Army in Nasir from July, 20—21 is unfathomable and peace-loving South Sudanese are crying why Riek Machar is killing Nuer kids because of a political power. The Nuer must stop Riek Machar from killing their kids. Stopping Riek Machar is a collective effort of the Nuer to save their community.

For contact:
Gen. Gordon Buay
Member of the Other Armed Groups Integration Committee